
listen to the pronunciation of laser
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Askeri) LAZER: Bak. "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation"
lazer (aygıtı)
Lazer (LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)) Uyarılmış işin neşriyle ışık kuvvetlendirilmesi
laser işini
ışık dalgalannı kuvvetlendiren veya üretebilen bir çeşit meyzer
laser ışını,lazer
(isim) lazer
i., fiz. lazer
{i} lazer

Lazer cerrahisi bazı görme sorunu türlerini onarabilir. - Laser surgery can fix some kinds of vision problems.

Ve uzaylılar, uçan daireler ve lazer silahları nerede? - And where are the aliens, the flying saucers, and the laser guns?

laser beam
lazer ışını
laser beam drilling
lazer ışınıyla delme
laser memory
lazer bellek
laser printer
lazer yazıcı
laser threshold
lazer eşiği
laser beam recorder
Lazer işini kaydedici
laser card
lazer kartı
laser disc
lazer disk
laser film
lazer film
laser optics
lazer optik
laser pointer
lazer pointer
laser quest
Londra'da bir eğlence yeri
laser sight
Lazer görüşü
laser sight
lazer görme
laser surgery
Lazer cerrahisi

Lazer cerrahisi bazı görme sorunu türlerini onarabilir. - Laser surgery can fix some kinds of vision problems.

laser tag
lazer tabancaları ile oynanan bir oyun çeşidi
laser trap
lazer tuzağı
laser video disk
lazer video disk
Laser Beam Rider
(Askeri) Lazer Huzme Güdümlü Füze
(Askeri) lazerli MAVERICK
laser airborne bathymetry system
(Askeri) lazerli hava indirme irtifa sistemi
laser beam
(Tıp) Bir çeşit ışık enerjisi
laser designator
(Askeri) LAZER İŞARETLEYİCİ: Bir lazer enerji ışını yayarak belirli bir yeri veya nesneyi işaretlemekte kullanılan bir cihaz
laser designator operator
(Askeri) lazer hedef işaretleme operatörü
laser eye protection; linear error probable
(Askeri) lazer göz koruma; doğrusal hata ihtimalli
laser guidance unit
(Askeri) LAZER GÜDÜM ÜNİTESİ/CİHAZI: Kendi yapısı içindeki lazer tespit cihazıyla, bir füzenin, merminin veya bombanın kontrol sistemine nişan komutları sağlayan cihaz
laser guided weapon
(Askeri) LAZER GÜDÜMLÜ SİLAH: Bir lazer ışınıyla işaretlenmiş/Nişan alınmış bir hedeften yansıyan lazer enerjisini tespit ederek ve bu sinyalleri işleme tabi tutmak suretiyle silahı bu yansıma noktasına yöneltmek üzere güdüm komutları sağlayan bir cihaz kullanan silah
laser illuminator
(Askeri) LAZER AYDINLATICI: Bir lazer ışını yaymak suretiyle bir faaliyet bölgesindeki aydınlatmayı artırmak için kullanılan cihaz
laser intelligence
(Askeri) LAZER İSTİHBARATI: Lazer sistemlerinden elde edilen teknik ve istihbarat bilgileri. Elektro optik istihbaratın bir alt kategorisi. Ayrıca LASINT adıyla da anılır
laser intelligence
(Askeri) lazer istihbaratı
laser linescan system
(Askeri) LAZER ARAZİ TETKİK SİSTEMİ: Uçuş hattının altındaki araziyi tetkik etmek için temel aydınlatma kaynağı olarak lazer kullanan ve araç ilerledikçe bu hal üzerindeki müteakip kesitleri kayda ekleyen aktif bir havadan görüntü kayıt cihazı. Ayrıca bakınız: "infrared linescan system"
laser printer
bilg. lazer yazıcı/printer
laser pulse duration
(Askeri) LAZER PALS SÜRESİ: Lazerden çıkan pals gücünün sürekli olarak azami değerinin yarısının üzerinde olduğu süre
laser range finder
(Askeri) lazer mesafe ölçücü
laser range finder/detector
(Askeri) lazerli mesafe tayin edici / bulucu
laser rangefinder
(Askeri) LAZERLİ MESAFE BULUCU: Bir yer veya nesneyle kendisi arasındaki mesafeyi bulmak için lazer kullanan bir cihaz
laser seeker
(Askeri) LAZER TESPİT ARAMA CİHAZI: Ana kısmını lazer ışını yöneltilmiş bir hedeften yansıyan enerjiyi tespit ederek alıcıya göre hedefin yönünü tayin eden yön hassasiyeti yüksek bir alıcının oluşturduğu bir cihaz. Ayrıca bakınız: "laser guided weapon"
laser target designating system
(Askeri) LAZERLİ HEDEF TAYİN SİSTEMİ: Lazer enerjisini bir hedefe yöneltmek için kullanılan bir sistem. Bu sistem hedefi tespit etmek ve lazer ışınını bu hedefe yöneltmek için gerekli olan lazer işaretleyicisinden veya lazer hedef bulucusundan ve bunların gösterge ve kontrol unsurlarından meydana gelir
laser target designator
(Askeri) lazer hedef işaretleyici
laser target designator/ranger
(Askeri) lazer hedef bildirici/mesafe tayin edici
laser target marking system
(Askeri) Bak. "laser target designating system"
laser tracker
(Askeri) LAZERLİ TAKİP CİHAZI: Lazerle işaretlenmiş/tespit edilmiş bir hedeften yansıyan enerjiye kilitlenen ve kendisine göre hedefin yönünü tayin eden bir cihaz
laser trimming
lazerle budama
laser videodisc
lazer videodisk
landing ship,tank; laser spot tracker; tank landing ship
(Askeri) çıkarma gemisi,tank; lazer nokta tarayıcı; tank çıkarma gemisi
custom laser
(Bilgisayar) özel lazer
selective laser sintered
argon laser
argon lazeri
carbon dioxide laser
karbondioksit lazeri
junction laser
jonksiyon lazeri
liquid laser
sıvı lazer
erbium laser
erbiyumlu lazer
semiconductor laser amplifier
yarıiletken lazer amplifikatör
variable output-powered laser
değişken çıkış güçlü lazer
airborne laser
(Askeri) hava indirme lazeri
compact laser designator
(Askeri) kompakt lazer işaretleyici
excimer excited dimer laser
(İnşaat) uyarılmış dimer lazer
gated laser intensifier
(Askeri) girişli lazer yoğunlaştırıcı
ground laser target designator
(Askeri) yerden kontrollü lazer hedef planlayıcısı
ground/vehicle laser locator designator
(Askeri) yer/araç lazerli yer bulma aracı
injection laser diode
(Bilgisayar) enjeksiyon lazer diyodu
modular universal laser equipment
(Askeri) modüler evrensel lazer teçhizatı
regional liaison group; ring laser gyro
(Askeri) bölge irtibat grubu; çember lazer cayrosu
satellite laser communications; single line concept
(Askeri) uydu lazer muhaberesi; tek hat konsepri
satellite laser ranging
uydu lazer konumlayıcısı
special operations laser marker
(Askeri) özel harekat lazer işareti
Türkçe - Türkçe
İngilizce - İngilizce
Such a plant
To cut with a laser
To throw with laser-like precision
A gum resin obtained from certain umbelliferous plants
A device that produces a monochromatic, coherent beam of light
Acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation A device that utilizes the natural oscillations of atoms or molecules between energy levels for generating coherent electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet, visible, or infrared regions of the spectrum
Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation An intense light beam that produces images with electronic impulses
(light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) (n ) A device that creates coherent light of precise focus
(light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) In telecommunications, a device which produces light at a narrow range of frequencies, to generate signals used in fiber optic communications systems
an acronym of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation A surgical tool that creates intense heat and power when focused at close range, destroying cells by vaporizing them
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation A device which produces light with a narrow spectral width Used in fiber optic communication systems, usually single mode, where high capacity and low attenuation are required
an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; an optical device that produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light
A laser is a machine that produces a laser beam. the first-ever laser, built in 1960. Device that produces an intense beam of coherent light (light composed of waves having a constant difference in phase). Its name, an acronym derived from "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation," describes how its beam is produced. The first laser, constructed in 1960 by Theodore Maiman born 1927 based on earlier work by Charles H. Townes, used a rod of ruby. Light of a suitable wavelength from a flashlight excited (see excitation) the ruby atoms to higher energy levels. The excited atoms decayed swiftly to slightly lower energies (through phonon reactions) and then fell more slowly to the ground state, emitting light at a specific wavelength. The light tended to bounce back and forth between the polished ends of the rod, stimulating further emission. The laser has found valuable applications in microsurgery, compact-disc players, communications, and holography, as well as for drilling holes in hard materials, alignment in tunnel drilling, long-distance measurement, and mapping fine details
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation This phenomenon is brought about using devices that transform light of varying frequencies into a single intense, nearly nondivergent beam of monochromatic radiation in the visible region Lasers operate in the visible, infrared, or ultraviolet regions of the spectrum They are capable of producing immense heat and power when focused at close range and are used in surgical procedures, in diagnosis, and in physiologic studies [MeSH, 1965]
An acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation A medical instrument that produces a powerful beam of light and can produce intense heat or cool vaporization when focused at close range Lasers are often used in surgery to remove tissue
abbr Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
An acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation A laser is a cavity that has mirrors at the ends and is filled with lasable material such as crystal, glass, liquid, gas, or dye These materials must have atoms, ions, or molecules capable of being excited to a metastable state by light, electric discharge, or other stimulus The transition from this metastable state back to the normal ground state is accompanied by the emission of photons which form a coherent beam
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation A device that produces coherent light with a narrow range of wavelengths
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
An acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation generates monochromatic, coherent light, usually from an excited gas or semiconductor
an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation A device that uses stimulated emissions to produce a coherent beam of electromagnetic radiation
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
The acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation A laser is an intense beam with very narrow band width that can produce images by electronic impulses from digital data
A laser is a narrow beam of concentrated light produced by a special machine. It is used for cutting very hard materials, and in many technical fields such as surgery and telecommunications. new laser technology
Laser is the acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Laser is light of special properties, light is electromagnetic (EM) wave in visible range Lasers, broadly speaking, are devices that generate or amplify light, just as transistors generate and amplify electronic signals at audio, radio or microwave frequencies Here light must be understand broadly, since lasers have covered radiation at wavelengths ranging from infrared range to ultraviolet and even soft x-ray range
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation A device that produces a high-intensity, directional, monochromatic beam of light
the acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation A laser is an instrument that produces a powerful beam of light that can vaporize tissue
acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; a source of concentrated coherent light generated by stimulating electronic or molecular transitions to lower energy levels
Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation It's a device that produces a coherent beam of optical radiation by stimulating electronic, ionic, or molecular transitions to higher levels so that when they return to lower energy levels they emit energy
A device which produces an intense, coherent, directional beam of light by stimulating electronic or molecular transitions to lower energy levels An acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
{i} (acronym of: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) device which stimulates the atoms in a medium in order to increase electrical impulses and produce an intense concentrated beam of light
laser beam
The light emitted by a laser

Depending on whether the laser beam is defocused or focused, the CO2 laser can perform two distinct therapeuteic functions.

laser beams
plural form of laser beam
laser cooling
the process of using the force exerted by a laser to reduce the temperature of a gas, or the spread of velocities of a beam of atoms
laser diode
A laser whose active medium is a form of light-emitting diode
laser diodes
plural form of laser diode
laser eye surgery
A common procedure to correct one's vision
laser gun
a weapon that uses laser power as its destructive force
laser gun
a ray gun
laser guns
plural form of laser gun
laser pen
a laser pointer
laser pointer
A device that emits a highly concentrated beam of light to highlight items of interest at some distance
laser printer
A computer printer that uses a laser beam to produce an image on a rotating drum before transferring it to the paper
laser printers
plural form of laser printer
laser tag
A sport in which players try to shoot the opposition using an infrared-sensitive gun
Alternative spelling of laser gun
laser-plasma accelerator
A kind of plasma accelerator that utilize an amplitude-modulated intense laser beam to excite a large amplitude plasma wave that propagates at near the speed of light with a longitudinal acceleration electric field
laser level
(Mühendislik) In surveying, and construction the laser level is affixed to a tripod, levelled and then spun to illuminate a horizontal plane. The laser beam projector employs a rotating head with a mirror for sweeping the laser beam about a vertical axis. If the mirror is not self-leveling, it is provided with visually readable level vials and manually adjustable screws for orienting the projector. A staff carried by the operator is equipped with a moveable sensor which can detect the laser beam and gives a signal when the sensor is in line with the beam (usually an audible beep). The position of the sensor on the graduated staff allows comparison of elevations between different points on the terrain
Laser beam
beam of concentrated light having immense energy
laser beam
a beam of light generated by a laser
laser cooling
The slowing down of atoms or molecules by the use of a laser whose frequency has been adjusted to remove momentum from the particles
laser device
device that produces an intense beam of light (used for cutting, melting, transmitting, etc.)
laser diode
A laser made from a semi-conductor material and powered by applying electrical power to the material
laser diode
tiny semiconductor that produces radiation when an electrical current passes through it (used in fiber optics, laser printers, remote control devices, and more)
laser diode
A laser made from a semi-conductor material, and powered by applying an electrical potential to the material
laser diode
A semiconductor diode that "lases", i e when pulsed, a laser diode emits coherent light: light of essentially one wave length, in phase traveling in the same direction
laser diode
A low power laser resembling an LED in its construction
laser diode
  Synonym  injection laser diode
laser disc
A disc on which sound and visual images are recorded
laser disc
A laser disc is a shiny flat disc which can be played on a machine which uses lasers to convert signals on the disc into television pictures and sound of a very high quality
laser disc
a disc that has video images encoded into it and read by a laser Similar to the storage of digital audio information on a compact disc (CD)
laser disc
A disc that is recorded with sound and pictures and read on a laser disc player by a laser beam
laser disc
A disc that is recorded with sound and pictures and read on a laserdisc player by a laser beam
laser disk
a disk like a CD which can be read by laser light and used in computers or to watch films
laser gun
gun which shoots rays of laser light
laser operations
surgical procedure which uses laser rays
laser pointer
a small piece of equipment that produces a laser beam, used by teachers and people who are giving talks in order to point at things on a map, board etc
laser printer
A printer or all-in-one unit that uses static electricity and heat to bond particles of toner to a page to create characters, the same technology used by a copy machine Laser printers are not recommended for fabric printing
laser printer
A printer that works like a photocopying machine, except that, rather than a paper original, the information to copy is drawn on the drum by a laser Pretty cool
laser printer
electrostatic printer that focuses a laser beam to form images that are transferred to paper electrostatically
laser printer
This device uses a laser beam to produce an image on a drum The light of the laser alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits The drum is then rolled through a reservoir of toner, which is picked up by the charged portions of the drum Finally, the toner is transferred to the paper through a combination of heat and pressure
laser printer
A printer using laser copier technology to produce high-quality printed material from computer data The laser charges an electrostatically sensitive drum to accept carbon based toners The toner is then transferred and fused to paper or transparency material
laser printer
(Some, but not all Laser Printers have PostScript capabilities ) A hardware device found in most offices that uses laser technology to form an image that is transferred to paper It is toner particles (like a copier) that actually mark the page Laser printers have an attribute of Resolution that is expressed as DPI (dots per inch ) 600 DPI lasers are most common but there are specialized lasers with greater resolution
laser printer
A digital printer that uses a dry toner process It's a fast printer but inkjet printers are ahead on price/performance for colour printing
laser printer
A printer that uses a light beam to transfer images to paper
laser printer
type of printer which prints via a ray from a laser
laser printer
A type of printer that produces exceptionally high quality copies It works on the same principle as a photocopier, placing a black powder onto paper by using static charge on a rolling drum
laser printer
While considerably more complex and expensive than most other common printer types, laser printers are capable of producing extremely high-quality text and graphics (including colour) at fantastic speeds At their most basic, laser printers apply an electrostatic charge to a drum inside the printer cartridge A laser or a light-emitting diode then discharges portions of the drum to form the characters or graphics Charged toner attaches itself to these discharged sections A charged piece of paper is passed over the drum, transferring the toner The toner is heated and fused to the sheet
laser printer
Printer that produces very high quality text and graphics using a laser beam The beam draws the characters as tiny dots- normally 300 or 600 dots per inch- on to a special drum The drum then attracts a fine black powder (called toner) to these dots which is transferred to a sheet of paper The final stage is to heat the toner which melts it on the paper forming a permanent image Laser printers are more expensive than almost any other type of printer, but are generally faster and excellent quality Other types of printer include inkjet and dot-matrix
laser printer
A computer-driven photocopier that creates an original image of the text or graphics from the output of the computer A computer-controlled laser beam "paints" the desired image inside the photocopier and then prints the image on a sheet of paper
laser printer
A laser printer scans a laser beam across a photoconductive drum according to the instructions of a computer whose memory holds a bitmapped construction of the image to be printed After the electrostatic image has developed, it is put on paper
laser printer
A printer that uses a laser beam to produce fast, high-quality output
laser printer
A laser printer is a computer printer that produces clear words and pictures by using laser beams. A printer that uses a laser to produce an image on a rotating drum before electrostatically transferring the image to paper
laser printer
a type of printer that uses a laser beam to generate an image and then electronically transfers it to paper, using toner
laser printer
A printer that produces high quality images using a method similar to that of a photo copying machine (WP, Gr 3)
laser printer
A non-impact output device that burns images on paper using toner and a small laser
laser printer
A type of printer that utilizes a laser beam to produce an image on a drum Laser printers produce very high-quality print and are very adept at printing graphics Because laser printers are nonimpact printers, they are much quieter than dot-matrix printers They are also relatively fast, printing from about 4 to 20 pages of text per minute (ppm)
laser printer
Printer that uses a beam of light to charge a drum so that it attracts toner, which is transferred to heated paper
laser printer
A printer that uses a laser and the electrophotographic method to print a full page at a time The laser is used to "paint" a charged drum with light, to which toner is applied and then transferred onto paper
laser printer
A non-impact printer which uses a laser beam and toner applied to paper to produce fast, quiet, high density (typically 75 to 1600 dpi or greater) dot matrix images
laser printer
A high-resolution non-impact printer that uses a variation of the electrophotographic process used in photocopying machines to print text and graphics onto paper A laser printer uses a rotating disc to reflect laser beams onto a photosensitive drum, where the image of the page is converted into an electrostatic charge that attracts and holds the toner A piece of charged paper is then rolled against the drum to transfer the image, and heat is applied to fuse the toner and paper together to create the final image
laser printer
(n ) A device that uses coherent light to cast an image onto an electrostatic drum, attracting toner and transferring the image onto paper
laser printer
A laser printer uses a laser beam to generate an image, and then transfers it to paper electro-statically
laser printer
The image is transferred to a printer roll by a laser, and then a page is printed (like a copier) Resolution is either 300 or 600 dots per inch Speed is 4 pages per minute upward Laser printers are "page printers," so they will not print a page unless the software provides a page-end control code
laser sight
A firearm sight that uses laser to indicate the point of impact
laser trap
A device made of magnetic coils and tuned lasers in which atoms or particles are slowed and then confined to a small region of space. A laser trap is used to form a Bose-Einstein condensate. Also called atom trap
laser tuning
A technique by which a laser's output frequency is adjusted to fall within a specific range of values, used in all semiconductor lasers
laser-guided bomb
explosive device that locates and strikes its target using laser beams for guidance
laser-guided bomb
a smart bomb that seeks the laser light reflected off of the target and uses it to correct its descent; "laser-guided bombs cannot be used in cloudy weather
RGY laser
a bundle of laser beams which are red, green, and yellow
chemical laser
any laser that obtains its energy from a chemical reaction
quantum cascade laser
A laser that operates by analogy with an electronic waterfall, with electrons cascading down a series of small steps emitting a photon at each step
Doppler laser
A technique that detects the frequency shift between the source and reflected waves of a laser, used in calculating the relative speed difference between the laser source and reflecting object
blue laser
laser beam with higher storage and reading capacity than a red laser (used in compact disk drives and printers)
carbon-dioxide laser
laser with carbon dioxide gas as the active means that produces infrared radiation at 10,600 nanometer
computer output to laser disc
(Computers) storage of data on optical discs (i.e. CD-ROMs), COLD
excimer laser
Class of ultraviolet lasers, which is almost universally used for photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
excimer laser
The excimer laser is the actual device that is used in many vision correction procedures It is a cool laser that changes the shape of the cornea by eliminating tissue
excimer laser
A laser which is used to pump another laser, usually dye, laser
excimer laser
­ The excimer laser produces an ultraviolet beam of light that is emitted in pulses Each pulse removes 1/4000 millimeter of tissue from the surface of the cornea
excimer laser
An argon-fluoride laser that emits ultraviolet light that is emitted in pulses at a wavelength of 193 nm The term Excimer comes from the concept of an energized molecule with two identical components or excited dimer (contracted to one word exci-mer) Each pulse of this his "cool" laser removes 1/4000 millimeter of tissue from the targeted surface by breaking intra molecular bonds in collagen molecules It would take about 200 pulses from an Excimer laser to cut a human hair in half This laser was originally developed for use in the microprocessor industry and later found its application in vision correction
excimer laser
Non-thermal "cool" unltraviolet laser (argon-flouride type) used for refractive surgery The laser is capable of etching or reshaping corneal tissue with great precision
excimer laser
A "cold" laser used in refractive surgery to remove corneal tissue
excimer laser
an extremely precise "cold" laser beam that uses radiant energy to reshape the cornea of the eye The excimer laser has made refractive surgery fast and virtually pain-free and is used in most of the refractive procedures performed today
excimer laser
The excimer laser produces an ultraviolet beam of light which is emitted in pulses Each pulse removes 1/4000 millimeter of tissue from the surface of the cornea It would take about 200 pulses from an excimer laser just to cut a human hair in half The excimer laser has been used in industry since 1971 and has been used in ophthalmic surgery since 1983
excimer laser
Laser energy produced by several rare gas-halide mixtures The term excimer comes from the concept of an energized molecule with two identical components or excited dimer (contracted to one word exci-mer) In PRK the term has for practical purposes become synonomous with the argon-fluoride (ArF) gas version The wave length of an ArF excimer laser is in the far ultraviolet range at 193 nm
excimer laser
A high-energy, cold laser that is used in the Photorefractive Keratomy (PRK) and Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) procedures to sculpt the central zone of the cornea to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism Guided by a computer under the direction of an ophthalmologist, the laser emits a pulsating beam of ultraviolet light that ablates, or vaporizes, the corneal tissue to the precise depth and area required for refractive vision correction See Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK), Refractive Surgery, and Photorefractive Keratomy in the Eye Care Encyclopedia
excimer laser
an ultraviolet laser used in refractive surgery to remove corneal tissue
excimer laser
The ultraviolet laser used to remove corneal tissue during refractive surgery
excimer laser
A high-energy, cold laser that is used to reshape or sculpt the cornea surface to change the refractive power of the cornea
excimer laser
(laser_ad_eccimeri, laser_ad_eccimeri html) • Refractive corneal surgery is generally undertaken in order to modify the optical power of the cornea, acting on the profile of the corneal tissue [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
excimer laser
A family of pulsed lasers operating in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum from 193-351 nanometers Back to Glossary
excimer laser
a computer-controlled laser used in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) A precise beam of pulsing ultraviolet light and flattens the cornea As it gives off almost no heat, the surrounding tissue is rarely affected
excimer laser
A medical device to emit laser energy created by a mixture of argon-fluoride gases Used in photorefractive kerotectomy (PRK) and LASIK (laser-assisted intrastromal keratoplasty) to reshape corneal curvature by ablating, or burning off, tissue from the center of the cornea
excimer laser
a pulsed, gas laser which lases when two atoms form a temporary excited molecule
excimer laser
A laser which is used to pump another laser, usually dye, laser
excimer laser
The excimer laser is the actual device that is used in many vision correction procedures It is a cool laser that changes the shape of the cornea by eliminating tissue
excimer laser
The ultraviolet laser used to remove corneal tissue during refractive surgery
excimer laser
an ultraviolet laser used in refractive surgery to remove corneal tissue
excimer laser
A high-energy, cold laser that is used in the Photorefractive Keratomy (PRK) and Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) procedures to sculpt the central zone of the cornea to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism Guided by a computer under the direction of an ophthalmologist, the laser emits a pulsating beam of ultraviolet light that ablates, or vaporizes, the corneal tissue to the precise depth and area required for refractive vision correction See Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK), Refractive Surgery, and Photorefractive Keratomy in the Eye Care Encyclopedia
excimer laser
Non-thermal "cool" unltraviolet laser (argon-flouride type) used for refractive surgery The laser is capable of etching or reshaping corneal tissue with great precision
excimer laser
An argon-fluoride laser that emits ultraviolet light that is emitted in pulses at a wavelength of 193 nm The term Excimer comes from the concept of an energized molecule with two identical components or excited dimer (contracted to one word exci-mer) Each pulse of this his "cool" laser removes 1/4000 millimeter of tissue from the targeted surface by breaking intra molecular bonds in collagen molecules It would take about 200 pulses from an Excimer laser to cut a human hair in half This laser was originally developed for use in the microprocessor industry and later found its application in vision correction
excimer laser
(laser_ad_eccimeri, laser_ad_eccimeri html) • Refractive corneal surgery is generally undertaken in order to modify the optical power of the cornea, acting on the profile of the corneal tissue [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
excimer laser
a computer-controlled laser used in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) A precise beam of pulsing ultraviolet light and flattens the cornea As it gives off almost no heat, the surrounding tissue is rarely affected
excimer laser
­ The excimer laser produces an ultraviolet beam of light that is emitted in pulses Each pulse removes 1/4000 millimeter of tissue from the surface of the cornea
excimer laser
A high-energy, cold laser that is used to reshape or sculpt the cornea surface to change the refractive power of the cornea
excimer laser
a pulsed, gas laser which lases when two atoms form a temporary excited molecule
excimer laser
Class of ultraviolet lasers, which is almost universally used for photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
excimer laser
Laser energy produced by several rare gas-halide mixtures The term excimer comes from the concept of an energized molecule with two identical components or excited dimer (contracted to one word exci-mer) In PRK the term has for practical purposes become synonomous with the argon-fluoride (ArF) gas version The wave length of an ArF excimer laser is in the far ultraviolet range at 193 nm
excimer laser
The excimer laser produces an ultraviolet beam of light which is emitted in pulses Each pulse removes 1/4000 millimeter of tissue from the surface of the cornea It would take about 200 pulses from an excimer laser just to cut a human hair in half The excimer laser has been used in industry since 1971 and has been used in ophthalmic surgery since 1983
excimer laser
A family of pulsed lasers operating in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum from 193-351 nanometers Back to Glossary
excimer laser
A medical device to emit laser energy created by a mixture of argon-fluoride gases Used in photorefractive kerotectomy (PRK) and LASIK (laser-assisted intrastromal keratoplasty) to reshape corneal curvature by ablating, or burning off, tissue from the center of the cornea
excimer laser
A "cold" laser used in refractive surgery to remove corneal tissue
excimer laser
an extremely precise "cold" laser beam that uses radiant energy to reshape the cornea of the eye The excimer laser has made refractive surgery fast and virtually pain-free and is used in most of the refractive procedures performed today
high power laser beam
device that produces an intensely powerful beam of light
plural of laser
ruby laser
A laser that uses a ruby crystal to produce an intense narrow beam of coherent red light, used in light-transmission communication and for localized heating
semiconductor laser
A solid-state device that consists of two outer semiconductor layers separated by a middle layer and generates laser radiation when charge carriers of opposite polarity, one each from the top and bottom layers, meet in the middle layer. Also called diode laser
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    /ˈlāzər/ /ˈleɪzɜr/


    [ 'lA-z&r ] (noun.) 1960. Acronym of Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Originally called an optical maser.

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    laser surgery


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