
listen to the pronunciation of medal
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} madalya

Başarısı için onu altın madalyayla ödüllendirdiler. - They awarded him a gold medal for his achievement.

Biz bronz madalya kazandık. - We won the bronze medal.

{i} nişan

Tom keskin nişancı madalyası kazandı. - Tom won the sharpshooter medal.

(Askeri) MADALYA: Olağanüstü cesaret, yararlık veya bir başarısından dolayı, bir askere verilen nişan. Ayrıca bakınız: "Service Medal"
para şeklinde nişan
medal of honor
onur madalyası
medal of honour
şeref madalyası
medal winner
madalya kazanan
medal ceramony
Madalya töreni
medal of merit
liyakat madalyası
medal for merit
(Askeri) SİVİL LİYAKAT MADALYASI: Savaşta ve olağanüstü hallerde, ABD için yaptıkları fevkalade hizmetten dolayı, sivillere verilen nişan. Nişan sıra numarası, bütün askeri nişanlardan sonra, 1'dir. Ayrıca bakınız: "rosette"
medal of freedom
(Askeri) HÜRRİYET MADALYASI: ABD'nin harp gayretlerinde, siviller tarafından gösterilen bir başarı veya yapılan bir hizmeti belirten nişan. Bunun; Altın Hürriyet Madalyası (gold palm), Gümüş Hürriyet Madalyası (Bronz palm) ve Defnesiz Hürriyet Madalyası (Medal of Freedom without palm) olmak üzere Dört derecesi vardır. Nişan sıra numarası, bütün askeri nişanlardan sonra ikidir
medal of freedom without palm
(Askeri) DEFNESİZ HÜRRİYET MADALYASI: Bak. "Medal of freedom"
medal of honor
(Askeri) ŞEREF MADALYASI: Muharebede kendi hayatını, görevinin icap ettirdiğinden de fazla derecede tehlikeye atan bir askere, kongre adına verilen madalya. Buna yanlış olarak (Congressional Medal of Honor) da denir. Bu madalya ABD'nin verdiği en yüksek nişandır. Nişan sıra numarası 1'dir. Ayrıca bakınız: "rosette"
receive medal
madalya almak
victory medal
zafer madalyası
war of independence medal
(Askeri) istiklal madalyası
bronze star medal
bronz madalya
congressional medal
liyakat madalyası
Distinguished Service Medal
Üstün hizmet madalyası
gold medal
altın madalya
olympic medal
olimpik madalya
silver medal
gümüş madalya
achievement medal
(Askeri) başarı madalyası
air medal
(Askeri) UÇUŞ MADALYASI: Uçuşta takdire şayan başarı gösterenlere verilen nişan. Nişan sıra numarası 9'dur
american campaign medal
american defense service medal
armed forces reserve medal
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER İHTİYATLIK HİZMETİ MADALYASI: A. B. D. Silahlı Kuvvetleri Müşekkel İhtiyat Asli unsurlarından birinde arasız 12 yıl içinde 10 yıl hizmet görenlere verilen bir madalya. Ayrıca bak "ten years device"
army commendation medal
award a medal
(Askeri) madalya vermek
award a medal
(Askeri) madalyayla ödüllendirmek
award somebody a medal
madalya vermek
bronze star medal
campaign medal
(Askeri) SEFER MADALYASI: Bak. "service medal"
congressional medal of honor
(Askeri) ŞEREF MADALYASI: Bak. "Medal of Honor"
good conduct medal
(Askeri) İYİ HAL MADALYASI: 1940'dan sonra örnek hal ve hareketi görülmüş, verimli bir çalışma göstermiş ve sadakatle hizmet etmiş erata verilen hizmet madalyası. Ayrıca bakınız: "Good Conduct Clasp"
humanitarian service medal
(Askeri) insani hizmet madalyası
joint Service commendation medal
(Askeri) müşterek Hizmet takdir madalyası
joint security assistance memorandum; Joint Service Achievement Medal; joint sta
(Askeri) müşterek güvenlik yardım memorandumu; Müşterek Hizmet Başarı Madalyası; müşterek uzaktan atılan yüzey taarruz füzesi
korean service medal
(Askeri) KORE HİZMET MADALYASI: 27 Haziran 1950 ve 27 Temmuz 1954 tarihleri arasında Kore sınırları dahilinde hizmeti ifade eden hizmet madalyası
national defense service medal
(Askeri) MİLLİ SAVUNMA HİZMETİ MADALYASI: 27 Haziran 1950 ile 27 Temmuz 1954 arasındaki devrede şerefli muvazzaflık hizmeti karşılığı verilen hizmet madalyası
national security medal
(Askeri) MİLLİ GÜVENLİK MADALYASI: 26 Temmuz 1947 de veya bunu takibeden tarihte milli istihbarat çalışmalarında mümtaz başarısı veya üstün yardımı görülenlere verilen madalya
present somebody with medal
madalya vermek
reverse of the medal
madalyonun öbür yüzü
service medal
(Askeri) HİZMET MADALYASI: Normal olarak, harp veya milli tehlike zamanında yapılan belirli askeri hizmeti belirtmek üzere verilen yuvarlak, disk biçimi madalya. Bak. "award"
silver star medal
(Askeri) gümüş yıldız madalyası
soldier's medal
(Askeri) fedakarlık madalyası
soldier's medal
(Askeri) FEDAKARLIK MADALYASI: Muharebe veya uçuşlar dışında gösterilmiş kahramanlıklar için verilmiş madalya. Madalya sıra numarası 7'dir
spanish campaign medal
(Askeri) İSPANYA HARBİ MADALYASI: 1898'de İspanya ile yapılan harpteki hizmeti belirten madalya
spanish war service medal
(Askeri) İSPANYA HARBİ HİZMET MADALYASI: 1898 ve 1899 yılları arasındaki hizmetleri İspanya Harbi Madalyasına hak kazanacak derecede olmayan şahıslara verilen madalya
united nations service medal
(Askeri) BİRLEŞMİŞ MİLLETLER HİZMET MADALYASI: 27 Haziran 1950 ve 27 Temmuz 1954 yılları arasında, Kore arazisi hudutları içinde yapılan yapılan hizmet karşılığı hizmet madalyası
victory medal
(Askeri) ZAFER MADALYASI: Birinci ve ikinci dünya savaşında ABD silahlı kuvvetlerinde hizmet görmüş personele verilen madalya
world war i victory medal
(Askeri) BİRİNCİ DÜNYA SAVAŞI ZAFER MADALYASI: Bak. "Battle Clasp", "Service Clasp", "service Star". "World War I victory Lapel Button"
world war ii victory medal
(Askeri) İKİNCİ DÜNYA SAVAŞI ZAFER MADALYASI: Bak. "Honorable Service Lapel Button". WORLD WIDE MILITARY COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEM: DÜNYA ÇAPINDA ASKERİ KOMUTA VE KONTROL SİSTEMİ: Amerikan Askeri Kuvvetlerinin sevk ve idaresinde, Milli Komuta Makamlarına, sıhhatli ve zamanında karar vermeleri için lüzumlu dünya durumları ile ilgili bilgileri ve varılan kararları, barışta ve savaşta asgari bir gecikme ile yerlerine ulaştıracak muhabere imkanları sağlayan makam. Bu makam; Amerikan Askeri Kuvvetlerinin komuta ve kontrol görevleri ile ilgili teknik ve harekat desteğini temin eden tesislerden, teçhizattan, muhabere vasıtaları ile uygulama usul ve personelinden mürekkeptir
İngilizce - İngilizce
To win a medal

He medalled twice at the Olympics.

A stamped or cast metal disc, particularly one awarded as a prize or reward
A stamped metal disc used as a personal ornament, a charm, or a religious object

Whether their images, shrines, relics, consecrated things, holy water, medals, benedictions, those divine amulets, holy exorcisms, and the sign of the cross, be available in this disease?.

{n} an extraordinary or ancient coin
A score play competition where all shots are recorded and the winner is the one who took the least number
A coin-like object struck to honor one or more persons or events, but without any denomination (which may then classify it as a commemorative coin)
an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
To honor or reward with a medal
flat piece of metal with inscription, as in: My daughter got a gold medal in the backstroke
A medal is a small metal disc which is given as an award for bravery or as a prize in a sporting event. medalled medalling medaled medaling to win a medal at a competition, especially at the Olympic Games medal + in. Piece of metal struck with a design to commemorate a person, place, or event. Medals can be of various sizes and shapes, ranging from large medallions to small plaques, or plaquettes. Most medals are made of gold, silver, bronze, or lead, the precious metals being used for the finer productions. The art of the medalist began in the mid-15th century with bronze medals of Italian Renaissance rulers and humanists. Some of the most beautiful were made by Benvenuto Cellini
a metal coinlike item issued by a governmental authority to recognize an event, place, person or group
A stamped metal disc, particularly one awarded as a prize
is a University medal, as described in the University of Alberta Medal Policy, given to a student on the basis of overall superior academic achievement in a Faculty, Department or some other subdivision of a Faculty, provided that the student maintains at least a satisfactory academic standing in his/her Faculty Additional selection criteria will not normally be used A "Medal" does appear on your transcript
a circular piece of metal that looks like a coin but has no value stamped on it
{i} flat piece of metal of assorted shapes that is awarded as a prize for an achievement or an act of bravery (usually in sports or the military); medallion
To win a medal, e.g. finish in the top three at the Olympics
A coin-like object struck to honor one or more persons or events depicted or mentioned in its design; an object awarded to persons in recognition of service or other accomplishment
A piece of metal in the form of a coin, struck with a device, and intended to preserve the remembrance of a notable event or an illustrious person, or to serve as a reward
Medal of Honor
The highest military award given in the United States
Medal of Distinguished Service
{i} Israeli military decoration medal awarded for extraordinary heroism and courage in the line of duty
Medal of Freedom
{i} Presidential Medal of Freedom, high civilian award awarded by the US president to civilians in the United States for outstanding achievement
Medal of Freedom
A decoration awarded by the United States to civilians for outstanding achievement in various fields of endeavor
Medal of Honor
The Congressional Medal of Honor. Congressional Medal of Honor, the
medal of honor
military decoration awarded for bravery and valor in action `above and beyond the call of duty'
medal of honor
{i} type of military award given for brave acts
medal of honor
the highest U
medal of valor
medal awarded for bravery in battle
medal play
Play in which the score is reckoned by counting the number of strokes
medal play
Golf competition in which the total number of strokes taken is the basis of the score. Also called stroke play
medal play
golf scoring by total strokes taken
medal prospect
candidate for winning a medal, one who may win a medal
bronze medal
A medal made of, or having the colour of, bronze, used as a prize for finishing in third place
bronze medal
Finishing in third position
gold medal
A medal made of, or having the colour of, gold, used as a prize for winning
gold medal
Finishing in first position, winning
silver medal
A medal made of, or having the colour of, silver, used as a prize for finishing in second place
silver medal
Finishing in second position, being a runner-up
what do you want, a medal
A phrase sometimes given as a retort to someone who has done something unsurprising or unimpressive and has seen fit to inform one of having done so
Air Medal
A decoration awarded by the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Navy for meritorious conduct in flight operations
Congressional Medal of Honor
The highest U.S. military decoration, awarded in the name of Congress to members of the armed forces for gallantry and bravery beyond the call of duty in action against an enemy. a special medal given to members of the US armed forces who have performed acts of very great bravery. It is the highest military honour in the US
George Medal
an honour in the form of a red ribbon with five blue stripes. It is given for similar acts of bravery as the George Cross but is not such a high honour
Presidential Medal of Freedom
{i} Medal of Freedom, high civilian award awarded by the US president to civilians in the United States for outstanding achievement
Prisoner of War Medal
A congressional decoration featuring a bald eagle surrounded by barbed wire and bayonet points, that is awarded to any American prisoner of war held captive by enemy troops after April 5, 1917
War of Independence medal
military decoration awarded to those taking part in the Israeli War of Independence
air medal
a United States Air Force decoration for meritorious achievement while participating in an aerial flight
bronze medal
prize awarded for third place in some sports competitions
bronze medal
a medal made of bronze (or having the appearance of bronze) that is usually awarded for winning third place in a competition
bronze medal
A bronze medal is a medal made of bronze or bronze-coloured metal that is given as a prize to the person who comes third in a competition, especially a sports contest. a medal made of bronze given to the person who comes third in a race or competition
bronze star medal
a United States military decoration awarded for meritorious service (except in aerial flight)
distinguished conduct medal
a British military decoration for distinguished conduct in the field
distinguished conduct medal
British military decoration awarded for heroic action in the field
distinguished service medal
medal awarded for heroism in military battle
distinguished service medal
a United States military decoration for meritorious service in wartime duty of great responsibility
gallantry medal
medal awarded for heroism and bravery
gold medal
A gold medal is a medal made of gold which is awarded as first prize in a contest or competition. a prize made of gold that is given to someone for winning a race or competition bronze medal, silver medal silver medal medallist gold medalist
gold medal
prize given for first place in some competitions
gold medal
a medal made of gold (or having the appearance of gold) that is usually awarded for winning first place in a competition
good conduct medal
medal awarded for good behavior
third-person singular of medal
olympic medal
medal that was obtained in the Olympic games
service medal
medal which is awarded for performance in war or during national emergency
silver medal
a medal made of silver (or having the appearance of silver) that is usually awarded for winning second place in a competition
silver medal
prize given for second place in some competitions
silver medal
If you win a silver medal, you come second in a competition, especially a sports contest, and are given a medal made of silver as a prize. Gillingham won the silver medal in the 200 metres at Seoul. a medal made of silver that is given to the person who finishes second in a race or competition medallist
silver star medal
a United States military decoration for gallantry in action
valor medal
title given for a heroic act performed during a time of battle
victory medal
special award received for winning in a competition
Türkçe - İngilizce

medal teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

istiklal madalyası medal awarded
for service in the Turkish War of Independence. İ