leek teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
The vegetable Allium ampeloprasum variety porrum, of the lily family, having edible leaves and an onion-like bulb but with a milder flavour than the onion
The leek, a relation to both the garlic and the onion, is mild in flavor and looks like a giant scallion To clean a leek, slit leek from top to bottom and wash thoroughly to remove dirt that may be trapped between leaf layers
related to onions; white cylindrical bulb and flat dark-green leaves plant having a large slender white bulb and flat overlapping dark green leaves; used in cooking; believed derived from the wild Allium ampeloprasum
Leeks are long thin vegetables which smell similar to onions. They are white at one end, have long light green leaves, and are eaten cooked. An edible plant (Allium porrum) related to the onion and having a white, slender bulb and flat, dark-green leaves. Hardy, vigorous, biennial plant (Allium porrum) of the lily family, native to the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. It has a mild, sweet, onionlike flavour. In Europe it is widely used in soups and stews and is cooked whole as a vegetable. It became the national emblem of Wales following an ancient victory by an army of Welshmen who wore leeks as a distinguishing sign. The long, narrow leaves and nearly cylindrical bulb of the first season are replaced in the second season by a tall solid stalk bearing leaves and a large umbel with many flowers