Renk koordinasyonu ile ilgili Kelly'nin raporunda sunulan bilginin alternatif bir teori oluşturmada faydalı olacağı anlaşilmaktadır.
- The information presented in Kelly's paper on color coordination is seen to be of use in building up an alternative theory.
Daha makul bir öneri Emmet'in teorisi ile ilgili Leech'in sunduğudur.
- A more plausible proposal is the one Leech presented in conjunction with Emmet's theory.
Tom müzik teorisi okudu.
- Tom studied music theory.
Teoride, teori ve pratik aynı olmalıdır ama uygulamada değildirler.
- In theory, theory and practice should be the same, but in practice, they're not.
Teoride, teori ve uygulama arasında farklılık yok. Ama uygulamada var.
- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
Teorik olarak mümkündür, ancak uygulamada çok zor.
- In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult.
Bu bilimsel teori çok tartışmalıdır.
- This scientific theory is very controversial.
Bu bilimsel teori tartışmalıdır.
- This scientific theory is controversial.
Görelilik kuramını kim icat etti?
- Who invented the theory of relativity?
Darwin'in adını evrim teorisi ile bağdaştırıyoruz.
- We associate Darwin's name with the theory of evolution.
Bu kitap yeni dilbilim teorisi ile ilgilenir.
- This book deals with the new theory of linguistics.
The functional approach has a great affinity with Skopos theory. The function of a translation is dependent on the knowledge, expectations, values and norms of the target readers, who are again influenced by the situation they are in and by the culture. These factors determine whether the function of the source text or passages in the source text can be preserved or have to be modified or even changed.
chaos-theory journal.
The professor of complexity theory says that the problem can be solved in polynomial time.
So, like I’m Rock Hudson? I’m not sure that’s the answer.” “Ah,” Lola smiles knowingly, “that’s all just a conspiracy theory. He enjoyed the ladies too.”.
Factorization has driven many great discoveries in number theory.
quantum optics.
String theory denies the existence of a hypothetical eleventh dimension.
I have a theory about who broke into the school last night, but I have no proof to back it up.
The theory of relativity was proposed by Einstein.
A theory is consistent if it has a model.
Knot theory classifies the mappings of a circle into 3-space.
There is now a well-developed theory of electrical charge.
So we’ll be there in three hours? — Yes, that’s the theory.
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge. 2nd ed. Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy. By Robert Audi. New York: Routledge, 2003.
... Well, so far, we can reproduce these four physical theories, but a fifth theory cannot ...
... this in string theory. The question is, how practical is it to go through one of these ...