{i} small purse used to carry money and personal documents; billfold; handbag; program for on-line shopping that enables one to buy products and pay for them over the Internet (Computers)
An emerging term for an information set stored on a computer, used by users to complete online transactions A type of wallet is implemented through the Passport express purchase service
(Advanced Security Administrator's Guide; search in this book) [definition #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide; search in this book)
A bag or sack for carrying about the person, as a bag for carrying the necessaries for a journey; a knapsack; a beggar's receptacle for charity; a peddler's pack
A wallet is a small flat folded case, usually made of leather or plastic, in which you can keep banknotes and credit cards
A flat case, often made of leather, for keeping money (especially paper money), credit cards, etc
a small folding case used to carry money and other small things -- " need to know how much money (often called "cash") is in your purse or wallet " (211)