member of a tribe of nomadic arab people

listen to the pronunciation of member of a tribe of nomadic arab people
İngilizce - İngilizce
Bedouin tribesman
member of a tribe of nomadic arab people


    Mem·ber of a tribe of no·mad·ic Ar·ab peo·ple

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    membır ıv ı trayb ıv nōmädîk ärıb pipıl


    /ˈmembər əv ə ˈtrīb əv nōˈmadək ˈarəb ˈpēpəl/ /ˈmɛmbɜr əv ə ˈtraɪb əv noʊˈmædɪk ˈærəb ˈpiːpəl/