Messages -- strings of text -- are generated throughout the YGOR programs to describe all types of expected and unexpected events All messages from all YGOR programs are sent via ethernet to a single program (currently messageMux) Every message has associated with it a severity level as well as what device produced the error, when the error occurred and when it was cleared
Your phone is capable of receiving both text and voice messages You should be notified whenever you receive a new message by an envelope icon on your phone's screen By going to your Inbox, you can view your new text messages If you have received a voice message, you will still be notified in your Inbox, with a message that instructs you to call your voicemail, and the phone number of the individual that left you a voice message
the single communication event that you complete by adding (typing, linking) your individual thoughts to any conferences in The Junction (sometimes referred to as posts)
Agreed words or statements that a client wants to convey to third parties, such as the media or shareholders
Every object, character, and room on the MOO has messages These messages contain the physical description, the automatic responses to things which happen, and so on Messages are the blocks of information which are saved and stored by the MOO database, thus assuring that if you spend two hourse setting up your brand-new garden room today, it will still be there tomorrow
In BT Openworld WebMail, we refer to emails as messages So when you write a message, it's just the same as writing an email
The net effect of MIDI-computing is sound: melodies, harmonies, rhythms But the MIDI message (the MIDI event) itself is not a sound Transmitted are digital commands--about 1,000 events per second
Something an organization wants to communicate to an audience about itself For example, "Our company cares about the environment," might be the message behind the announcement of a new recycling program