A term for a piece of wood that's been limed Also a method of painting furniture and then wiping off the paint before it has completely dried leaving some on the edges
- A process of removing iron oxide from hot rolled bands by immersion in acid solution prior to cold reduction
The use of a chemical solution to prepare a surface for painting or bonding by dissolving away surface oxides and other impurities A certain amount of base metal may also be removed
A process that removes surface scale and oxidation products by immersion in a chemically active solution, such as sulfuric or hydrochloric acid
A chemical bathing procedure used to remove the oxide film on a titanium product
passing steel through an acid bath to remove hot mill scale and oxide from the surface
the chemical removal of surface oxides and other contaminants from a material by immersion in an aqueous acid solution; sulfuric and hydrochloric acids are common pickling solutions
By pickling, scale and glass layers are removed from the surface of stainless steel tubes with acid and salt solutions - CLEANING - and/or samples are prepared (etched slices, micro-sections) for a macroscopic (with the naked eye) or microscopic examination, to make the microstructure (grain size, precipitation particles, etc ) visible - MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT
metal malzemenin asit ile yıkanarak pas ve tortu tabakasından temizlenmesi
me·tal mal·ze·me·nin a·sit i·le yı·ka·na·rak pas ve tor·tu ta·ba·ka·sın·dan te·miz·len·me·si