litmus paper

listen to the pronunciation of litmus paper
İngilizce - Türkçe
turnusol kâğıdı
(Kimya) turnusol kağıdı
blue litmus paper
mavi turnosol kâğıdı
İngilizce - İngilizce
Paper containing a water-soluble mixture of different dyes extracted from certain lichens. The resulting piece of paper is used to test materials for acidity
unsized paper treated with litmus for use as an acid-base indicator
An unsized white paper impregnated with litmus and used as a pH or acid-base indicator. paper containing litmus, used to test whether a chemical is an acid or an alkali
paper covered in a special substance and used to detect acids and bases
litmus paper


    lit·mus pa·per

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    lîtmıs peypır


    /ˈlətməs ˈpāpər/ /ˈlɪtməs ˈpeɪpɜr/


    () From litmus + paper.