kalıptan taşan malzeme

listen to the pronunciation of kalıptan taşan malzeme
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Havacılık) flash
A language, created by a repressed minority to maintain cultural identity, that cannot be understood by the ruling class; for example, Ebonics
To release the pressure from a pressurized vessel
A brief, intense burst of light from a flashbulb or an electronic flash unit, usually used where the lighting on the scene is inadequate for picture-taking
an authoring software developed by Macromedia used to create graphics-based animation programs with full-screen navigation interfaces, graphic illustrations, and simple interactivity
To cover with a thin layer, as objects of glass with glass of a different color
To send out in flashes; to cause to burst forth with sudden flame or light
disapproval If you describe an achievement or success as a flash in the pan, you mean that it is unlikely to be repeated and is not an indication of future achievements or success. People will be looking in to see how good we are now and whether our success has just been a flash in the pan. = one-off
If you say that something happens in a flash, you mean that it happens suddenly and lasts only a very short time. The answer had come to him in a flash It was done in a flash
Flash memory is similar to RAM It has one significant advantage: it does not lose its contents when power is lost; it has two main disadvantages: it is slower, and it eventually wears out Flash memory is frequently found in PCMCIA cards
To be visible briefly
a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification; "red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"
Macromedia Flash is a technology which allows whole page animations as well as separate areas of animation Visitors to your site must have the facility to view Flash animations in their browsers This facility is available to download as an addition (plug-in) to their browser It is important to remember that it is easy to go over the top with animation which might be annoying for visitors to your site You may also be, in effect, excluding some visitors from your site DL Design can produce alternative pages for those visitors who cannot view Flash Click here for a basic example
a sudden intense burst of radiant energy
make known or cause to appear with great speed; "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"
A flash is a sudden burst of light or of something shiny or bright. A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers
Expensive looking and attention worthy
If something flashes through or into your mind, you suddenly think about it. A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry's mind
A pool
a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
kalıptan taşan malzeme