meta tags teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
HTML code hidden from the browser that provides a variety of identifying information There are over 30 different meta tags The ones that concern search engine optimization are the title, description and keywords The title is shown at the top of the browser Search engines often pick up the description when showing search results Keywords should list the most important words relevant to the site and that Web page However, today most search engines do not consider meta keywords for positioning
Commands in HTML that instruct the browser or search engines to perform specific tasks, identify keywords, site definitions, page authors, plug-in requirements, etc that are invisible to the user
A construct placed in the HTML header of a web page, providing information which is not visible to browsers used to be an important factor by search engines
Used in HTML or hypertext documents/web pages to hold "hidden from the viewer" information about the page Uses for meta tags include, Page titles, search keywords, descriptions of the site etc Spiders read Meta Tags when they Index your Website with Search Engines
HTML tags that describe information within the web page Meta tags contain the keywords, title, and description of the site This information is used by servers and some search engines to identify and index the site
These contain information intended to help classify the web-page They are invisible when the page is viewed normally, but can be seen by examining the page source code, in the head section of the page The most important are "description" - a description of the content of the page, and "keywords" - a list of key words relevant to the page The search engines use this information to classify the page in their databases, so when a user enters some search words which match those in your META tags, your page should be among the results BackBack to main documentinternet lynx
The word META indicates information about the Data In web pages, multiple Meta tags are used in the header of the html code to provide information about the webpage Commonly used Meta tag names are description, keywords, robots, author, date, and copyright
HTML tags which contain information about the page but are not displayed in the browser Contains information such as title, description and keywords used by search engines
These are HTML tags that surround key words when submitting a site to a search engine
META tags always go in the <HEAD> section of the document META NAME tags include descriptions and keywords This HTML code helps some search engines classify and rank a web page META HTTP-EQUIV tags can indicate to the web browser how to display the page There are many more uses for META tags
HTML tags located in the section of a web page that specify information that is viewable only to a search engine The two most commonly-used META tags are the "keywords" META tag and the "description" META tag
Author generated source code that is placed in the header section of an HTML document Current popular meta tags that can affect search engine rankings are keywords and description The meta KEYWORDS tag is used to group a series of words that relate to a website These tags can be used by search engines to classify pages for searches The meta DESCRIPTION is used to describe the document The meta description is then displayed in search engine results
Information placed in the HTML header of a Web page, providing information that is not visible to browsers The most common meta tags relevant to search engines are keyword and description tags
provides non-viewable information about your web page to browsers and search engines
An optional HTML tag that is used to specify information about a Web document Some search engines such as AltaVista use "spiders" to index Web pages These spiders read the information contained within a page's META tag So in theory, an HTML or Web page author has the ability to control how there site is indexed by search engines and how and when it will "come up" on a user's search
Specific HTML coding which search engines use to index websites There are three different META tags which are generally employed - site or page title, site or page description, and relative keywords (See also Search Engines)
We will create meta tags for your site Meta tags are used by search engines to locate your site and display a brief description
are used in html page headers, and contain information about keywords and descriptions of the web page This provides search engines with the information they require, enabling your site to be catalogued, which allows users who are doing a search on a to
The most useful ones are your "description" and "keywords" This is the HTML code that contains information about the content of a Web page and Website Meta Tags are frequently used to enhance the display and effectiveness of search engine listings
Specific HTML tags which are usually located in web pages to list keywords and short descriptions of site content These are used by search engines to help catalogue web sites and refine searches
Invisible strings of code your web developer can place inside your home page which can facilitate more chance that your site will get noticed by robots (aka meta crawlers) when registered on some search engines Meta tags come in two basic types, meta description tags and meta keyword tags Their actual degree of usefulness is widely debated and probably secondary to refined means of promoting your site to a specific target audience
The HTML codes that contain information about the content of a Web page and Website Meta Tags are frequently used to enhance the display and effectiveness of search engine listings
META tags included in the Head of documents in HTML format are used to provide Metadata to accompany material accessible via MurdochNet The META Tags currently in use at Murdoch include elements from the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set as well as Murdoch specific elements The META tags include details such as Content Subcategory, Access level and Access Restriction Requirements, Expiry Date, Publisher, Keywords and Description
Meta tags are included in the HTML of your page and are "read" by search engines The tags provide information such as keywords and a description of your page
Text inserted into the source code of a web page that includes keywords in order to provide information to a search engine about the contents of the page for search engine optimization
A meta tag is an element of HTML that often describes the contents of a Web page, and is placed near the beginning of the page's source code Search engines use information provided in a meta tags to index pages by subject
A construct placed in the HTML header of a web page, providing information which is not visible to browsers The most common meta tags (and those most relevant to search engines) are KEYWORDS and DESCRIPTION
An optional HTML tag that is used to specify information about a Web document Some search engines such as Alta Vista use "spiders" to index Web pages These spiders read the information contained within a page's META tag So in theory, an HTML or Web page author has the ability to control how there site is indexed by search engines and how and when it will "come up" on a user's search The META tag can also be used to specify an HTTP or URL address for the page to "jump" to after a certain amount of time This is known as Client-Pull What this means, is a Web page author can control the amount of time a Web page is up on the screen as well as where the browser will go next Here's a look at the syntax for search engine indexing: Here's a look at the syntax for Client Pull: This will "refresh" or change to the URL specified in 30 seconds
Text in the coding of the HTML structure of your page, which the user does not see - most commonly used are the "description" and keyword meta tags The first is a maximum 25-word sentence, the second is a list of search terms or keywords Search engines and directories use these meta tags as one method of indexing or finding websites
An HTML tag that must appear in the HEAD portion of the page Meta tags supply information about a page but do not affect its appearance A standard META tag, "generator," is used to indicate the type of editor that created the HTML page
A tag used in the header of a web page to provide information about the page Careful construction of descriptions and keywords on meta lines will help improve standings with some of the search engines
This is a special HTML tag that is used to give information about a web page but is not displayed in a web browser For example, meta tags provide information such as what application was used to create the page, how often it is updated, a description of the page, and keywords that are relevant to the page Many search engines use the information stored in meta tags when they index web pages
A way of adding information describing a web page Meta tags are hidden from users (unless they view the HTML source), but are used by some search engines to catalogue the contents of a website (More about meta tags )
An HTML tag that must appear in the header portion of the page Meta tags supply information about the page but do not affect its display "Generator" is a common meta-tag used to specify which editor created the page
An HTML tag which is not visible when the document is viewed It is placed within the head tag to tell search engines the description you would like them to use in their database, and the keywords you want your page associated with See my article on Meta Tags
An HTML tag that must appear in the <head> portion of the page Meta tags supply information about a page but do not affect its appearance A standard meta tag, "generator," is used to indicate the type of editor that created the HTML page
An HTML tag that must appear in the <head> portion of the page Meta tags supply information about the page but do not effect its display A standard meta tag, "generator," is used to supply the type of editor that created the HTML page
A coding statement written in HTML that describes some aspect of the contents of a web page Information contained in a meta tag is used by search engines (e g , Yahoo!) to index a page so that someone searching for the type of information on the page will be able to find it Two important types of meta tags are keywords meta tags and description meta tags The keywords meta tag lists the words or phrases that best describe the contents of the page The description meta tag includes a brief one- or two-sentence description of the page
An HTML tag that must appear in the portion of the page Meta tags supply information about the page but do not affect its display A standard meta tag, "generator," is used to supply the type of editor that created the HTML page
Text in the source of the HTML structure of your page, which the user does not see - most commonly used are the "description" and "keyword" meta tags The first is a sentence or short paragraph describing the site The second is a list of up to 15 search phrases or keywords Both describe the site Some search engines and directories use these meta tags as their method of indexing
A special HTML tag that provides information about a Web page Unlike normal HTML tags, meta tags do not affect how the page is displayed Instead, they provide information such as who created the page, how often it is updated, what the page is about, and which keywords represent the page's content Many search engines use this information when building their indices
An HTML tag which provides information about a web document Unlike regular tags, meta tags do not provide formatting information for the browser Instead they provide such information as the author, date of creation or latest update for the page, and keywords which indicate the subject matter Search engines often use keywords from meta tags to index their databases
Definition: An HTML tag placed within the header area of code for a web site This information is visible only to spiders and does not appear as a visual part of the web site These tags were originally used be webmasters to provide information about the content of a web site in order to assist search engines in indexing the content Because these tags were so easy to abuse, few search engines still read the content within these tags
Hidden code in HTML which alerts search engines to recognize certain key words, phrases, etc relevant to the website Helps gain stronger recognition and higher ranking by search engines Can also be used to control a variety of site settings, such as window size, automatic reloading, etc
An HTTP tag which defines certain top-level information about the web page or web site Usually contains keywords for search engines, a description of what the site contains in terms of subject matter and audience, can contain information about the author and tools used to create the page or site Is one of the highest priority elements of a website when used in conjunction with search engines Search engines typically weight the text found in the metadata tags higher than the text found in the actual contents of the pages
Metatags, which are embedded in the HTML code of a webpage, provide useful information that are not defined by other HTML elements Their function is to provide information about a document and about a document's content Search engines use this information to categorize, prioritize and rank websites
Metatags are HTML tags which provide information that describes the content of the webpages a user will be viewing Search engines have recognized that website owners and administrators can use this resource to control their positioning and descriptions in search engine results Many search engines have now incorporated reading metatags as part of their indexing formulas