mixing the pollen of one flowering plant with another to create a hybrid

listen to the pronunciation of mixing the pollen of one flowering plant with another to create a hybrid
İngilizce - Türkçe

mixing the pollen of one flowering plant with another to create a hybrid teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

cross pollination
çapraz tozlaşma
cross pollination
ayrı cinsten olan çiçekleri çiftleştirme,çapraz to
İngilizce - İngilizce
cross pollination
mixing the pollen of one flowering plant with another to create a hybrid


    mix·ing the pol·len of one flow·er·ing plant with an·oth·er to cre·ate a hy·brid

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    mîksîng dhi pälın ıv hwʌn flauırîng plänt wîdh ınʌdhır tı krieyt ı haybrıd


    /ˈməksəɴɢ ᴛʜē ˈpälən əv ˈhwən ˈflouərəɴɢ ˈplant wəᴛʜ əˈnəᴛʜər tə krēˈāt ə ˈhībrəd/ /ˈmɪksɪŋ ðiː ˈpɑːlən əv ˈhwʌn ˈflaʊɜrɪŋ ˈplænt wɪð əˈnʌðɜr tə kriːˈeɪt ə ˈhaɪbrəd/