mit anderen worten ausdrückend

listen to the pronunciation of mit anderen worten ausdrückend
Almanca - İngilizce
Borrowing an idea from another source and putting into your own words
A learning strategy that involves the learner taking information from reading or listening and rephrasing the information, in his or her own words, in a way that personalizes the information and facilitates understanding and remembering
present participle of paraphrase
Rewriting or expressing text in a different way (remember the idea still belongs to someone else)
restating in your own words what another has said
To rephrase a statement in order to obtain clarity
A process that involves taking information from reading or listening and rephrasing the information in one's own words in a way that personalizes the information and can facilitate one's ability to understand and remember
A concise response to the caller that reflects the essence of what the caller has said, in the consultant’s words It is a summary of the caller’s content with a focus on the key points