The time-scale of the forest owner or manager as manifested by the objectives of the management plan, the rate of harvesting, and the commitment to maintain permanent forest cover The length of time involved will vary according to the context and ecological conditions, and will be a function of how long it takes a given ecosystem to recover its natural structure and composition following harvesting or disturbance, or to produce mature or primary conditions
- A defined timescale over which certain actions are to be carried out For the purposes of this plan it is defined as "ideally to be completed 10 years from the start of the plan's implementation but certainly within 15 years" (See SHORT TERM, MEDIUM TERM, ONGOING)
holding period of 12 months or longer and applicable in calculating the capital gains tax investment approach to the stock market in which an investor seeks appreciation by holding a stock for 12 months or more bond with a maturity of 10 years or longer Back to the top of the page
A period of time which is long enough to be concerned about the impacts of changing technologies, including support for new media and data formats, on the information held in the ARCHIVE
In life insurance, refers to a straight term policy providing coverage for a long period of time and frequently having accumulating cash values Life expectancy (term to expectancy) that is written for a term of years extended to the end of the policyowner's life expectancy