kontrol sistemi

listen to the pronunciation of kontrol sistemi
Türkçe - İngilizce
control system
system for regulating or directing something; pronunciation system
A mechanical, optical, or electronic system that is used to maintain a desired output. Means by which a set of variable quantities is held constant or caused to vary in a prescribed way. Control systems are intimately related to the concept of automation but have an ancient history. Roman engineers maintained water levels in aqueducts by means of floating valves that opened and closed at appropriate levels. James Watt's flyball governor (1769) regulated steam flow to a steam engine to maintain constant engine speed despite a changing load. In World War II, control-system theory was applied to anti-aircraft batteries and fire-control systems. The introduction of analog and digital computers opened the way for much greater complexity in automatic control theory. See also Jacquard loom, pneumatic device, servomechanism
a system for controlling the operation of another system
Deniz Kuvvetleri taktik hava kontrol sistemi
(Askeri) Navy tactical air control system
Deniz piyade hava komuta ve kontrol sistemi
(Askeri) Marine air command and control system
Deniz piyade hava trafik kontrol ve iniş sistemi
(Askeri) Marine air traffic control and landing system
Hava Trafik Kontrol Radar İşaret Sistemi
(Askeri) Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System
Kanat Komuta ve Kontrol Sistemi
(Askeri) Wing Command and Control System
Kara Kuvvetleri Küresel Komuta ve Kontrol Sistemi
(Askeri) Army Global Command and Control System
Komuta ve Kontrol Bilgi İşlem Sistemi
(Askeri) Command and Control Information Processing System
Komuta, Kontrol Ve Muhabere Sistemi Ana Planı
(Askeri) Command, Control, and Communications Systems Master Plan
Küresel Komuta ve Kontrol Sistemi
(Askeri) Global Command and Control System
Küresel Komuta ve Kontrol Sistemi-Deniz Kuvvetleri
(Askeri) Global Command and Control System-Maritime
Küresel Komuta ve Kontrol Sistemi-Kara Kuvvetleri
(Askeri) Global Command and Control System-Army
Milli Askeri Komuta Sistemi (NMCS) Otomatik Kontrol Subayı
(Askeri) National Military Command System (NMCS) Automated Control Executive
Muhtemel Durum Harekat Alanı Hava Kontrol sistemi otomatik planlama sistemi
(Askeri) contingency Theater Air Control System automated planning system
Nükleer Komuta Ve Kontrol Sistemi
(Askeri) Nuclear Command and Control System
Savunma Bakanlığı Ulaştırma Raporlama Ve Kontrol Sistemi
(Askeri) Defense Transportation Reporting and Control System
Ulaştırma Koordinatörü Otomatik Komuta ve Kontrol Bilgi Sistemi
(Askeri) Transportation Coordinator's Automated Command and Control Information System
emisyon kontrol sistemi
emission control system
emniyetli telefon ünitesi (STU) giriş kontrol sistemi
(Askeri) secure telephone unit (STU) access control system
geliştirilmiş ateş kontrol sistemi
(Askeri) improved fire control system
geri besleme kontrol sistemi
(Havacılık) feedback control system
hava komuta ve kontrol sistemi
(Askeri) air command and control system
hava trafik kontrol ve iniş sistemi
(Askeri) air traffic control and landing system
idari kontrol sistemi
(Kanun) administrative control system
ilk müşterek komuta, kontrol ve muhabere sistemi; Birleştirilmiş Müşterek Komuta
(Askeri) initial joint command, control, and communications system; Integrated Joint Command, Control, and Communications System
istikrar kontrol destek sistemi
(Askeri) stability control augment system
klima kontrol sistemi
(Otomotiv) climate control system
klima kontrol sistemi
(Otomotiv) air conditioner control system
kodların geçerliliğini kontrol sistemi (mühürlü zarflarda); özel cephane deposu
(Askeri) sealed authenticator system; special ammunition storage
manevra kontrol sistemi; Askeri İmkan Ve Kabiliyetler Çalışması; mayın önleme ge
(Askeri) maneuver control system; Military Capabilities Study; mine countermeasures ship; modular causeway system
muhasebe kontrol sistemi
(Kanun) accounting control system
otomatik uçuş kontrol sistemi
(Askeri) automatic flight control system
rapor kontrol sistemi
(Askeri) report control system
seyir kontrol sistemi
(Otomotiv) cruise control system
sürekli istasyon değişimi; kişisel muhabere sistemi; esas kontrol gemisi; tali i
(Askeri) permanent change of station; personal communications system; primary control ship; processing subsystem; processor controlled strapping
taktik hava kontrol sistemi; harekat alanı hava kontrol sistemi
(Askeri) tactical air control system; theater air control system