
listen to the pronunciation of medical
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Biyoloji) medikal

O medikal tedaviyi reddetti. - He was refused medical treatment.

Her şeyi medikal jargonla açıklarsan, herkesin onu hemen anlaması imkansız. - If you explain everything in medical jargon, it's impossible that everyone understands immediately.


Tıbbî yardıma ihtiyacım var. - I need medical assistance.

Seçilmiş olanlar kapsamlı tıbbi ve psikolojik testlerle yüzleşmek zorunda kalacak. - Those selected will have to face extensive medical and psychological tests.

tıbba ait

Tom yüksek sağlık giderleri olduğu için maaşıyla geçinemiyor. - Tom can't get along on his salary because he has high medical expenses.

Geçen yıl sağlık kontrolü yaptırdın mı? - Have you had a thorough medical checkup within the last year?

tıbbi muayene
medical jurisprudence adli tıp
{s} tedavi edici
medical botany tıbbi bitkiler ilmi
medicallytıbbi maksatlarla

Şu anda bu hastalığı tedavi etmek tıbben mümkün değildir. - At present it is medically impossible to cure this disease.

Bildiğim kadarıyla Tom'un tıbben bir sorunu yok. - As far as I can tell, there's nothing medically wrong with Tom.

tıbbba ait
(Tıp) Tıp talebesi
{s} iyileştirici
(Askeri) sıhhiye
(Tıp) tıbbi bakım
(Askeri) sıhhi
Medical specimen container
(Geometri) Tıbbi numune kabı
medical analysis
(Geometri) Tıbbi tahlil, tıbbi analiz
medical analysis laboratory
(Geometri) Tıbbi tahlil laboratuvarı
medical advice
doktor tavsiyesi
medical care
sağlık yardımı
medical centre
(Askeri) sağlık merkezi
medical colleges
tıp fakülteleri
medical condition
sağlık durumu
medical corps
(Askeri) tabip sınıfı
medical economics
(Tıp) tıp ekonomisi
medical equipment
sağlık gereçleri
medical history
(Tıp) anamnez
medical history
(Tıp) hastalık öyküsü
medical history taking
(Tıp) anamnez alma
medical officer
(Askeri) tabip subay
medical officers
(Askeri) sağlık zabitleri
medical operator
(Askeri) sağlık memuru
medical personnel
sağlık personeli
medical products
sağlık ürünleri
medical release
(Kanun) sağlık raporu
medical schools
(Eğitim) tıp okulları
medical sciences
tıp bilimleri
medical service
sağlık hizmeti
medical sociology
tıp sosyolojisi
medical sociology
sağlık sosyolojisi
medical sociology
medikal sosyoloji
medical treatment
(Diş Hekimliği) ilaç tedavisi
medical advice
sağlık konusunda öğüt
medical assistant
tıp asistanı
medical bill
hastane faturası
medical building
hastane binası
medical certificate
sağlık raporu
medical checkup
sağlık kontrolü
medical climatology
tıbbi klimatoloji
medical community
doktor topluluğu
medical costs
sağlık harcamaları
medical costs
hastane masrafları
medical diagnosis
medical dressing
medical exam
tıp sınavı
medical examination
tıbbi muayene
medical examination
sağlık muayenesi
medical examiner
tıbbi tetkikçi
medical history
tıbbi tarih
medical instrument
tıbbi alet
medical operation
tıbbi operasyon
medical practitioner
pratisyen doktor
medical practitioner
tıp doktoru
medical prognosis
medical record
tıbbi kayıt
medical relation
tıbbi ilişki
medical report
tıbbi rapor
medical school
tıp okulu

Sami, babasının tıp okulundaki adımlarını takip etmeyi düşündü. - Sami thought about following in Dad's footsteps at medical school.

Bunu tıp okulunun ilk yılında öğrendim. - I learned that in the first year of medical school.

medical science
tıp ilmi
medical specialist
tıp uzmanı
medical statistics
medical admissions
Hasta kabûl
medical aid
tıbbi yardım
medical assistance
tıbbi yardım
medical association
Tabipler birliği
medical care practitioner
pratisyen hekim
medical center
sağlık merkezi

Kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum. En yakın sağlık merkezi nerede? - I don't feel fine. Where is the nearest medical center?

medical certificate
1. a document stating the result of a satisfactory medical examination 2. a doctor's certificate giving evidence of a person's unfitness for work
medical clearance
sağlam raporu
medical condition
medical degree
doktora derecesi
medical dictionary
tıp sözlüğü
medical dosimetrist
tıbbi dosimetrist
medical examiner
(Tıp, İlaç) adlı tabip
medical facilities
sağlık tesisleri
medical inspection room
tıbbi muayene odası
medical leave
Hastalık izni
medical legal
tıbbi yasal
medical license
Tıp belgesi
medical management
Tıbbî yönetim
medical massage
Tıbbi masaj
medical negligence
tıbbi ihmal
medical officer
sağlık memuru
medical physics
medikal fizik
medical practice
tıbbi uygulama
medical prescription
Tıbbi reçete
medical residents
tıp asistanı
medical sales representative
Tıbbi satış mümessili
medical scientist
tıbbi bilim adamı
medical secrecy
Tıbbi gizlilik
medical social worker
tıbbi sosyal hizmet uzmanı
medical surveillance
Tıbbî takip
medical triage
(Tıp, İlaç) Hastaların tıbbî olarak sınıflandırılması
medical administrative corps
(Askeri) SIHHİYE İDARİ HİZMET SINIFI: Ordu Sağlık Teşkilatının eski bir sınıfı. Halen bu sınıf kaldırılmış olup yerine (medical service corps) sağlık hizmet sınıfı konmuştur
medical aid man
(Askeri) sıhhiye eri
medical benefits
sağlık yardımları
medical botany
tıbbi botanik
medical brigade
(Askeri) sıhhiye tugayı
medical business
(Ticaret) tıp işi
medical civic action program
(Askeri) sivillere yönelik sıhhiye programı
medical command
(Askeri) sağlık komutanlığı
medical company
(Askeri) sıhhiye bölüğü
medical corps
(Askeri) TABİP SINIFI: Ordu sağlık sınıfının tabip subaylardan teşekkül eden ve askeri personelin diş tedavisi hariç, diğer tıbbi ve cerrahi tedavilerini yapan kısım
medical depot
(Askeri) sıhhiye deposu
medical detachment
(Askeri) SIHHİYE MÜFREZESİ: Askeri bir teşkilat veya garnizona bağlı ordu teşkilatı mensuplarından bir grup
medical detachment
(Askeri) sıhhiye müfrezesi
medical diploma
tıp diploması
medical evacuees
(Askeri) TIBBİ MÜDAHALE İÇİN TAHLİYE EDİLENLER: Yaralanan, sakatlanan veya hastalanan ve tıbbi tesislere veya bunların arasında gidip gelmesi gereken personel
medical evidence
tıbbi bulgu
medical exam

İki yaşındaki kızım için tıbbi bir muayene olmak istiyorum. - I'd like to get a medical examination for my two-year-old daughter.

Siz muayene eden doktor musunuz? - Are you the medical examiner?

medical field service school
(Askeri) SAHRA SIHHİYE HİZMETİ OKULU: ABD Ordu sağlık teşkilatının tabip sınıfına mensup subayları kıtalarda çalışmak üzere yetiştiren sınıf okulu
medical food
(Gıda) tıbbi gıda
medical group
(Askeri) sıhhiye grubu
medical inspector
(Askeri) koruyucu tababet subayı
medical intelligence
(Askeri) TIBBİ İSTİHBARAT: Silah sistemlerinin desteklenmesi ve yabancı memleketlerde daha iyi muharebe desteği ve savunma için biyomedikal araştırma ve geliştirmelerle ilgili istihbarat bilgileri ve muhtemel hareket sahalarında mahalli ve sari sarılıkların mevcudiyeti ve rastlantıları hakkında devamlı olarak araştırılan bilgi
medical libraries
tıp kütüphaneleri
medical logistics company
(Askeri) sıhhi lojistik bölüğü
medical noncombatant evacuation operation
(Askeri) Sıhhi Muharip Olmayan Tahliye Harekatı
medical officer; month
(Askeri) sağlık görevlisi; ay
medical orderly
hastane hademesi
medical philosophy
(Tıp) tıbbi felsefe
medical planning module
(Askeri) sıhhi planlama modülü
medical practitioner
pratisyen hekim
medical professional training
(Askeri) TIBBİ MESLEK EĞİTİMİ: Fertlerin sağlığı veya hastaların bakım ve tedavisi ile ilgili olarak doktorların, dişçilerin, veterinerlerin, hemşirelerin, sağlık hizmeti uzman subaylarının, eczacıların ve sağlık koruma uzmanlarının nezaret veya idaresi altında gösterilen eğitim ve öğretim
medical prognosis
(Tıp) tıbbi tahmin
medical psychology
tıbbi psikoloji
medical radiobiology advisory team
(Askeri) sıhhi radyobiyoloji istişare timi
medical radiology
(Nükleer Bilimler) tıbbi rddyoloji
medical readiness training exercise
(Askeri) sıhhi hazırlılık eğitim tatbikatı
medical regulating office
(Askeri) sıhhi düzenlemeler ofisi
medical regulating officer
(Askeri) TIBBİ TANZİM SUBAYI: Bak. "medical regulator"
medical regulator
(Askeri) TIBBİ TANZİM SUBAYI: Silahlı kuvvetlerden birinin sağlık hizmetine mensup subay. Bu subay; hastaların, çeşitli tıbbi tedavi tesisleri arasında hareket ve intikallerini düzenler; çeşitli tedavi tesislerindeki çeşitli hastalıklara ait yatak mevcutları hakkında zamanında bilgi edinir ve tahliye edilen hastanın münasip tıbbi tesislerine akımını idare eder. Buna "medical regulating officer" da denir
medical researcher
(Tıp) tıp araştırmacısı
medical societies
(Tıp) tıp kurumları
medical statement
doktor beyanı
medical status
(Askeri) sıhhi durum
medical structure
(Tıp) tıbbi bünye
medical stuff
(Tıp) medikal malzeme
medical supply, optical, and maintenance unit
(Askeri) tıbbi ikmal, optik ve bakım birliği
medical treatment facility; message text format
(Askeri) tıbbi tedavi tesisi; mesaj metin formatı
medical vehicle
(Askeri) SIHHİYE ARACI: Sıhhiye hizmetlerinde kullanılan araçları ifade eden genel terim
medical working file
(Askeri) tıbbi çalışma dosyası

Çocuğun planı, tıp öğrenimi yapmak ve bir doktor olarak Saint Croix'a dönmekti. - The boy's plan was to study medicine and return to Saint Croix as a doctor.

Doktor, hangi ilacı vereceğine karar vermeden önce dikkatlice düşünür. - The doctor thinks carefully before deciding what medicine to give.

medical care
(Askeri) tibbi bakım

Şu anda bu hastalığı tedavi etmek tıbben mümkün değildir. - At present it is medically impossible to cure this disease.

Bildiğim kadarıyla Tom'un tıbben bir sorunu yok. - As far as I can tell, there's nothing medically wrong with Tom.

emergency medical technician; emergency medical treatment
(Askeri) acil durum sıhhi teknisyeni; acil tıbbi tedavi
{i} kabayonca
{i} tıp öğrencisi

O bir tıp öğrencisiydi. - She was a medical student.

Diseksiyonu 200'den fazla tıp öğrencisi izledi. - More than 200 medical students watched the dissection.

dili doktor
Medicago sativa
tıp öğrenci

Tom bir tıp öğrencisi. - Tom is a medical student.

Tom bir tıp öğrencisiydi. - Tom was a medical student.

tıbbi olarak
tıp yönünden
single integrated medical logistics management; single integrated medical logist
(Askeri) tek entegreli tıbbi lojistik yönetimi; tek entegreli tıbbi lojistik yöneticisi
İngilizce - İngilizce
Of or pertaining to the practice of medicine

Do you have any medical experience?.

A medical examination

You'll have to get a medical before you apply for that job.

{a} relating to healing
UNM's contribution payment for medical insurance
Medical means relating to illness and injuries and to their treatment or prevention. Several police officers received medical treatment for cuts and bruises. the medical profession. + medically medi·cal·ly Therapists cannot prescribe drugs as they are not necessarily medically qualified
a thorough physical examination; includes a variety of tests depending on the age and sex and health of the person
relating to the study or practice of medicine; "the medical profession"; "a medical student"; "medical school"
A document completed by a physician or another approved examiner and submitted to an insurer to supply medical evidence of insurability (or lack of insurability) or in relation to a claim
of or belonging to Aesculapius or the healing art
1 Pertaining to medicine 2 Pertaining to the non surgical treatment of disease
{i} medical examination, physical; medical student, intern, resident physician (Colloquial)
All medical bills related to a compensible Workers' Compensation claim will be paid in full and for a lifetime, if so ordered
{s} of or relating to the science or practice of medicine; curative, medicinal
Relating to medicine
Containing medicine; used in medicine; medicinal; as, the medical properties of a plant
Services provided by a doctor, specialist, radiologist, pathologist or anaesthetist
A medical is a thorough examination of your body by a doctor, for example before you start a new job. relating to medicine and the treatment of disease or injury (médical, from medicalis, from medicus , from mederi ). .medical exami'nation an examination of your body by a doctor to see if you are healthy American Equivalent: physical. American Medical Association medical imaging medical jurisprudence
A document completed by a physician or another approved examiner and submitted to an insurer (insurance company) in order to provide medical information This is usually done to determine insurability (or lack of insurability) or is sometimes done in relation to a claim
Medical payments work much like auto and homeowners insurance medical payments Small injury's that do not exceed a certain amount will be quickly paid under this coverage So, if you have $5,000 medical payment coverage on your policy and someone slips and breaks an arm on your boat- if that medical bill in under $5,000 it will be paid out quickly However, if it exceeds $5,000 your liability coverage will kick in and it will take more time and paper work to satisfy the loss
requiring or amenable to treatment by medicine especially as opposed to surgery; "medical treatment"; "pheumonia is a medical disease"
Of, pertaining to, or having to do with, the art of healing disease, or the science of medicine; as, the medical profession; medical services; a medical dictionary; medical jurisprudence
Enter the total medical deductions claimed on Schedule A after the 7 5% reduction required on the form Our calculator will compute the proper limitations necessary for the alternative minimum tax calculation
In some states, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) for treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the policyholder's car At its broadest, PIP can cover medical payments, lost wages and the cost of replacing services normally performed by someone injured in an auto accident
General Drugs
requiring or amenable to treatment by medicine especially as opposed to surgery; "medical treatment"; "pheumonia is a medical disease" relating to the study or practice of medicine; "the medical profession"; "a medical student"; "medical school
Type of alarm that is activated by a special button or pendant The signal is sent to the monitoring station who can then notify the ambulance
relating to the study or practice of medicine; "the medical profession"; "a medical student"; "medical school

There is an urgent need for medical supplies. - There's an urgent need for medical supplies.

He dedicated his life to medicine. - He dedicated his life to medical work.

medical doctor
A physician; a person who holds a doctoral degree or first professional degree in medicine, and practices in that profession
medical doctors
plural form of medical doctor
medical ethics
The branch of ethics that examines questions of moral right and wrong arising in the context of the practice of medicine
medical examiner
A medico who examines suspiciously dead bodies on behalf of the government
medical examiners
plural form of medical examiner
medical finger
the third finger
medical histories
plural form of medical history
medical history
Details about a patient's previous medical experiences, such as operations and medications taken
medical isotope
a radioisotope used in medicine
medical isotopes
plural form of medical isotope
medical record
Details about a patient's previous medical experiences, such as operations and medications taken
medical report
An official account or record of a person's health and medical history
medical reports
plural form of medical report
medical school
A school that teaches medicine
medical schools
plural form of medical school
medical student
A student enrolled at a medical school, who is training to become a medical doctor
medical students
plural form of medical student
medical tourism
Travelling across international borders to obtain health careGahlinger, PM. The Medical Tourism Travel Guide: Your Complete Reference to Top-Quality, Low-Cost Dental, Cosmetic, Medical Care & Surgery Overseas. Sunrise River Press, 2008
medical tourism
Travelling across international borders, generally from a rich country to a poor country, to deliver healthcare, often on a temporary basis. Shaywitz, D.A., & Ausiello, D.A. (2002). Global Health: A Chance for Western Physicians to Give - and Receive. The American Journal of Medicine, 113, 354-357.Bezruchka, S. (2000). Medical Tourism as Medical Harm to the Third World: Why? For Whom? Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 11, 77-78.Roberts, M. (2006). Duffle Bag Medicine. Journal of the American Medical Association, 295, 1491-1492.Pinto, A.D., & Upshur, R.E.G. (2009). Global Health Ethics for Students. Developing World Bioethics, 9, 1-10.James, D. (1999). Going Global. The New Physician, 48, online. Accessed 7 May 2009. Jim Baraldi. "A harm in 'medical tourism.' The poor need lasting efforts to improve global health, not feel-good field trips." The Philadelphia Inquirer. September 25, 2009
medical dosimetrist
(Tıp, İlaç) A Medical Dosimetrist is a critical member of the Radiation Oncology Team. According to the AAMD (American Association of Medical Dosimetrists), the Medical Dosimetrist is a member of the radiation oncology team who has knowledge of the overall characteristics and clinical relevance of radiation oncology treatment machines and equipment, is cognizant of procedures commonly used in brachytherapy and has the education and expertise necessary to generate radiation dose distributions and dose calculations in collaboration with the medical physicist and radiation oncologist
medical leave
Sick leave (or paid sick days or sick pay or medical leave) is time off from work that workers can use during periods of temporary illness to stay home and address their health and safety needs without losing pay
medical advice
advice given by a doctor or medical practitioner
medical aidman
medical assistance
medical bill
statement of charges for medical services
medical board
committee which oversees the medical profession
medical care
Medical plans can be divided into four major types: health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), indemnity plans and point-of-service plans
medical care
– Investigates and authorizes eligibility for Medicaid for residents of nursing homes and persons who reside in their own homes who receive community care Medicaid may also be available for persons with 30 or more consecutive days of hospitalization, or persons who meet the requirements under one of several Public Laws SSI recipients living in nursing homes are also eligible
medical care
professional treatment for illness or injury
medical center
the part of a city where medical facilities are centered
medical center
center connected with the practice or study of medicine
medical certificate
document from a medical practitioner certifying illness
medical diagnosis
identification a disease from its symptoms
medical examination
checkup: a thorough physical examination; includes a variety of tests depending on the age and sex and health of the person
medical examination
The examination of an applicant for insurance or a claimant by a physician who acts in the capacity of the insurer's agent (LI,H)
medical examination
The examination of an applicant for insurance or a claimant by a physician who acts in the capacity of the insurer's agent
medical examination
Usually conducted by a licensed paramedic The medical report is part of the application, becomes part of the policy contract and is attached to the policy
medical examination
Medical assessment consisting of a health questionnaire and possibly a physical checkup, both of which applicants for insurance must furnish in order for the insurer to ascertain if they meet its underwriting standards
medical examination
examination performed by a doctor
medical examinations
examinations performed by a doctor
medical examiner
The physician who examines an applicant or claimant on behalf of the insurer and as an agent of the insurer (LI,H)
medical examiner
A physician trained specifically in forensic medicine and pathology who conducts death investigations (See coroner)
medical examiner
A medical examiner is a medical expert who is responsible for investigating the deaths of people who have died in a sudden, violent, or unusual way
medical expense
amount spent for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of medical problems
medical institution
institution devoted to the practice of medicine
medical instrument
instrument used in the practice of medicine
medical insurance
insurance policy that is taken out for use of medical emergencies
medical law
The branch of law that deals with the application of medical knowledge to legal problems
medical literature
written material on the subject of medicine and the practice of medicine
medical literature analysis and retrieval system
relational database of the United States National Library of Medicine for the storage and retrieval of bibliographical information concerning the biomedical literature
medical malpractice
incorrect treatment of a patient by a doctor
medical opinion
medical expertise, professional advice from a medical professional
medical orderly
one who assists a doctor in giving medical treatment
medical practice
the practice of medicine
medical practitioner
someone who practices medicine
medical report
The portion of an insurance application designed to be completed by both the proposed insured and a physician A physician records the proposed insured's answers to health history questions and records the results of a medical examination given to the proposed insured In life insurance, the medical report is known as Part II of the insurance application See also paramedical report and Part II
medical science
the science of dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease
medical scientist
a scientist who studies disease processes
medical secretary
secretary that works for a hospital or clinic
medical treatment
means a Medical Practitioner's medical advice, treatment, consultations and prescribed or repeat maintenance medication
medical treatment
Includes treatment of injuries administered by physicians, registered professional personnel, or lay persons (i e , nonmedical personnel) Medical treatment does not include first aid treatment (one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor scratches, cuts burns, splinters, and so forth, which do not ordinarily require medical care) even though provided by a physician or registered professional personnel
A medical student
A doctor, especially in the military
Medick; any of various European and North African herbs, of the genus Medicago, several of which are grown for fodder etc
{n} a plant of several kinds
{a} physically
A medic is a doctor or medical student
A medic is a doctor who works with the armed forces, as part of a medical corps. A Navy medic was wounded by sniper fire
Called out when a solid corner or 5-pin is left Sarcastically calling for a doctor because the bowler hit the ball "so hard" there must be blood on their fingers; or alternatively, that the ball is near death (five pin) and needs assistance
any of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago having small flowers and trifoliate compound leaves
{i} doctor, physician; medical student; soldier who does medical work; any clover-like plant of the genus Medicago with blue or yellow flowers
Short for `medical student' When you have met a few of them, you'll never want to be ill again Normally the booziest collection of students in the University
A doctor
The black medic is the Medicago lupulina; the purple medic, or lucern, is M
a medical practitioner in the armed forces
A leguminous plant of the genus Medicago
medical care
professional services by a Physician or Professional Other Provider to treat an illness, injury, pregnancy, or other medical condition
involving medical practice; "medically trained nurses"; "medically correct treatment
involving medical practice; "medically trained nurses"; "medically correct treatment"
from a medical standpoint; in a medical manner
In a medical manner; with reference to healing, or to the principles of the healing art
In a medical manner



    Türkçe nasıl söylenir



    /ˈmedəkəl/ /ˈmɛdəkəl/

    Ortak Eşdizimliler

    medical care


    ... which we would help Iran develop medical isotopes for a research reactor in Tehran if they agreed ...
    ... that condition and got better without medical treatment. ...