Rock that is ground more finely than gravel, but is not as fine as silt (more formally, see grain sizes chart), forming beaches and deserts and also used in construction. Sand may be blown around by the wind; gravel is too heavy, and silt (on beaches) does not usually have time to dry out between tides
If you sand a wood or metal surface, you rub sandpaper over it in order to make it smooth or clean. Sand the surface softly and carefully. Sand down means the same as sand. I was going to sand down the chairs and repaint them Simply sand them down with a fine grade of sandpaper. sand down to make a surface smooth by rubbing it with sandpaper or using a special piece of equipment. Mineral, rock, or soil particles that are
Fine aggregate (any fraction below a No 8 sieve) resulting from natural disintegration and abrasion or processing of rock
This usually refers to the filter medium used by a sand filter The grade most often specified by filter manufacturers is grade No 20 with a particle size of 45 to 55 mm (millimeters)
A soil particle between 0 063 and 2 0mm in diameter (UK classification) A sandy soil contains 85% or more sand, up to 15% silt and up to 10% clay ( the total of course would not exceed 100%)
Silisli kütlelerin, kayaların, doğal etkenlerle parçalanarak ufalanmasından oluşan ufak, sert taneciklerin bütünü: "Çocuklar kumdan bir fırın yaparak oynuyorlardı."- M. Ş. Esendal
Silisli kütlelerin, kayaların, doğal etkenlerle parçalanarak ufalanmasından oluşan, deniz kıyısı, dere yatağı vb. yerlerde çok bulunan, ufak, sert tanecikler