One of two magistrates of Rome who took a register of the number and property of citizens, and who also exercised the office of inspector of morals and conduct
A hypothetical subconscious agency which filters unacceptable thought before it reaches the conscious
If someone in authority censors letters or the media, they officially examine them and cut out any information that is regarded as secret. The military-backed government has heavily censored the news
{f} remove material (from books, movies, etc.) which is considered offensive or immoral
A censor is a person who has been officially appointed to examine plays, films, and books and to cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral. the British Board of Film Censors. someone whose job is to examine books, films, letters etc and remove anything considered to be offensive, morally harmful, or politically dangerous censorship. to examine books, films, letters etc to remove anything that is considered offensive, morally harmful, or politically dangerous etc censorship, ban ban. In ancient eastern Asia, a government official whose primary duty was to scrutinize the conduct of officials and rulers. During the Qin (221-206 BC) and Han (206 BC-AD 220) dynasties, the censor's function was to criticize the emperor's acts, but in later periods the censorate was expanded and became an instrument for imperial control of the bureaucracy. Censors checked important documents, supervised construction projects, reviewed judicial proceedings, kept watch over state property, and looked for cases of subversion and corruption
a person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable
mektup ve yazışmaları okuyan görevli bilinçaltını kontrol etme gücü
mek·tup ve ya·zış·ma·la·rı o·ku·yan gö·rev·li bi·lin·çal·tı·nı kont·rol et·me gü·cü