Osteo means bone, and otomy means the cutting of, therefore an osteotomy is the cutting of bone There are two main classifications of osteotomies (pelvic and femoral) which are determined by the part of the body that is cut
Cuts made in the nasal bones such that the bones can be made mobile This allows the bones to be moved in or out to narrow or widen a nose respectively Osteotomies are also performed to reshape a broken or twisted nose
The operation of dividing a bone or of cutting a piece out of it, done to remedy deformity, etc
The cutting of a bone More specifically, an operation in which the surgeon divides the bone below the affected joint and allows it to heal in a slightly altered position The bone is realigned, with improved contact between the remaining healthy areas of cartilage in the joint
Operation to produce realignment of articular surfaces of a joint so as to exploit remaining undamaged cartilage
Surgical removal of a portion of bone A wedge osteotomy is a procedure done to forestall a complete joint replacement by taking a wedge of bone out of the proximal (upper) end of the tibial bone
kemiği kesme veya bir parçasını çıkarma ameliyatı, osteotomi
ke·mi·ği kes·me ve·ya bir par·ça·sı·nı çı·kar·ma a·me·li·ya·tı, os·te·o·to·mi