Do you know who invented the microscope?
- Mikroskopu kimin icat ettiğini biliyor musun?
Difference between Facebook and Twitter is, Twitter is a microblogging service.
- Facebook ve Twitter arasındaki fark, Twitter'ın bir mikroblog servisi olmasıdır.
I handed the mike to him.
- Ich reichte ihm das Mikro.
The guide is using a microphone for us to hear her better.
- Przewodnik używa mikrofonu dla nas żebyśmy mogli usłyszeć ją lepiej.
This microbus takes 25 passengers.
- Ten mikrobus zabiera 25 pasażerów.
Tatoeba: Did you think that microchipping members with their sentences is far-fetched?
- Tatoeba: Ajattelitko, että jäsenien mikrosiruttaminen heidän lauseillaan on kaukaa haettua?
People thought that teleportation was impossible, but by the 24th century, teleportation of large objects and even people became common, much as the microwave oven back in the 21st century.
- Teleportaatiota pidettiin mahdottomana, mutta 2300-luvulla suurten esineiden ja jopa ihmisten teleportaatiosta tuli arkipäiväistä, niin kuin mikrosta 2000-luvulla.