The third phase or face of the triple goddess who is maiden, then mother, then crone The name or title is also given to a female past the years of child bearing, usually in service to others, such as a teacher, a healer or a transition worker She would be considered and elder or wise woman in some traditions
A crone is an ugly old woman. An ugly, withered old woman; a hag. an ugly or unpleasant old woman (carogne, from caronia; CARRION)
The third face of the Triple Goddess, the original Trinity The Crone represents death, rebirth, wisdom and justice Hers is the dark face of the Goddess, and she is the one in charge of discipline and enforcement of the Rule of Three Her time is late evening and night See also Maiden and Mother
An old hag of 50 years made me lustful propositions; she wanted to kiss me. - 50 yaşında yaşlı bir kocakarı bana şehvetli teklifler yaptı; beni öpmek istedi.