A thin transparent plastic sheet (coating) applied to usually a thick stock (covers, post cards, etc ) providing protection against liquid and heavy use, and usually accents existing color, providing a glossy (or lens) effect
Consisting of, or covered with, laminæ, or thin plates, scales, or layers, one over another; laminated
(verb) To cover with one or more thin layers; to make by building up in layers (noun) A thin layer or layers over a sub base of material The layers may be made up of any variety of materials, but in cabinetry is usually melamine, plastic laminate (either high pressure or low pressure), or foil applied by a thermal process
layers of material bonded together for strength, thickness or decoration; also the material, such as Formica which is bonded to another material
When referring to wood, to build up or construct an item with two or more thinner pieces When referring to cabinet tops, etc , to glue Formica or other material to a backer When referring to veneer, applying the veneer strip to a backer
A process by which different materials are layered and then bonded together using adhesion The end result may be the creation of a substrate -- such as medium-density overlay (MDO) -- or the protection of the underlying surface, as when a clear, plastic film is laminated to a decorated surface
A laminate is a tough material that is made by sticking together two or more layers of a particular substance. laminated material (laminate (17-21 centuries))
The process of applying a plastic film to a printed piece for protection or appearance
Raw material for printed circuits consisting of a plastic sheet with copper foil tracks on one or both sides
Material used to bond together two or more layers of paper, board, etc ; also a laminated product
A composite construction of dissimilar materials, such as a metal and plastic film, usually made up as sheet product and intended to function as though it were a single material
{f} separate into layers; flatten into a thin sheet (of metal); make by bonding together thin layers; coat with a thin layer of plastic (or wood, etc.)
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