
listen to the pronunciation of mine
İngilizce - Türkçe

Mayınlar olduğu için nevigasyon zordu. - Navigation was difficult because there were mines.

Tom bir kara mayını tarafından öldürüldü. - Tom was killed by a land mine.


Senin planın benimkinden daha iyi görünüyor. - Your plan seems better than mine.

Onun evi benimkinin çevresindedir. - Her house is in the neighborhood of mine.


Yanımda her zaman bir şişe maden suyu taşırım. - I always carry a bottle of mineral water with me.

Bir kömür madeninde yıllarca çalışmaktan hastanın akciğer dokusu hasar gördü. - The patient's lung tissue was damaged from years of working in a coal mine.

{f} kazmak
{f} kazıp çıkarmak
{i} ask. mayın
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) MAYIN (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Kara, Deniz ve Hava araçlarını imha etmek veya hasara uğratmak; personeli yaralamak, öldürmek veya başka bir şekilde iş göremez hale getirmek maksadıyla hazırlanmış ve normal olarak, bir kap içine yerleştirilmiş infilak maddesi veya diğer malzeme. Mayın; cisim veya şahsın üzerinde yaptığı etkiyle, zamanla veya kontrollü vasıtalarla, kendiliğinden patlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "antipersonnel mine (land mine warfare) ", "Chemical mine (land mine warfare) ", "inertmine (land mine warfare) ", "oscillating type mine (land mine warfare) ", "phony mine (land mine warfare) ", "practice mine (land mine warfare)"
maden ocağını işletmek
maden ocağı
mayın döşemek
{f} çıkar

Avustralya'da her gün bir milyon tonun üzerinde kömür çıkarılıyor. - More than one million tons of coal are mined each day in Australia.

Çin'de her gün yaklaşık on milyon ton kömür çıkartılır. - About ten million tons of coal are mined every day in China.

(maden/vb.) çıkarmak
(Sanat) Metal eşya üzerine vurulan renkli cam katmanı
(Sanat) Dişlerin taç kısmını kaplayan beyaz ve sert doku
(Sanat) İnce ve parlak nakış
(Sanat) Saat kadranı: "Hurdalanmış mineleri çatlayıp akrep ve yelkovanları kopmuş."- R. H. Karay
{f} maden çıkar
{f} maden işletmek

Madencilik ile ilgili olan Minecraft adlı bir oyun var. - There’s a game called Minecraft that is about mining.

{f} yeraltında (lağım/yol) kazmak
kazıp çıkarmak yeraltı
{f} tünel kazmak
{i} torpil
sabit torpil
mine detector mayın detektörü
{i} memba
{f} mad. kazıp çıkarmak

Masadaki hesap makinesi benim. - The calculator on the table is mine.

Onun bisikleti benimkinden daha iyi. - Her bike is better than mine.

{f} sinsice bozmak
x mayın döşe/maden çıkar
{z} benim; benimki: It's mine. O benim./Benim
(Askeri) MAYIN: 1. Kara mayın harbinde, yer araçları, gemiler, veya hava araçlarını tahrip etmek yada hasar vermek veya personeli yaralamak, öldürmek veya diğer şekillerde tesirsiz kılmak için tasarlanan, normal olarak koruyucu bir kaplama malzeme içinde bulunan, bir patlayıcı veya diğer tür bir malzeme. Kurbanının faaliyeti, zaman geçmesi, veya kontrol araçları ile patlatılabilir. Bak. "mine (land mine warfare) ". 2. Deniz mayın harbinde, gemilere hasar verme yada batırma niyeti ile veya bir giriş bölgesine gemilerin yaklaşmasını önlemek amacıyla denize dökülen bir patlayıcı aygıt. Terim gemilerin veya liman tesislerinin altlarına, dalgıçlar tarafından iliştirilen aygıtları ve yerleştirilmesinden belirli bir süre sonra patlayacağı tahmin edilen aygıtları içermez
{f} araştırıp bulmak
bana ait
(Askeri) mayın dökmek
(Madencilik) maden çıkartmak
maden çıkarmak

Bölge maden kaynakları açısından oldukça zengindir. - The region is relatively rich in mineral resources.

Meyve ve sebzeler vitamin, mineral ve lif için iyi bir kaynaktır. - Fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fibre.

çıkarmak (maden)
{i} madenci

Uzun bir tartışmadan sonra kömür madenleri kapatıldı ve kalan madenciler işten çıkarıldılar. - After a long dispute the coal mines closed and the remaining miners were paid off.

Madenciler dövüşmek istemiyordu. - The miners did not want to fight.

mine coal
(Madencilik) kömür çıkarmak
mine defence
(Askeri) mayınla savunma
mine density
(Askeri) mayın yoğunluğu
mine dog
(Askeri) mayın köpeği
mine equipment
(Madencilik) maden ocağı donanımı
mine expert
mine gas
(Madencilik) metan
mine haulage
(Madencilik) maden ocağında taşıma
mine hunter
(Askeri) mayın avlama
mine hunting
(Askeri) mayın avlama
mine igniter
(Askeri) mayın fünyesi
mine layer
(Askeri) mayın dökme
mine layer
(Askeri) mayın dökme gemisi
mine laying
(Askeri) mayın dökme
mine laying
(Askeri) mayın döşeme
mine planter
(Askeri) mayın gemisi
mine plough
(Askeri) mayın temizleme pulluğu
mine plough
(Askeri) mayın pulluğu
mine prop
(Madencilik) ocak direği
mine scatter
(Askeri) mayın serici
mine scatter
(Askeri) mayın döşeyici
mine scatter
(Askeri) mayın saçıcı
mine search
maden araştırması
mine search
(Askeri) maden arama
mine site
maden sahası
mine timber
(Madencilik) ocak direği
mine timber
(Madencilik) maden direği
mine car
ocak arabası
mine crater
mayın çukuru
mine detector
mayın detektörü
mine disposal
mayını zararsız hale getirme
mine dragging
mayın tarama
mine fire
ocak yangını
mine foreman
mine hoist
ocak vinci
mine layer
mayın gemisi
mine locomotive
maden lokomotifi
mine shaft
maden kuyusu
mine sweeper
mayın temizleyici
mine sweeping
mayın tarama
mine 2
benim 2
mine air
ocak havası
mine disaster
maden felaketi
mine explosion
mayın patlaması
mine lamp
Mayın lamba
mine layer
mine tabakası
mine pole
maden direği
mine run
tuvanön, işlenmemiş toz
mine sweeping robot
mayın tarama robotu
mine action
(Askeri) tavik tesiri
mine action
(Askeri) mayın tesiri
mine action
(Askeri) MAYIN TESİRİ, TAVİK TESİRİ (İS.): Bir top mermisinin zemin altında infilak ettirilmesi
mine adit
ocak giriş galerisi
mine buoy
(Askeri) mayın şamandırası
mine buoy
(Askeri) MAYIN ŞAMANDIRASI: Bir sualtı mayınını veya sualtı mayın tarlasını göstermek üzere, suda bir yere demirlenmiş yüzücü şamandıra veya cisim
mine cable
(Askeri) MAYIN KABLOSU: Selektör kutusunu mayına bağlayan kablo
mine cable
(Askeri) mayın kablosu
mine case
(Askeri) MAYIN KABI: Bir mayın mekanizmasını ve paralama hakkını ihtiva eden dış madeni gövde
mine case
(Askeri) mayın kabı
mine casemate
(Askeri) kontrollü mayın kazamatı
mine casemate
(Askeri) KONTROLLÜ MAYIN KAZAMATI: Ordu tipi kontrollü mayınların kontrol malzemesini muhafaza etmeye yarayan yapı. Ayrıca bakınız: "casemate"
mine clearance
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) MAYIN TEMİZLEME (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Kara mayınlarını elle veya mekanik vasıtalarla tespit etme ve kaldırma işlemi
mine clearing
mayın temizleme
mine control system
(Askeri) MAYIN ATEŞLEME SİSTEMİ: Bak. . "submarine mine control system"
mine countermeasures
(Askeri) MAYIN KARŞI TEDBİRLERİ: Mayınlardan gelecek hasar veya tehlikenin önlenmesi veya azaltılması için kullanılan tüm metodlar
mine countermeasures operations
(Askeri) mayın karşı önlem harekatları
mine dedector
mayın dedektörü
mine defense
(Askeri) MAYINLA SAVUNMA: Bir mevzi, bölge v. s. nin kara veya sualtı mayınları ile savunulması. Mayınla savunma sistemi; mayınların yerleştirilmesi, faaliyete geçirilmesi, bakımı ve döşenmiş bir mayın tarlasının himayesi için gerekli personel ve teçhizatı ihtiva eder
mine defense system
(Askeri) MAYINLA SAVUNMA SİSTEMİ: Bak. "mine defense"
mine density
(Askeri) MAYIN YOĞUNLUĞU: Bak. "density (landmine warfare) "
mine detector
mayın dedektörü
mine detector
(Askeri) MAYIN DETEKTÖRÜ: Mayınların yerlerini tespitte kullanılan, elektrikli veya mıknatıslı cihazlar
mine disposal
(Askeri) MAYINI ZARARSIZ HALE GETİRME: Mayınların uygun nitelikli personel tarafından güvenli hale getirilmesi, etkisiz kılınması, çıkarılması, taşınması veya tahrip edilmesi işlemi
mine disposal
(Askeri) mayın imhası
mine disposal
(Askeri) mayın tahrip
mine dragging
(Askeri) MAYIN TARAMA: Denizi taramak suretiyle, bir sahanın su altı mayınlarından temizlenmesi
mine dump
(Askeri) mayın yığını
mine dump
(Askeri) mayın istifi
mine hunter
mayın tarama gemisi
mine hunting
(Askeri) MAYIN AVLAMA (ARAŞTIRMA): Münferit mayınların yerini tespit etmek ve toplamak amacıyla, gemiler, hava ile ilgili teçhizat ve/veya dalgıç kullanma işlemi
mine layer
(Askeri) MAYIN GEMİSİ: Genel olarak, liman Savunma birliği tarafından işletilen ve mayın dökmek, limanlara çelik ağ germek ve benzeri savunma işlerini yapmakta kullanılan tekne. Buna eskiden "mine planter" denirdi
mine neutralization system (USN); mission needs statement
(Askeri) mayın imha sistemi (Birleşik Devletler Deniz Kuvvetleri (USN)); görev ihtiyaç beyannamesi
mine of information
ayaklı kütüphane
mine planter
(Askeri) MAYIN GEMİSİ: Bak. "mine layer"
mine road block
(Askeri) MAYINLA YOL KAPAMASI: Bir yolun, genişliğine yerleştirilmiş mayınlar vasıtasıyla, düşman araçlarının geçişine kapatılması
mine row
(Askeri) mayın sırası
mine row
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) MAYIN SIRASI (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Genel olarak, düz bir hat halinde döşenmiş mayınlar veya mayın demetlerinden bir sıra. Ayrıca bakınız: "mine strip (land mine warfare) "
mine run
(Madencilik) tuvanön
mine run
(Madencilik) işlenmemiş töz
mine spotting
(Askeri) MAYIN BELİRLEME: Deniz mayın harbinde, bir mayın veya mayın tarlasını gözetleme işlemi
mine strip
(Askeri) MAYIN KUŞAĞI: Kara mayın harbinde, birbirinden altı metre veya altı adım farkla, aynı zamanda döşenmiş paralel iki mayın sırası. Ayrıca bakınız: "mine row (land mine warfare) "
mine strip
(Askeri) mayın kuşağı
mine strip
(Askeri) mayın şeridi
mine sweeper
(Askeri) MAYIN PATLAMA SİLİNDİRİ: Mayınları infilak suretiyle tahrip için, bir tankın önünde itilen ağır yol silindiri
mine sweeping
(Askeri) MAYIN TARAMA: Mayınları fiilen toplayan veya tahrip eden ya da bölgedeki mayınları harekete geçirecek tesir sahaları meydana çıkaracak mekanik cihaz veya infilak tertibatından faydalanarak, mayın arama ve temizleme tekniği
mine thrower
(Askeri) mayın atar
mine thrower
(Askeri) MAYIN ATAR: İçinde yüksek süratli infilak maddesi bulunan mayınları atan küçük havan veya diğer bir cihaz. Bu cihaz, halen kullanılmaktadır
mine warfare
(Askeri) mayın harbi
mine warfare
(Askeri) MAYIN HARBİ: Mayınların ve mayınlardan korunma tedbirlerinin stratejik ve taktik alanlarda kullanılması
mine warfare chart
(Askeri) (NAVAL) MAYIN HARBİ PLANI (KROKİ) - (DENİZ): Mevcut standart deniz şemalarına veya kendine has vasıflara dayanarak, mayın harbi harekatını planlamak ve icra etmek için tasarlanmış 1: 50.000 veya daha büyük (tercihen 1: 25.000) veya daha büyük) ölçekli özel bir plan (kroki de olabilir) (Not: NATO " (Deniz) " niteleyicisini kullanmamaktır.)
mine warfare forces
(Askeri) (NAVAL) MAYIN HARBİ KUVVETLERİ (DENİZ): Deniz mayınları ve mayınlardan korunma tedbirlerinin stratejik ve taktik alanlarda kullanılması ile görevli deniz kuvvetleri. Bu kuvvetler: mayınların dökülmesi ve temizlenmesi ile ilgili faaliyetler sırasında taarruzi ve telafi tedbirleri alabilirler
mine warfare group
(Askeri) MAYIN HARBİ GRUBU: Deniz harekatlarında, mayın döken ve/veya mayınlardan korunma tedbirleri alan, mayın harbi birliklerinden bir görev teşkilatı
mine watching
(Askeri) MAYIN GÖZETLEMESİ: Deniz mayın harbinde, dökülen mayınların yerlerini araştıran, bulan ve cinslerini tespit eden bir mayından korunma tedbiri
mine weapons
(Askeri) mayın silahları
mine weapons
(Askeri) MAYIN SİLAHLARI: Mayın harbinde kullanılabilecek tüm silahların belirtilmesinde kullanılan genel bir terim
(İnşaat) benim N
{f} çıkar: prep.çıkararak

Çöktüğü zaman madencilik yapıyorlardı. - They were mining when it collapsed.

Madencilik ile ilgili olan Minecraft adlı bir oyun var. - There’s a game called Minecraft that is about mining.

mayın döşeme
{z} benim. ünlem O, ...! (Hayret belirtmek için kullanılır.): My, my, how nice you look! O, bu ne güzellik böyle!
of mine

Onun evi benimkinin çevresindedir. - Her house is in the neighborhood of mine.

O benim bir arkadaşım. - She is a friend of mine.

vay be!
million years
Aman! Olur şey değil Hayret!
vay canına!
vay be
accept mine
(Bilgisayar) benimkini benimse
actuated mine
(Askeri) faaliyete geçirilmiş mayın
antenna mine
(Askeri) antenli mayın
antitank mine
(Askeri) tanksavar mayını
dispose of the mine
mayın temizlemek
lay mine
mayın döşemek

Ordu, madencileri uzaklaştırmak için asker gönderdi. - The army sent soldiers to remove the miners.

Uzun bir tartışmadan sonra kömür madenleri kapatıldı ve kalan madenciler işten çıkarıldılar. - After a long dispute the coal mines closed and the remaining miners were paid off.

(Bilgisayar) mayın

Mayın tarayıcının amacı, mayınları patlatmadan mayın tarlasını temizlemektir. - The objective of Minesweeper is to clear the minefield without detonating the mines.

Mayınlar olduğu için nevigasyon zordu. - Navigation was difficult because there were mines.

(Madencilik) madenden çıkararak
(Ticaret) maden işletmeciliği
(Askeri) mayınlama
practice mine
(Askeri) eğitim mayını
remove the mine
mayın temizlemek
salt mine
kayatuzu çıkarılan tuzla
submarine mine
(Askeri) denizaltı mayını
tank mine
(Askeri) tanksavar mayını
this is mine
bu benim
acoustic mine
akustik mayın
aerial mine
hava mayını
antitank mine
tanksavar mayın
coal mine
kömür madeni

Yüzün siyah. Bir kömür madeninden mi geldin? - Your face is black. Did you come from a coal mine?

Tom ve Mary çocukken bir kömür madeninde çalıştı. - Tom and Mary worked in a coal mine as children.

contact mine
müsademeli mayın
copper mine
bakır madeni
gassy mine
grizulu ocak
gold mine
altın madeni

O bir altın madeninin üzerinde oturuyor. - She's sitting on a gold mine.

O iş bir altın madeniydi. - That business was a gold mine.

ice mine
buz mayını
inert mine
etkisiz mayın
land mine
kara mayını
lignite mine
linyit madeni
magnetic mine
manyetik mayın
{f} çıkar

Sanırım bu bölgedeki bütün altınları kazıp çıkardık. - I think we have mined all the gold in this area.

Avustralya'da her gün bir milyon tonun üzerinde kömür çıkarılıyor. - More than one million tons of coal are mined each day in Australia.

mayın döşeyen asker
maden işçisi
sappers and miners askeri mühendisler
{f} çıkar
salt mine
tuz madeni
silver mine
gümüş madeni
submarine mine
sualtı mayını
tank mine
tank mayını
Your guess is as good as mine
Aslında ikimiz de bir şey bilmiyoruz
acid mine drainage
asit maden drenajı
acid mine wastewater
asit maden atıksuyu
acid mine water
asit maden suyu
as a coal mine
kömür madeni olarak
its mine.
onun benim
just mine
sadece benim
madenden çıkarılan
maden çıkarma
open cast mine
Açık döküm mayın
pleasure is mine
zevk benim
run of mine coal
tuvönan kömür
Türkçe - Türkçe
Dişlerin taç kısmını kaplayan beyaz ve sert doku
İnce ve parlak nakış
Metal eşya üzerine vurulan renkli cam katmanı
Saat kadranı
Madeni eşya üzerine vurulan renkli cam tabakası
Saat kadranı: "Hurdalanmış mineleri çatlayıp akrep ve yelkovanları kopmuş."- R. H. Karay
mine çiçeği
Mine çiçeğigillerden, yaprakları karşılıklı ve oymalı, çiçekleri başak durumunda alacalı, mavi veya menekşe renginde, sapı dört köşeli olan ıtırlı bir bitki (Verbena)
mine çiçeği
Bu bitkinin çiçeği
mine çiçeğigiller
Bitişik taç yapraklı iki çeneklilerden, mine çiçeği ve benzeri türleri içine alan bir bitki familyası
Mine çiçeği
Mine çiçeği
Mine çiçeği
Mine çiçeği
İngilizce - İngilizce
A device intended to explode when stepped upon or touched, or when approached by a ship, vehicle, or person
A type of firework that explodes on the ground, shooting sparks upward
Non-premodifying possessive case of I. My; belonging to me; that which belongs to me
To remove (ore) from the ground

Crater of Diamonds State Park is the only place in the world where visitors can mine their own diamonds.

The cavity made by a caterpillar while feeding inside a leaf
A passage dug toward or underneath enemy lines, which is then packed with explosives
To sow mines (the explosive devices) in (an area)

We had to slow our advance after the enemy mined the road ahead of us.

An excavation from which ore or solid minerals are taken, especially one consisting of underground tunnels
To damage (a vehicle or ship) with a mine (an explosive device)
get from the earth by excavation; "mine ores and metals
" Rom
{p} belonging to me only
{n} a place where minerals are dug, a hole dug
{v} to dig mines, sap, ruin, destroy slowly
n the site of an underground mineral or rock excavation operation
A rich source of wealth or other good
In land mine warfare, an explosive or other material, normally encased, designed to destroy or damage ground vehicles, boats, or aircraft, or designed to wound, kill, or otherwise incapacitate personnel It may be detonated by the action of its victim, by the passage of time, or by controlled means (Joint Pub 1-02)
Used as a pronominal adjective in the predicate; as, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay
explosive device that explodes on contact; designed to destroy vehicles or ships or to kill or maim personnel excavation in the earth from which ores and minerals are extracted lay mines; "The Vietnamese mined Cambodia"
land mine submarine mine United Mine Workers of America
{i} excavation in the earth for the purpose of digging out certain substances (i.e. precious stones, minerals, coal, etc.), diggings; treasure, abundant source; explosive planted in the earth that is detonated by touch or remote control
To form subterraneous tunnel or hole; to form a burrow or lodge in the earth; as, the mining cony
excavation in the earth from which ores and minerals are extracted
To get, as metals, out of the earth by digging
- a firework similar to a shell that explodes in a mortar, igniting effects such as stars and launching them in a fan-shaped pattern into the air Not to be confused with military land mines
To dig a mine or pit in the earth; to get ore, metals, coal, or precious stones, out of the earth; to dig in the earth for minerals; to dig a passage or cavity under anything in order to overthrow it by explosives or otherwise
To dig away, or otherwise remove, the substratum or foundation of; to lay a mine under; to sap; to undermine; hence, to ruin or destroy by slow degrees or secret means
A plant built to extract an ore or mineral substance either underground or from the surface When the ore is extracted underground, the mine needs a system of excavations in the rock to gain access to the ore areas When the ore is mined from surface, the ore is extracted from one or several pits
Belonging to me; my
explosive device that explodes on contact; designed to destroy vehicles or ships or to kill or maim personnel
Used as a pronominal to me; my
{f} extract certain substances (minerals, precious stones, etc.) from the ground, dig out; make tunnels, burrow; plant explosive mines in the ground; search and make use of an abundant source of information; undermine, attack underhandedly
get from the earth by excavation; "mine ores and metals"
Typically a complete with firing tube, but generally the firework itself
Any place where ore, metals, or precious stones are got by digging or washing the soil; as, a placer mine
pron. belonging to me
A cavity or tunnel made under a fortification or other work, for the purpose of blowing up the superstructure with some explosive agent
A mine would have been any sort of operation where there was an attempt to find and obtain lead or zinc minerals from the soil or rock Sometimes the name of a mine endured for most of the mining era while other names were ephemeral or even just on paper
(of mine: my)
A subterranean cavity or passage A pit or excavation in the earth, from which metallic ores, precious stones, coal, or other mineral substances are taken by digging; distinguished from the pits from which stones for architectural purposes are taken, and which are called quarries
To dig into, for ore or metal
lay mines; "The Vietnamese mined Cambodia"
adj   Belonging to me if I can hold or seize it
Also, in the old style, used attributively, instead of my, before a noun beginning with a vowel
mine arse on a bandbox
an answer to the offer of any thing inadequate to the purpose for which it is proffered, like offering a bandbox for a seat
mine 1
Mine is the first person singular possessive pronoun. A speaker or writer uses mine to refer to something that belongs or relates to himself or herself. Her right hand is inches from mine I'm looking for a friend of mine who lives here
mine 2
A mine is a place where deep holes and tunnels are dug under the ground in order to obtain a mineral such as coal, diamonds, or gold. coal mines
mine 2
A mine is a bomb which is hidden in the ground or in water and which explodes when people or things touch it
mine 2
If an area of land or water is mined, mines are placed there which will explode when people or things touch them. The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined
mine 2
When a mineral such as coal, diamonds, or gold is mined, it is obtained from the ground by digging deep holes and tunnels. The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically
mine 2
If you say that someone is a mine of information, you mean that they know a great deal about something. see also mining
mine belt
series of mines placed to prevent free passage through an area
mine detecting
locating mines, finding hidden explosives (in the land, sea, etc.)
mine detector
device used to locate hidden explosives (in the land, sea, etc.)
mine detector
An electromagnetic device used to locate explosive mines.mine detection n
mine detector
detector consisting of an electromagnetic device; used to locate explosive mines
mine disposal
the disposal of explosive mines
mine field
a tract of land containing explosive mines
mine field
area filled with hidden explosives
mine laying
place explosives in the ground or underwater
mine of information
great source of knowledge, wealth of information
mine pig
pig iron made entirely from ore
mine sweeping
removal of mines, removal of hidden explosives
device that detects buried explosives
Motor Yacht - diesel-driven yacht
canary in a coal mine
A warning of danger or trouble yet to come
coal mine
A mine from which coal is mined
friend of mine
a personal friend who is not a member of the Mafia
gold mine
A very profitable economic venture

This oil deposit is a regular gold mine. We make more and more money every year!.

gold mine
A plentiful stockpile of something sought after

The Smithsonian Institute is a goldmine of knowledge, but like most mines, you have to dig for the good stuff.

gold mine
A mine for gold ore or metal

South Africa has many goldmines.

land mine
A mine that is placed on land and designed to explode when stepped upon or touched
limpet mine
A naval mine attached to its target by magnets
magnetic mine
A mine which responds to the magnetic field of a target
A person who works in a mine
Any of four species of Australian endemic honeyeaters in the genus Manorina
An operator of ordnance mines and similar explosives
Present participle of mine. Placing a mine
Present participle of mine Working in a mine

He will be mining all next week.

Present participle of mine Extracting resources
The activity of placing explosives underground, rigged to explode
Belonging to me

I recognised him because he had attended my school.

naval mine
An explosive device placed in the water and intended to destroy or deter vessels. (See mine.)

The ship hit a mine and sank with all hands.

proximity mine
A mine with a proximity fuse
proxy mine
A proximity mine; a mine that explodes when something approaches within a certain distance

If you get too close it'll trigger. Shoot it from a safe distance and it will blow up. Leave the room and go through the door that was previously protected by a proxy mine.

salt mine
Any laborious work, especially in a confined space
salt mine
Any mine used for the extraction of salt
strip mine
A mine where the material above the ore is removed (stripped) to expose it for removal and use
To mine by creating a strip mine, usually for coal or tar sands

The decision to strip-mine was opposed by environmentalists.

Alternative spelling of strip mine
{n} a person who digs mines
One who mines; a digger for metals, etc
A mine
A mine
A mine
past of mine
extracted from a source of supply as of minerals from the earth
{s} dug out for excavation; planted with explosive mines; thoroughly searched and accessed; undermined
The chattering, or garrulous, honey eater of Australia (Myzantha garrula)
A miner is a person who works underground in mines in order to obtain minerals such as coal, diamonds, or gold. someone who works under the ground in a mine to remove coal, gold etc coal/gold etc miner. leaf miner Miner Jack John Thomas Miner
Any of numerous insects which, in the larval state, excavate galleries in the parenchyma of leaves
one engaged in the business of getting ore, coal, or precious stones, out of the earth; one who digs military mines; as, armies have sappers and miners
worker in a mine, as in: The miner wore a helmet with a lantern on the front to light his way in the tunnels
One who is engaged in the business or occupation of extracting ore, coal, precious substances, or other natural materials from the earth's crust
They are mostly minute moths and dipterous flies
The larval stage of an insect which makes galleries or burrows between the upper and lower surfaces of leaf tissue
laborer who works in a mine
an operator of mines and other explosives in an army
{i} one who works in a mine, digger; any animal that digs or burrows
plural of miner
third-person singular of mine
plural of mine
The business of removing solid valuables from the earth; e.g., gold mining
Any activity directed to the extraction of ore and associated rock Included are open pit work, quarrying, auguring, alluvial dredging, and combined operations, including surface and underground operations
Was to dig a tunnel beneath the building, removing the foundations bit by bit and replacing them with timber props The props were surrounded by bundles of straw and inflammables such as bacon fat or pitch When all was ready all was fired As the props burned through the weight of the tower or wall dragged the stones free and the buildings collapsed
Of or pertaining to mines; as, mining engineer; mining machinery; a mining region
Mining is the industry and activities connected with getting valuable or useful minerals from the ground, for example coal, diamonds, or gold. traditional industries such as coal mining and steel making. the work or industry of getting gold, coal etc out of the earth coal/gold etc mining. Excavation of materials from the Earth's crust, including those of organic origin, such as coal and petroleum. Modern mining is costly and complicated. First, a mineral vein that can likely produce enough of the desired substance to justify the cost of extraction must be located. Then the size of the vein or deposit is determined, and mining engineers decide the best way to mine it. Most of the world's yearly mineral production is extracted by surface mining, which includes open-pit mining, strip mining, and quarrying. For ore bodies that lie a considerable distance below the surface, underground mining must be considered. In both techniques, excavating and extracting mineral substances involve costly combinations of drilling, blasting, hoisting, and hauling, as well as measures for health and safety and reduction of environmental impact. coal mining data mining placer mining strip mining
the act of extracting ores or coal etc from the earth
{s} extracting ores; hewing, quarrying
When more of a material is taken out of the ground than is put back in, it's called mining This may be true for minerals, oil, water, etc We are taking five to six million acre-feet of water a year from underground sources, while restoring only about one million acre-feet
laying explosive mines in concealed places to destroy enemy personnel and equipment
The extraction of economically important minerals and ores from the earth
{i} act or process of extracting ores; hewing, quarrying; process of working mines; act of laying explosive mines
Traditional hardrock mining usually involves digging tunnels and adits (horizontal entrances into hillsides) to reach lodes of mineral-rich ore Traditional underground mining and open pit mining require that the ore-bearing rock be removed and then put through a milling and extraction plant to extract the desired minerals After the ore body is exhausted, miners move on leaving behind huge mounds of finely-ground tailings and coarser waste rock, as well as an underground tunnel complex and/or open pit
Withdrawal over a period of time of ground water that exceeds the rate of recharge of the aquifer ADVANCE \x 540
The act or business of making mines or of working them
means to take, win, or extract, by whatever means, a mineral existing in its natural state in land, or a chemical substance from that mineral, for the purpose of obtaining the mineral or chemical substance; but does not include prospecting or exploration; and "to mine" has a corresponding meaning (Crown Minerals Act S 2)
The withdrawal of more water than can be replaced
Activity whose purpose is the extraction, concentration, and smelting of economic minerals from a mineral deposit It includes exploration (in the strict sense), development of mineral deposits, constructing the mine and mining, i e , extracting and processing the ore or tailings
Includes establishments engaged in the extraction of minerals occurring naturally: solids, such as coal and ores; liquids such as crude petroleum; and gases, such as natural gas Quarrying, well operation, milling, and related services are also included
Working in a mine
Extraction of nonmetallic metals (except fuels), quarrying sand and gravel
the removal of minerals (like coal , gold, or silver) from the ground
The extraction of earth products for sale or transport off-site including the removal of associated material such as overburden
the act of extracting ores or coal etc from the earth laying explosive mines in concealed places to destroy enemy personnel and equipment
My is the first person singular possessive determiner
Used to express surprise, shock or amazement
{ü} oh my!, goodness!, oi! (expression of surprise or dismay)
Of or belonging to me; used always attributively; as, my body; my book; mine is used in the predicate; as, the book is mine
poss pron my [OE mïn]
feelings My is used in phrases such as `My God' and `My goodness' to express surprise or shock. My God, I've never seen you so nervous My goodness, Tim, you have changed!. Malaysia (in Internet addresses). used when you are surprised, impressed, or upset
Abr Motorized yacht
pron. belonging to me
Ah'english | adronato
A speaker or writer uses my to indicate that something belongs or relates to himself or herself. I invited him back to my flat for a coffee John's my best friend
The two-character ISO 3166 country code for MALAYSIA
feelings In conversations or in letters, my is used in front of a word like `dear' or `darling' to show affection. Yes, of course, my darling
Model Year
Türkçe - İngilizce
(isim) Enamel
porcelain enamel
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) mina
(Diş Hekimliği) dentine
enamel dial (of a clock or watch)
enamel (of a tooth)
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) sweet alison
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) sweet alyssum
mine (saatte)
mine işli
(Sanat) champleve
mine çiçegi
(Tabiat Doğa) (bitki, Fam: mineçiçeğigiller,baristaroniye) [syn.: mine çiçegi, üçortak] common lantana, wild sage, white sage
mine çiçeği