
listen to the pronunciation of laissez-faire
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} devletin özel girişimleri kısıtlamaması
serbest bırakma
bırak yapsınlar
müdahale etmeme
(Ekonomi) Devletin sanayi ve ticaret işlerine müdahale etmemesi prensibi
(Ekonomi) Laissez faire, "Bırakınız yapsınlar" şeklinde çevrilen bu kalıp - deyiş kapitalist ekonomide müdahalenin olmaması gerekliliğini savunur. Fransızca “serbest bırakmak” anlamına gelen bir kalıptır. İktisadi anlamda Laissez Faire devletin ekonomi üzerinde olabildiğince az etkisi bulunması gerektiğini, böylece özel sektörün ve piyasa ekonomisinin ticaretin serbest kalmasıyla beraber ekonomik refaha kavuşacağını düşünür. Ekonominin Adam Smith'in de dediği gibi bir Görünmez el yardımı ile dengesini bulacağını ve etkin olarak işleyeceğini savunur. Bu düşünce özellikle Büyük Buhran ve 2007 krizi sonrasında iktisadi çevrelerde tartışılır olmuştur. Bu popüler ekonomi mottosunun tamamı "Laissez faire, laissez aller, laissez passer" şeklindedir. Bırakınız yapsınlar, bırakınız gitsinler, bırakınız geçsinler anlamındadır
{i} karışmama siyaseti
İngilizce - İngilizce
Alternative form of laissez faire
Laissez-faire is the policy which is based on the idea that governments and the law should not interfere with business, finance, or the conditions of people's working lives. a policy of laissez faire. (French; "allow to do") Policy dictating a minimum of governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society. It was promoted by the physiocrats and strongly supported by Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill. Widely accepted in the 19th century, laissez-faire assumed that the individual who pursues his own desires contributes most successfully to society as a whole. The function of the state is to maintain order and avoid interfering with individual initiative. The popularity of the laissez-faire doctrine waned in the late 19th century, when it proved inadequate to deal with the social and economic problems caused by industrialization. See also classical economics
An absence of government action, literally "to leave alone" especially in the realm of industry where it is held that trade will flourish best when there is a minimum amount of interference by the state in economic affairs
A free market system
The opinion that an economic system should be driven by market forces and free of government regulation
A form of capitalism under which people compete freely, with minimal government intervention in the economy (See 354)
An economic theory based upon the ideas of Adam Smith, it contended that in a free economy self-interest would lead individuals to act in ways that benefited society as a whole and therefore government should not intervene
The term "laissez-faire" is used to describe an economic system where the government intervene as little as possible and leave the private sector to organise most economic activity through markets Classical economists were great advocates of a laissez-faire system with minimal government intervention They believed free markets were the best organisers of economic activity
The doctrine stating that the government should stay out of business and economic affairs
The non-intervention of the state in the economy
a theory of economic policy that states that government generally should not interfere with decisions made in an open, competitive market These decisions include setting prices and wages and making other choices that affect the sale of good and services According to laissez faire, workers are most productive and a nation's economy functions most efficiently when people can pursue their private economic interest in relative freedom This link will take you to: Adam Smiths Laissez-Faire Policies: http: //www stg brown edu/projects/hypertext/1
the belief that the economy works best when the state does not interfere
see: Free Market
in economics, politics, and social philosophy, the concept of government noninterference
with minimally restricted freedom in commerce
belief that government should not interfere in the operation of private businesses
A doctrine advocating a minimum role for government in the economy, such as providing for defence against external enemies, a system of law to protect individuals and their property, and production of such goods and services which for some reason are needed, but would not be produced by private firms
A policy of non-interference by authority in any competitive process
A policy of governmental non-interference in economic affairs
Practicing or representing governmental noninterference, or minimal interference, especially in economic affairs; pertaining to free-market capitalism

I think the city should take a laissez faire approach to this; getting involved would only make things worse.

Avoiding interference in other people's affairs; choosing to live and let live
Resulting from such noninterference

The price ceiling was well below the laissez faire price that demand would have supported, so there were always shortages.

Advocating such noninterference

The Senator claims to be laissez faire, but he voted in favor of the subsidies.

[MASS NOUN] a policy or attitude of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering.n Economics abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free market
{i} government policy of economic non-intervention; personal policy of not interfering with the freedom of others (from French "let do")
Noninterference; an axiom of some political economists, deprecating interference of government by attempts to foster or regulate commerce, manufactures, etc
the doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairs
An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws
(Fr ‘let (people) do (as they please’) A term used to describe and sometimes advocate for a government’s "hands off" relationship to the economy, i e , the government should avoid trying to improve or direct the economy in any way and collect and re-distribute only that money absolutely necessary for the survival of the nation Advocated by Adam Smith as a counter doctrine to mercantilism and supported by most neo-liberal capitalists today
laissez faire refers to the practice of minimal government interference with the workings of the market system The term means that people should be left alone in carrying out their economic affairs
by bounty or by restriction; as, the doctrine of laissez faire; the laissez faire system of government
Free market economics with a minimum of government intervention
Literally, "let do": a philosophy that advocates minimal government interference in the economy
The doctrine of "leave it alone," of nonintervention by government in the market mechanism
a doctrine opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights
the government should leave things alone, or stay out of the economy