The relative motion required to move the starting point for subsequent pfFont rendering after drawing a particular character pfGeoSet in a pfFont This motion is a pfVec3 to allow arbitrary escapement for character sets that use vertical rather than horizontal text layouts Note that for vertically oriented fonts, the origin should be such that motion by the spacing value crosses the character; in other words, the origin should be on the left for left-to-right fonts, at the top for top-to-bottom fonts, on the bottom for bottom-to-top fonts, and on the right for right-to-left fonts
{i} (in typography) arranging of spaces, technique of setting a pair of letters closer together than is usual by reducing the space between them, kerning
The act of removing trees from a stand to decrease the stand density, distribute the crop trees more evenly over the growing site, and create more growing room See also intertree distance, juvenile spacing and thinning
Spacing refers to the way that typing or printing is arranged on a page, especially in relation to the amount of space that is left between words or lines. Please type or write clearly in double spacing on one side of A4 paper only. see also space. the amount of space between the printed letters, words, or lines on a page single spacing (=lines with no empty lines between them) double spacing (=lines with one empty line after each one)
the removal of undesirable trees within a young stand to control stocking, to maintain or improve growth, to increase wood quality and value, or to achieve other resource management objectives