Hatalar yapmak her zaman yanlış değildir.
- To make mistakes is not always wrong.
Ben bu küçük odayla ilgili en iyisini yapmak zorundayım.
- I have to make the best of that small room.
Acele ettiğinde, hata yapmak kolaydır.
- When you're in a hurry, it's easy to make a mistake.
Sevişmek dünyanın en lezzetli şeyidir.
- To make love is the world's most delicious thing.
Aşk hakkında konuşmak sevişmektir.
- To talk about love is to make love.
İslam Danimarka'nın en büyük ikinci dini olup, onun 210.000 inananı toplumunun% 3.7'sini oluşturmaktadır.
- Islam is the second largest religion in Denmark, of which its 210,000 believers make up 3.7% of its society.
O mantıklı olmak zorunda değil.
- It doesn't have to make sense.
Hastanedeki kötü deneyimlerini telafi etmek için, Tom içmesi gerekenden biraz daha fazla içti.
- To make up for his unpleasant experiences in the hospital, Tom drank a little more than he should have.
Kayıp zamanı telafi etmek için daha sıkı çalışmalısın.
- You have to work harder to make up for lost time.
Kâr elde etmek için mücadele eden komisyoncular her zaman kitabına göre oynamıyorlar.
- Brokers struggling to make a profit don't always play by the book.
Fiyatlar düştüğünde hâlâ kâr elde etmek mümkündür.
- It is still possible to make a profit when prices are falling.
Ben bir yanlış yapmak istemiyorum.
- I do not want to make a mistake.
Herkes hata yapabilir.
- Anybody can make a mistake.
Korkarım ki bir hata yapacak.
- I am afraid he will make a mistake.
Sahip olduğunla yetinmek zorunda kalacaksın.
- You'll have to make do with what you've got.
Sahip olduklarımızla yetinmek zorunda kalacağız.
- We'll have to make do with what we have.
Nancy ile arkadaş olmak istiyorum.
- I want to make friends with Nancy.
Parti başka insanlarla arkadaş olmak için elverişli bir yerdir.
- A party is a good place to make friends with other people.
O benimle dalga geçmek istiyor.
- He wants to make fun of me.
Sen arkadaşlarımın önünde benimle alay etmek mi istiyorsun?
- Do you intend to make fun of me in front of my friends?
Tom Mary ile alay etmekten hoşlanıyor.
- Tom likes to make fun of Mary.
Annem bana nasıl osechi yapılacağını öğretti.
- My mother taught me how to make osechi.
Bu elektrikli süpürge çok gürültü yapıyor.
- This vacuum cleaner makes a lot of noise.
O bir fark yaratmak zorunda.
- That's got to make a difference.
Bununla ilgili bir sorun yaratmak istemiyorum.
- I don't want to make an issue of it.
Ben bu kararı kolay bir biçimde vermedim.
- I didn't make this decision lightly.
O, yüz çeşitten fazla ekmek yapmasını bilir.
- She knows how to make more than a hundred types of bread.
Tom işini nasıl daha başarılı yapacağına dair çeşitli fikirler ileri sürdü.
- Tom came up with various ideas on how to make his business more successful.
Tarihin gerçek yapımcıları kitlelerdir.
- The true makers of history are the masses.
Tom bir maket yapımcısıdır.
- Tom is a model maker.
Tom'un nereye gitmesi gerektiğini bildiğinden emin olmak zorundayım.
- I have to make certain Tom knows where he needs to go.
Tom'un onu yapmayacağından emin olmak bizim işimiz.
- It's our job to make certain Tom doesn't do that.
O karar vermek için uzun bir zaman ayırdığından dolayı bir üne sahiptir.
- He has a reputation for taking a long time to make up his mind.
Şimdi karar vermek zorunda olduğunuz zaman.
- Now is when you have to make up your mind.
Carney Blake? Don't make me laugh. Rose chuckled, his hand still extended for payment. He's been down drunk all summer. He'll be lucky if he doesn't shoot himself..
For several years the government has continuously reduced the amount of money spent on education. Now they complain that teachers are not doing their job properly- It's enough to make the angels weep.
He irons his clothes how?! That's crazy! Well, I guess it takes all kinds.
I made over twenty miles that day, for I was now hardened to fatigue and accustomed to long hikes, having spent considerable time hunting and exploring in the immediate vicinity of camp.
To make like a deer caught in the headlights.
Don’t let them make you suffer.
The ship could make 20 knots an hour in calm seas.
His past mistakes don’t make him a bad person.
What make of car do you drive?.
She married into wealth. She has it made.
This makes the third infraction.
Henry Hill: Paulie's gonna make you?.
We’ll make a man out of him yet.
The camera was of German make.
David Sinclair: (walking) Almost at Seventh; I should have a visual any second now. (rounds a corner, almost collides into Kaleed Asan) Damn, that was close.Don Eppes: David, he make you?David Sinclair: No, I don't think so.
Th'Elfe therewith astownd, / Vpstarted lightly from his looser make, / And his vnready weapons gan in hand to take.
I was made to feel like a criminal.
We should make Cincinnati by 7 tonight.
I don’t know what to make of it.
Scotch will make you a man.
To restrain runaways who are too fragile to survive on the outside, Administrator Edward Farmilant of Chicago's Somerset nursing home gave the front door guard pictures of 36 patients who might make a break for it.
Master, he said that day to me, this must come to an end. I must make a clean breast of it. This Nemo is leaving land and going up to the north. But I declare to you that I have had enough of the South Pole, and I will not follow him to the North..
You need to make a decision whether or not to go.
He quit his regular job and tried to make a go of it as an artist.
Pouring drinks is one thing I always make a hash of, so please help yourselves.
Danny Boyle's critical darling 'Slumdog Millionaire' has made a killing at the box office and is now being lavished with awards.
: Make it quick and painless, she'd told herself, don't make a meal of it.
It is very difficult to make a monkey out of policy makers who can read and write and can argue a case logically.
If you're stuck in traffic, try not to make a mountain out of a molehill worrying about it too much. It could be much worse.
Instead, he had lain awake for hours, knowing he'd made a pig's ear of everything, and trying to think of a way to sort things out.
Make a point to carry your calendar with you at all times.
I suppose the people who wrote that stuff on the wall were trying to make a point, but they mainly made a mess.
A smart development can make a silk purse of a sow's ear, and the effect on older properties can be quite dramatic.
If you want to make a splash at the event, do something especially memorable.
Allowing a known trouble-maker to join the team is making a stick for your own back.
If nothing happens when you ask nicely, make a stink until something gets done.
Nietzsche, as I gather, regarded the slave-morality as having been invented and imposed on the world by slaves making a virtue of necessity and a religion of their servitude.
I must take more exercise than I have done for time past—it will make against my Studies but it is better to have health to preach what I now know ... than to know more and not be able to preach at all.
I hope they can stop fighting and make amends.
He made an example of' the drunken sailor with twenty lashes, to show that he must have a sober crew.
the mother, Mr Jones, Mr Nightingale, and his love, stept into a hackney-coach, which conveyed them to Doctors' Commons; where Miss Nancy was, in vulgar language, soon made an honest woman, and the poor mother became one of the happiest of all human beings.
Hostratus the friar took that book which Reuchlin had written against him, under the name of Epist. obscurorum vivorum, so to heart, that for shame and grief he made away himself.
Will you,’ said he, ‘on your honour, let me see them uncurtailed, and not offer to make them away; no, not a single paper?’.
Let's build a fort out of chairs and blankets and make believe we are pirates.
In the American League, front-running Cleveland was an odds-on favorite with the men who make book on baseball.
Oh, you can make book that she didn't start no love-making. She ain't the kind to curl up in a man's ear and whisper..
There is barely enough money, so we will have to make do with what we have.
The 'make do and mend' campaign was the Board of Trade's central propaganda effort directed at housewives. It gave advice on preservation, renovation, and repair of clothing and other household goods.
The recipe calls for exotic mushrooms, but we'll have to make do with ordinary ones.
Although most of the poor and displaced in Khartoum struggle to make ends meet, a very small number not only find work, but form small co-operatives.
Tarzan on his part never lost an opportunity to show that he fully reciprocated his foster father's sentiments, and whenever he could safely annoy him or make faces at him or hurl insults upon him from the safety of his mother's arms, or the slender branches of the higher trees, he did so.
e disappeared into his house much as a startled weasel makes for its hole.
That they are “conditions of thought” does not make for Kant’s theory of the categories one iota more than it makes for the theory of Aristotle or for the theory of Locke.
It was such a day as one dreams about, with that pleasant warmth in the air that makes for indolent content.
Please stop making fun of your sister and just help her.
The check bounced, but he said he will make good on it next month.
See if you can make head or tail of this chapter. I'm baffled.
I worked on them all day, but barely made headway at all.
The potion made him into a toad.
Don’t die, pal. You’re gonna make it little buddy. Come on, man. We’re gonna help you, and you’re gonna make it.
a fellow who knew how to make every girl happy, but once he’d made it with her didn’t know where to go from there.
I was scrambling to my feet when I saw the car sliding back toward me, having not quite made it to the crest of the hill.
Cause there’s a million better bands.
Bring me a coffee, and make it snappy!.
I wouldn't make this known to anyone else, if I were you.
The decision was made known when it appeared on the evening news.
I wish you wouldn't make light of the matter, when it obviously means a great deal to him.
Make like we're getting married and repeat after me, 2004 is the year I will moisturise daily.
In his office is an eight-foot bull whip; Ed likes to snap it around and make like a slave-driver.
e was so frightened, being new to the sight, that he made off again, and never stopped until he had run a mile or more.
It is a nice fruity wine, but it doesn't make old bones.
With his heart condition, he'll never make old bones.
Perhaps I should make myself scarce before he finds any more miserable tasks to assign to me.
Vince knew that his ability to come up with a catchy hook would make or break his song.
I had to make out that my car was stolen in order to get any insurance money.
Cheques may be made out to the Foo Bar Company.
Oh, you were on a TV game show? How did you make out?.
Though nothing of the vault except the roof was visible from where I lay, and so I could not see these visitors, yet I heard every word spoken, and soon made out one voice as being Master Ratsey's. This discovery gave me no surprise but much solace, for I thought that if the worst happened and I was discovered, I should find one friend with whom I could plead for life.
His version of the story makes me out to be the bad guy.
We found a secluded spot where we could make out in private.
Somebody must be making out like a bandit if they have managed to sell a $50 product for $500 like that!.
Cindy is going to make over Karen tomorrow.
We're going to make over the garage into a guest suite.
The senator needs to make over his image.
We had some bad blood initially, but in the end it was all made right by talking things over.
Somehow the combination didn’t make sense, but Cranston took it at face value, whatever that was worth.
Can you make sense of her handwriting?.
A good electric screwdriver will make short work of the disassembly process.
The young woman's boss was stern and old-school, and he was out to make her cry after refusing to tolerate her mistakes.
Thank you for the unexpected gift. It really made my day.
The sound of fingernails on a chalkboard just makes my skin crawl.
The squeaking won’t do any harm, but if it makes your teeth itch, oil the hinge.
He moved to the big smoke when he was 17 to make something of himself.
When you leave, make sure you lock the door behind you.
Out of a pool of twenty applicants, only 3 made the cut.
In the end, only eight plucky contestants made the grade.
Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. — Ralph Waldo Emerson.
The naked photos of that celebrity have been making the rounds in the tabloids.
The doctors at the hospital check on the patients when they make the rounds at nine o'clock.
I had better make tracks now, since my plane leaves soon.
Cuba took limited free market-oriented measures to alleviate severe shortages of food, consumer goods, and services to make up for the ending of Soviet subsidies.
I can make up a batch of stew in a few minutes, but it will take a two hours to cook.
Let's leave as soon I make up my face.
They fight a lot, but they always manage to make up.
He was a great storyteller and could make up a story on the spot.
I can't make up my mind whether to have ice cream or cake.
I need to go make water. - Hoke Colburn, Driving Miss Daisy.
He was starting to make his way in the world.
For to tell the truth I do.
Prince Harry is taking girlfriend Chelsy Davy on a make-or-break African holiday in a bid to heal their troubled relationship. -.
Equal parts jazz landmark and make-out album, it rewards the listener on every level, and established modal jazz as a sub-genre that is still being explored.
We only argue because of the make-up sex.
The assignment was simply make-work to keep them busy on a rainy day.
In a city where everybody was hustling, everybody, as they phrased it, on the make, why should anyone take a second glance at Peter Gudge?.
Harry (Matthew Cowles) and Tim (Timothy Meyers) are an inseparable pair of macho punks always on the make for an easy sexual score.
His girl—the one he has been trying unsuccessfully to put the make on—hears the longing and the edge of desperation in his voice and kisses him on the cheek.
Late in the fight, Roger told me Zab was going to do something dirty, and he did it, Mayweather said after the fight. I didn't return it, because two wrongs don't make a right..