or Ut-song (morning song) In modern practice, refers to both the Nocturns or Night-watches and the Lauds (laudes matutinales: morning praises) which follows them, celebrated early in the morning Originally, the Nocturns were done separately at intervals throughout the night One of the greater Hours of the Divine Office, and the one containing the bulk of the didactic material on the Sunday scriptures or the Saint being celebrated Commemorates the birth of Christ and the coming of the New Testament or covenant In the Orthodox period, all the people were expected to attend, and did regularly attend, Vespers, Matins, and Mass on the Sundays and important feasts
(Gr Orthos) The Morning Service, which is combined with the liturgy It begins with the reading of six psalms (Exapsalmos), the reading of the Gospel, the chanting of the Canon, and the Great Doxology