(Askeri) HARF KALIBI, KALIP: Kriptoğrafide, geometrik form veya şekil. Yer değiştirme şifrelerinde, yer değiştirmenin çeşitli safhalarının ifa edildiği kafes, kutu veya şekil: İkame usulü şifrelemede (substitution cipher) şifre sırasını ihtiva eden kare, dikdörtgen veya rakamdır. Kodda ise kelime ve heceyi ihtiva eden bir formdur. Kodun muadelesi açık metni ihtiva eden hücrelerin koordinatlarıdır
matrix teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
A geological matrix, the outer material of a rock consisting of larger grains embedded in a material consisting of smaller ones
A rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms having various uses such as transforming coordinates in geometry, solving systems of linear equations in linear algebra and representing graphs in graph theory
A mix of a SBD and AUD onto one tape Usually done 'live', but can also be done post-show Requires a means of combining the two input streams (i e a mixing board) Matrix's are popular (though somewhat rare) because they offer the pure sound of a SBD with the warmth and crowd noise of an AUD
In a geological context, it is the occurrence in a rock of small-grained materials that form a network in the spaces between larger-grained materials
A substantially continuous phase that fills the space between particles, whiskers or fibres
The set of all networks that can exchange electronic mail either directly or through gateways This includes the Internet, BITNET, FidoNet, UUCP, and commercial services such as America Online, CompuServe, Delphi, Prodigy, as well as other networks This term was coined by John S Quarterman in his book, The Matrix (Digital Press, 1990)
The lifeless portion of tissue, either animal or vegetable, situated between the cells; the intercellular substance
A matrix is a series of rows and columns of numbers Matrices are used in computer graphics to transform points
The surface in which prints are "pulled" The artist creates the matrix by drawing on a lithographic stone, cutting a woodblock, etching a plate, etc
In mathematics, a matrix is an arrangement of numbers, symbols, or letters in rows and columns which is used in solving mathematical problems. Set of numbers arranged in rows and columns to form a rectangular array. Matrix elements may also be differential operators, vectors, or functions. Matrices have wide applications in engineering, physics, economics, and statistics, as well as in various branches of mathematics. They are usually first encountered in the study of systems of equations represented by matrix equations of the form Ax = B, which may be solved by finding the inverse of matrix A or by using an algebraic method based on its determinant
A two-dimensional (row and column) array of quantities in which the particular location of a quan-tity in the array has a particular meaning, and by extension, an array of any number of dimensions
The womb. The concept of an enclosure is common to many of the other uses of matrix
The essentially homogeneous resin or polymer material in which the fiber system of a composite is imbedded both thermoplastic and thermoset resins may be used, as well as metals, ceramics, and glasses
A rectangular array of numbers QuickDraw 3D defines 3-by-3 and 4-by-4 matrices using the TQ3Matrix3x3 and TQ3Matrix4x4 data types
In wffs of predicate logic in which all quantifiers are clustered together at the left side, the section to the right of the quantifiers See prefix; prenex normal form
A material in which the fiber of a composite is imbedded; it can be plastic, metal, ceramic, or glass
It is the mould where printing-types are founded Small blocks of copper or iron in parallelepiped form where the letter is digged and inverted Make - ready - The preparatory work done on the platen of a printing press to get all the type and illustration to print evenly Make - up - Breaking up galley matter into pages or to conform to a pre-determined typographic scheme Melotyping - It is the music copy by movable printing-type Measure - It is a dimension determined by the number of quadrat of 12 corps (pica) where any setting-up type work is done Metallography - It is the art of metal printing in particular in the vacuum Microphotography - It is the photography of microscopic preparations Minervist - It is the typographic printing worker that works with small machines called Minervas moved by electricity or by foot
Refers to the total volume of ground penetrated by the transmitted electromagnetic field-which may contain varying amounts and combinations of minerals, metals, salts and moisture
An arrangement of rows and columns used to display multi-dimensional information
Hence, that which gives form or origin to anything The cavity in which anything is formed, and which gives it shape; a die; a mold, as for the face of a type
The matrix of an immunoassay reaction is everything in the incubation medium except the ligand and the binder Many of these matrix components influence the kinetics of the ligand-binder reaction
A matrix is an object upon which a design has been placed and which is then used to make an impression on a piece of paper, thus creating a print A wood block, metal plate, or lithographic stone can be used as a matrix
A key element in evaluating the quality of a pairwise sequence alignment is the "substitution matrix,"which assigns a score for aligning any possible pair of residues The matrix used in a BLAST® search can be changed depending on the type of sequences you are searching with
The least fragmented, most continuous pattern element of a landscape; the vegetation type that is most continuous over a landscape
The five simple colors, black, white, blue, red, and yellow, of which all the rest are composed
mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surface
mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surface the formative tissue at the base of a nail the body substance in which tissue cells are embedded a rectangular array of elements (or entries) set out by rows and columns an enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb)
An engraving or stamped code For vinyl items, this describes the code etched into the run-out grooves on each side of the record For CDs, the code can be found on the metallic ring in the center of the disc (Many CDs may also have an IFPI code printed on the inner plastic ring )
A matrix is the environment or context in which something such as a society develops and grows. the matrix of their culture
{i} environment in which something develops; formative tissue; form, mold; rectangular array of numerals; soft rock in which harder rocks are embedded; cartilage; (Internet) supersystem that includes all the networks and computers that transfer electron
[FidoNet] n 1 What the Opus BBS software and sysops call {FidoNet} 2 Fanciful term for a {cyberspace} expected to emerge from current networking experiments (see {network, the}) 3 The totality of present-day computer networks
The earthy or stony substance in which metallic ores or crystallized minerals are found; the gangue
The surface (usually wood, metal, or stone) on which the image is actually made, and which is then inked in preparation for the making of each print
an enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb)
A matrix is a tabular representation of a set of data It is characterised by its dimensionality measured by the ofnumbers of rows (r) and columns (c) If r = c the matrix is said to square, and if the upper triangle of values is identical to lower triangle of values it is said to be symmetric If matrix algebra methods are employed the matrix is normally symbolised by a bold capital letter, e g M
A matrix is an object upon which a design has been formed and which is then used to make an impression on a piece of paper, thus creating a print A {wood} block, {metal} plate, or {lithographic} stone can be used as a matrix
A process by which a rectangular table of numbers or abstract quantities that can be added and multiplied is broken down into simpler numerical building blocks
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) The Matrix of Domination is a sociological theory that explains issues of oppression that deal with race, class, and gender, though recognized as different social classifications, which are all interconnected. Other forms of classification, such as sexual orientation, religion, or age, apply to this theory as well. Patricia Hill Collins is credited with introducing the theory in her work entitled Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment
A metering method which uses the entire image; however, it breaks the area down into smaller segments and uses the individual readings to calculate the best possible exposure Matrix-metering is the most accurate of the metering systems
An advanced camera light metering system using a multi-segment sensor and computer With Matrix Metering, a photographer has a high possibility of a correct exposure for most lighting situations, including scenes that incorporate the sun and backlit subjects
A form of liquid crystal display with a grid of transistors and capacitors that can hold a charge for a limited period of time, contrasted with passive matrix
A form of liquid crystal display in which the pixels must maintain their state without active driving circuitry until they are next refreshed, contrasted with active matrix
a square matrix whose rows consist of nonnegative real numbers, with each row summing to 1. Used to describe the transitions of a Markov chain; its element in the i'th row and j'th column describes the probability of moving from state i to state j in one time step
a square matrix whose rows consist of nonnegative real numbers, with each row summing to 1. Used to describe the transitions of a Markov chain; its element in the i'th row and j'th column describes the probability of moving from state i to state j in one time step
In linear algebra, a circulant matrix is a special kind of Toeplitz matrix where each row vector is rotated one element to the right relative to the preceding row vector. In numerical analysis circulant matrices are important because they are diagonalized by a discrete Fourier transform, and hence linear equations that contain them may be quickly solved using a fast Fourier transform
A staircase matrix is called a convex staircase Monge matrix (or concave staircase Monge matrix) if the Monge relation holds within the staircase. Monge arrays, or Monge matrices, are mathematical objects used primarily in computer science. They are named for their discoverer, the French mathematician Gaspard Monge
A staircase matrix is called a convex staircase Monge matrix (or concave staircase Monge matrix) if the Monge relation holds within the staircase. Monge arrays, or Monge matrices, are mathematical objects used primarily in computer science. They are named for their discoverer, the French mathematician Gaspard Monge
In linear algebra, a tridiagonal matrix is a matrix that is "almost" a diagonal matrix. To be exact: a tridiagonal matrix has nonzero elements only in the main diagonal, the first diagonal below this, and the first diagonal above the main diagonal
A type of LCD screen used on portable computers, in which there is a separate circuit for each pixel, allowing each pixel to be activated completely independently It also allows the pixels to be addressed more quickly than a passive matrix display does
A computer display, found in notebook computers, that uses a liquid crystal display Each dot, or pixel, on the screen is represented by a separate transistor, resulting in a sharper, brighter image
An LCD laptop display which uses an individual transistor for each pixel displayed These screens have good contrast, wide angle of vision and do not show streaking or shadowing as on cheaper passive matrix screens
A system of printing where individual dots are printed in matrix (5x7, 7x9, etc ) forming bars, alphanumeric characters, and simple graphics See AIM document T11, "Matrix Impact Printing", for specifications
Type of printer in which the printhead is constructed from an array of pins capable of representing text and images The image is transferred by the printhead striking an inked ribbon against the paper
is a fairly basic, but flexible printer It can produce text or graphics in the form of a matrix of small dots, with each character formed by a series of pins striking a ribbon They are generally used for jobs where the quality of the printing is not crucial
A matrix of dots which may be arranged in the form of a character A dot matrix (qv) printer uses a column of pins to form the characters as it moves across its width
A system of printing where individual dots are printed in matrix (5x7, 7x9, etc ), forming bars, alphanumeric characters and simple graphics See AIM document T-11, "Matrix Impact Printing," for specifications
Usually applied to printer and screen output devices which make up character/images from a matrix of dots Quality depends on dot density and size (See also resolution) Historically a type of printer that used inky ribbons and mechanical contact
A type of printer that uses a head of pins that impact paper through a ribbon of ink to build up text (usually uses continuous or fan-fold paper) Double Click To rapidly press and release mouse button (usually the left) twice without moving the mouse Usually carried out an action, such as starting an application
A type of printer that prints by driving a set of pins onto an inked ribbon, pressing small portions of the ribbon against the paper so dots of ink appear on the paper The dots are close together and appear to be letters or graphic shapes
a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers; parallel wires run both vertically and horizontally and pixels are turned on when the wires intersecting at that pixel are both energized; "passive matrix displays are generally inferior to active matrix displays
(Ticaret) A table that matches personnel, or other resources, with desired skills to provide views of the need for additional development, training or the acquisition of new resources
A transformation matrix is a shorthand way of describing the positioning, rotating, and sizing of an object When a transformation matrix is applied to an object it will often be in a different place, orientation, and size afterwards The inverse of a transformation matrix will restore the object to its original place, orientation, and size