k.dili. çok kötü, çok fena; çok kaba ve kırıcı bir şekilde

listen to the pronunciation of k.dili. çok kötü, çok fena; çok kaba ve kırıcı bir şekilde
Türkçe - İngilizce
In a horrible way; very badly

The beginning art students displayed their horribly executed paintings with hopeful faces.

With a very bad effect

Horribly, as he was dying, his eyes reddened.

To an extreme degree or extent

The man was horribly nice, yet she still wouldn't marry him.

{a} dreadfully, frightfully, hideously
awfully, terribly, horrendously
In a horrible manner; very badly
In a manner to excite horror; dreadfully; terribly
of a dreadful kind; "there was a dreadfully bloody accident on the road this morning"
k.dili. çok kötü, çok fena; çok kaba ve kırıcı bir şekilde