kısma valf

listen to the pronunciation of kısma valf
Türkçe - İngilizce
The lever or pedal that controls this valve
{v} to tak by the throat, choke, kill
{f} strangle, choke; decrease the flow of fuel to an engine
the valve that controls the flow of fuel to the engine
To strangle or choke someone
To compress the throat of; to choke; to strangle
The windpipe, or trachea; the weasand
To throttle someone means to kill or injure them by squeezing their throat or tightening something around it and preventing them from breathing. The attacker then tried to throttle her with wire = strangle
Accelerator handle on an outboard
To have the throat obstructed so as to be in danger of suffocation; to choke; to suffocate
The equivalent of the gas peddle / accelerator in a car It regulates the flow of petrol to the engine Press 'Back' to return
A valve that regulates the supply of fuel-air mixture to an internal combustion engine and thus controls its speed; a similar valve that controls the air supply to an engine
reduce the air supply; "choke a carburetor"
To cut back on the speed of an engine, a person or organization
a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas"
place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"
To breathe hard, as when nearly suffocated
kısma valf