
listen to the pronunciation of just
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bizim bu evimiz sadece yeniden dekore edildi ve altı aylığına burada yaşamadık. - This house of ours has just been redecorated, and we haven't lived here for sixth months.

Caz ölmedi, sadece komik kokuyor. - Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny.


Bütün kanunlar adil değildir. - Not all laws are just.

Onun payını ödememiz adildir. - It is just that we should pay his share.


Hayır, teşekkürler. Yalnızca bakıyorum. - No, thank you. I am just looking.

Bu sabah buraya yalnızca ben geldim. - I just got here this morning.


O, Paris'ten henüz döndü. - He has just come back from Paris.

Johnny sadece birkaç ay önce İspanya'ya taşındı, o henüz İspanyolca konuşmaya alışkın değil. - Johnny moved to Spain just a few months ago, so he isn't used to speaking Spanish as yet.

{s} makul

Bence, sigara karşıtı yasa makul. - The anti-smoking law is just, in my opinion.

Açıklama makul geliyor ama bu sadece tutarlı değil. - Your explanation sounds plausible, but it just doesn't hold water.

{s} iyi

Küçük ev, şimdiye kadar tıpkı altındaki kadar iyi olmasına rağmen,eski püskü görünmeye başladı. - The small house had come to look shabby, though it was just as good as ever underneath.

Maskeler sarı kum tozunu,polenlerden dahada küçük,ne kadar iyi engelleyebilir?Sanırım o polenden oldukça daha fazla bir baş belasıdır. - Just how well can masks block the, even smaller than pollen, yellow sand dust? I think it much more of a nuisance than pollen.

{s} haklı

Haksız bir barış, haklı bir savaştan daha iyidir. - An unjust peace is better than a just war.

Sadece haklı olduğumdan emin olmak istedim. - I just wanted to make sure I was right.

{s} doğru

Tom tam doğru zamanda geldi. - Tom arrived at just the right moment.

Tom tam gece yarısından önce yatağa doğru gitti. - Tom crawled into bed just before midnight.

{s} insaflı

Biletler, alındığı gün de dahil olmak üzere sadece iki gün geçerlidir. - Tickets are valid for just two days, including the day they are purchased on.

Caz ölmedi, sadece komik kokuyor. - Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny.

{s} tam

Bir kelime kullandığımda,Humpty Dumpty ifade etmek için tam benim seçtiğimi o ifade ediyor-ne daha fazla ne daha az dedi. - When I use a word, Humpty Dumpty said, it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.

Aptal! Seni sevdiğini söylediğinde dürüst olmuyor. Hâlâ anlamadın mı? O, tam bir altın arayıcısı. - Idiot! She's not being honest when she says she loves you. Haven't you figured it out yet? She's just a gold digger.

{s} yerinde

Ben onu ararken sadece bir dakika yerinde kal. - Just stay put for a minute while I look for him.

Bence Tom'un öfkesi sadece bir savunma mekanizması; Yerinde olsam şahsen bunu kabul etmezdim. - I think Tom's anger is just a defense mechanism; I wouldn't take it personally if I were you.

{s} mantıklı

Bu sadece mantıklı olmuyor. - This just doesn't make sense.

O sadece mantıklı değil. - That just doesn't make sense.

{s} dürüst

Aptal! Seni sevdiğini söylediğinde dürüst olmuyor. Hâlâ anlamadın mı? O, tam bir altın arayıcısı. - Idiot! She's not being honest when she says she loves you. Haven't you figured it out yet? She's just a gold digger.

O, sadece nazik değil ama dürüst de. - He is not just kind, but honest too.

gücü gücüne
zar zor

Tom kirayı ödemek için yeterli parayı zar zor kazanmayı başardı. - Tom just barely managed to earn enough money to pay the rent.

Tom testi sadece zar zor geçti. - Tom just barely passed the test.

güç bela
tamı tamına
darı darına
şunun surasında
(Muzik) doğru kusursuz

Tom geçinmek için güçlükle yeterince kazanıyor. - Tom just barely earns enough to live on.

Testi güçlükle geçmeyi başardı. - He just barely managed to pass the test.

(Osmanlıca) hakşinas

Ben kimim? Ben bir şairim. Ne yapıyorum? Yazıyorum. Nasıl yaşıyorum? Güçbela yaşıyorum. - Who am I? I am a poet. What do I do? I write. How do I live? I just live.

hakkaniyete uygun

Büyükçe bir sandalye, ama kapı aralığından anca geçer. - It's a biggish chair, but it'll just barely fit through the doorway.

Richter ölçeğine göre büyüklüğü 5.0'ı aşan beş sarsıntı sadece bu hafta Japonya sarstı, ancak bilim adamları beklenen en büyük artçının henüz vurmadığı konusunda uyarıyorlar. - Five tremors in excess of magnitude 5.0 on the Richter scale have shaken Japan just this week, but scientists are warning that the largest expected aftershock has yet to hit.


Ben şimdi bir silah sesi duydum. - I heard a shot just now.

Ben şimdi onun adını hatırlayamıyorum. - I can't think of his name just now.

{s} net

Sadece net bir cevap istiyorum. Daha fazla bir şey değil. - I just want a straight answer. Nothing more.

(İnşaat) henüz, hemen, ancak K
tam anlamıyla

Yeni şapkana tam anlamıyla bayılıyorum. - I just adore your new hat.

Tom'un en büyük oğlu, tam anlamıyla kendisine benziyor. - Tom's oldest son looks just like him.

tek kelimeyle

Tom tek kelimeyle farklı. - Tom is just different.

Tom tek kelimeyle iyi yönetiyor. - Tom is managing just fine.

the just iyiler justly adaletle
{s} berrak
kıl payı

Tom kıl payı treni kaçırdı. - Tom just missed the train.


Adalet sonunda galip gelecek. - Justice will prevail in the end.

Sonunda kazanacak olan güç değil adalettir. - It is justice, and not might, that wins in the end.

haklı olarak
hemen/tam olarak/sadece
yine de

Henüz sabahın beşiydi ama yine de aydınlıktı. - It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out.

Yolculuğumuz; uzun, çetin ve tehlikeliydi. Yine de evlerimize sağ salim döndüğümüz için mutluyuz. - Our trip was long, difficult and dangerous. We're just happy to be back home in one piece.

hak ve adalete uygunluk
az kalsın

Lütfen sadece beni yalnız bırak. Düşünmek istiyorum. - Please just leave me alone. I want to think.

Sadece yalnız bırakılmak istediler. - They just wanted to be left alone.

tam: just across from us tam karşımızda. just at that spot tam o noktada. just in time tam vaktinde. That's just what I've been looking
az önce

O az önce izinli gitti. - He's just gone on leave.

Şanslı bir ruh seni terk ettiği zaman, bir başkası seni alır.Ben az önce bir iş sınavını geçtim. - When one lucky spirit abandons you another picks you up. I just passed an exam for a job.


Biz o konuda her iki tarafa adaletli davranmalıyız. - We should do justice to both sides on that issue.

Ben onu adaletli yapamam. - I can't do it justice.


Fukushima No.1 nükleer santralinde, depremden hemen sonra bütün reaktörler durdu. - At the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, all the reactors stopped just after the quake.

Tom'un Boston'un hemen dışında küçük bir çiftliği var. - Tom has a small farm just outside of Boston.


Senin bu iş planı neredeyse çok iyimser görünüyor. Bütün söyleyebileceğim onun bir boş hayalden daha fazlası olduğunu ummamdır. - This business plan of yours seems almost too optimistic. All I can say is I hope it's more than just wishful thinking.

Bu oda neredeyse yeterince büyük. - This room is just about big enough.

biraz önce

O biraz önce odasını temizledi. - She just cleaned her room.

Biraz önce sana söylediklerimi unut. - Forget what I have just told you.


Mary daha yeni eve geldi. - Mary has just come home.

Tom satın aldığı yeni masa örtüsünü masaya koydu. - Tom put the new tablecloth he had just bought on the table.


Richter ölçeğine göre büyüklüğü 5.0'ı aşan beş sarsıntı sadece bu hafta Japonya sarstı, ancak bilim adamları beklenen en büyük artçının henüz vurmadığı konusunda uyarıyorlar. - Five tremors in excess of magnitude 5.0 on the Richter scale have shaken Japan just this week, but scientists are warning that the largest expected aftershock has yet to hit.

Barış şiddetin yokluğu değildir ancak adaletin varlığıdır. - Peace is not the absence of violence but the presence of justice.

just as

Küçük ev, şimdiye kadar tıpkı altındaki kadar iyi olmasına rağmen,eski püskü görünmeye başladı. - The small house had come to look shabby, though it was just as good as ever underneath.

Tıpkı gerçek hortlaklar olduğu gibi gerçek aşk vardır; her insan onun hakkında konuşur, çok az sayıda insan onu görmüştür. - There is real love just as there are real ghosts; every person speaks of it, few persons have seen it.

just because

Öylesine yapabilirsin,bu nasıl yapıldığını bildiğin anlamına gelmez. - Just because you can, doesn't mean you know how.

just like
aynı, tıpkı: Fehmi looks just like his father. Fehmi tıpkı babasına benziyor. That's just like Behzat, isn't it? O tam Behzat'ça bir şey
just like that
işte böyle
just like this
işte böyle
just now

İngilizce ödevimi yapmayı henüz şimdi bitirdim. - I have just now finished doing my English homework.

just now
az önce

Paul az önce telefon etti. - Paul telephoned just now.

O, az önce ofisten ayrıldı. - He left the office just now.

just kidding
lafın gelişi
just a minute
bir dakika
just a moment
just a moment ago
just a moment ago
just a moment!
bir saniye
just a second!
bir saniye
just about
-mek üzere
just after
just another
just another day
sıradan bir gün
just as
olduğu anda
just ask
sadece sor
just at the right time
tam vaktinde
just at the right time
tam zamanında
just barely
zor bela
just barely
gücü gücüne
just because

Konumunu yitirdi çünkü yalan söylemekten kaçınmıştı. - He lost his position just because he refused to tell a lie.

just beside
yanı başında
just enough
uç uca gelmek
just enough to survive
açlıktan ölmeyecek kadar
just for fun
just for love
pir aşkına
just for me
tam benlik
just for the hell of it
(deyim) maksat yeşillik olsun
just for the hell of it
just for you
tam senlik
just how many
(deyim) tamamı kaç tane
just how many
(deyim) tamı tamına ne kadar
just in case
ne olur ne olmaz
just in fun
şaka olsun diye
just in time
son dakikada
just like

Erkek kardeşin aynı sana benziyor. - Your brother looks just like you.

Büyüyünce aynı babam gibi olmak istiyorum. - When I grow up I want to be just like my Dad.

just like me
tıpkı ben
just like me
aynı ben
just like me
tıpkı benim gibi
just my luck
just my size
tam benim ölçüme göre
just now
şu anda

Babam şu anda meşgul. - My father is busy just now.

Tom şu anda burada değil. - Tom isn't here just now.

just now
just once
bir sefere mahsus
just once
bir kereye mahsus
just order
adil düzen
just over there
just punishment
adil ceza
just resolution
adil çözüm
just so
çok dikkatli bir şekilde
just start working
işe yeni başlamak
just the same
tıpatıp aynı
just then
(deyim) o esnada
just thing
(deyim) tam aradığım şey
just thing
(deyim) demek istediğim
just thing
(deyim) tam istediğim şey
just thing
(deyim) düşündüğüm
just think!
(deyim) bir düşünsene!
just think!
(deyim) düşün bir kere
just think!
(deyim) bir düşün!
just to spite
-e inat
just us chumps
(Bilgisayar) yalnızca bizim için
just wonderful
tek kelimeyle harika
Just so
Just so
Aynen öyle
Just think!
(önek) düşün bir kere!
just a little
bir hovur
just a little
just about
hemen hemen

Hemen hemen herkes geldi. - Just about everyone came.

Tom hemen hemen senin kadar uzun. - Tom is just about as tall as you are.

just about
az kalsın
just about

Bu oda neredeyse yeterince büyük. - This room is just about big enough.

İşimi neredeyse bitirdim. - I'm just about finished with my homework.

just after
den sonra
just as soon as
de en kısa zamanda
just as well
iyi ki
just before
den önce
just now
hemen şimdi

Hemen şimdi sana geliyorum. - I'm coming to you just now.

Babam hemen şimdi dışarı çıktı. - Dad just now went out.

just now
şu tapta
just so
just the job
tam aranılan şey
just there
just there
tam orada
just so
just a bit
sadece biraz

O sadece biraz iğrenç. - She's just a bit nauseous.

Ben sadece biraz çekindim. - I did hesitate just a bit.

just a second
Bir saniye (bekleyin)
just around the corner
(deyim) Eli kulağında, gerçekleşmek üzere
just around the corner
köşeyi dönünce
just as
ırken. "The building collapsed just as he arrived."
just as many
sadece çok gibi
just as well
de, da, dahi
just as well
nitekim su kuyusu
just as you like
Sen nasıl istersen
just ask
şorman yeterli
just before
hemen önce

Tom genellikle gece yarısından hemen önce yatmaya gider. - Tom usually goes to bed just before midnight.

Bu sabah toplantıdan hemen önce Tom'la konuştum. - I talked to Tom this morning just before the meeting.

just by
adil tarafından
just for the record
Sadece kayıt için
just happened
oluverdi işte
just happened
az önce oldu
just in

Tom sadece Mary'nin müzikal yetenekleriyle ilgili değildi. - Tom was not just interested in Mary's musical abilities.

Tom sadece Mary'ye yardım etmekle ilgilendiğini söyledi. - Tom said he was just interested in helping Mary.

just in case
Olur ya belki

Just in case you were wondering .

just in time
Tam vaktinde

Tom Noel için tam vaktinde eve geri döndü. - Tom came back home just in time for Christmas.

Tom akşam yemeği için eve tam vaktinde gelir. - Tom usually arrives home just in time for dinner.

just like you
tam senin gibi
just me
sadece ben

Korkmayın. Sadece benim. - Don't be afraid. It's just me.

O filmi sevmeyen sadece ben değildim. - It wasn't just me who didn't like that movie.

just mine
sadece benim
just off

Hemen sahilin oralarda beğeneceğini düşündüğüm gerçekten iyi bir lokanta var. - There is a really good restaurant just off the beach that I think you'd enjoy.

just price
adil fiyat
just right
En iyi şekilde, mükemmel olarak

They need things to be perfect or just right.

just s
sadece s
just same
sadece aynı
just society
Sadece toplum
just talk
Sadece konuşmak
just the opposite
Tam tersi
just under
hemen altında
just wait
sadece bekle
just war
Savaş sebeplerinin ve savaşın belirli kurallar etrafında devam etmesi gerektiğini savunan teori
just war theory
Savaş sebeplerinin ve savaşın belirli kurallar etrafında devam etmesi gerektiğini savunan teori
just war theory
savaşın gerekçesini ve koşullarını belirlemeye yönelik kuram
just in case
her ihtimale karşı
just for fun
just now
biraz önce
just as
just now
daha demin
adil bir şekilde
be just

Büyüyünce tıpkı babam gibi olmak istiyorum. - When I grow up, I want to be just like my father.

just a minute
Bir saniye (bekleyin)
just a moment
Bir saniye (bekleyin)
just as

Muayene odasından tam ayrılırken doktor hoşça kal diyerek elini salladı. - Just as we were leaving the exam room the doctor waved his hand saying, 'bye-bye'.

O, tam ben evden ayrılırken geldi. - He arrived just as I was leaving home.

just how
ne kadar

Sadece ne kadar açsın? - Just how hungry are you?

Sadece ne kadar büyük bir aptal olduğumu mu düşünüyorsun? - Just how big an idiot do you think I am?

just like that
İşte bu kadar basit! Anında görüntü!
just moment
Sadece anı
just yet

Henüz vazgeçmek için hazır değilim. - I'm not ready to give up just yet.

Henüz onlara söyleme. - Don't tell them just yet.

the just
Just think
Bir düşün!/Düşünsene!: Just think! This time tomorrow we'll be in Tibet! Düşünsene! Yarın bu saatte Tibet'de olacağız!
just a moment
bir dakika

Bir dakika. Karar vermedim. - Just a moment. I haven't made up my mind.

Bir dakika. Henüz bitirmedim. - Just a moment. I haven't finished yet.

just about
hemen hemen: We're just about finished. Hemen hemen bitirdik. She's acted
just about
-mek üzere: I was just about to leave. Tam çıkmak üzereydim
just about
just about

Tüm paranla, yaklaşık olarak istediğin her şeyi alabilmen gerekir. - With all your money, you should be able to buy just about anything you want.

Tom yaklaşık olarak söylediğim her şeyin tersini söylüyor. - Tom contradicts just about everything I say.

just about
aşağı yukarı

Tom istediği bir şeyi almak için aşağı yukarı yeterince zengin. - Tom is rich enough to buy just about anything he wants.

Sanırım aşağı yukarı istediğim bilgisayarı alacak kadar param var. - I think I have just about enough money to buy the computer that I want.

just after
-den sonra
just as
just as
nasıl ki
just before
-den önce
just like

Tıpkı annesine benziyor. - He looks just like his mother.

Tıpkı batan bir gemiyi terkeden fareler gibi. - It's just like rats leaving a sinking ship.

just now
biraz önce: They were here just now. Biraz önce buradaydılar
just now
just now

O şimdi eve geldi. Bunu bilmiyor muydunuz? - He came home just now. Didn't you know that?

Ben şimdi bir silah sesi duydum. - I heard a shot just now.

just now
just now
just now
daha şimdi
just so
çok dikkatli bir şekilde: When you're with them you have
İngilizce - İngilizce
Only, simply, merely

He calls it vermillion, but it's just red to me.

factually fair; correct; proper

It is a just assessment of the facts.

morally fair; upright; righteous, equitable

It looks like a just solution at first glance.

By a narrow margin; closely; nearly

The piece just might fit.

A joust, tournament
exactly, perfectly

He wants everything just right for the big day.

To joust, fight a tournament
Moments ago, recently

They just left, but you may leave a message at the desk.

absolutely; "I just can't take it anymore"; "he was just grand as Romeo"; "it's simply beautiful!"
adj [only] hanya
at this moment; exactly, precisely; almost; only, merely, simply, nothing more; barely, scarcely; really
indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
by a small margin; "they could barely hear the speaker"; "we hardly knew them"; "just missed being hit"; "had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open"; "would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave"- W B Yeats
used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; "a just and lasting peace"- A Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance"
implying justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair to all; "equitable treatment of all citizens"; "an equitable distribution of gifts among the children"
and nothing more; "I was merely asking"; "it is simply a matter of time"; "just a scratch"; "he was only a child"; "hopes that last but a moment"
{n} a mock fight made on horseback, a tilt
{a} exactly, really, merely, barely, nearly
{a} upright, incorrupt, honest, exact, orderly
Aristides the Just Haüy René Just James the Just just war theory just in time manufacturing Saint Just Louis Antoine Léon de
Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance" only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out" absolutely; "I just can't take it anymore"; "he was just grand as Romeo"; "it's simply beautiful!
Conforming or conformable to rectitude or justice; not doing wrong to any; violating no right or obligation; upright; righteous; honest; true; said both of persons and things
only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out"
{s} fair, equitable; correct; suitable, appropriate, proper; deserved; exact, precise; genuine, real
Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance"
used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; "a just and lasting peace"- A
Fair; even; equitable
Cause - A standard or test often applied to determine the appropriateness of disciplinary action The factors that may be considered in determining just cause include but are not limited to: 1 Forewarning; 2 Reasonableness of the rule or standard which was violated; 3 Whether or not there was a supervisory investigation to verify student employee culpability and to verify the circumstances of the violation; 4 establishment of proof at a level consistent with the disciplinary action being taken; 5 prior consistent enforcement of the rule or standard which has been violated; 6 disciplinary action proportional to the offense
of moral excellence; "a genuinely good person"; "a just cause"; "an upright and respectable man"; "the life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous"- Frederick Douglass
Closely; nearly; almost
absolutely; "I just can't take it anymore"; "he was just grand as Romeo"; "it's simply beautiful!
Precisely; exactly; in place, time, or degree; neither more nor less than is stated
"1 a : having a basis in or conforming to reason"
Rendering or disposed to render to each one his due; equitable; fair; impartial; as, just judge
A joust
To joust
jis, legal
Barely; merely; scarcely; only; by a very small space or time; as, he just missed the train; just too late
free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; or conforming with established standards or rules; "a fair referee"; "fair deal"; "on a fair footing"; "a fair fight"; "by fair means or foul"
{i} joust, battle between two knights on horseback
Not transgressing the requirement of truth and propriety; conformed to the truth of things, to reason, or to a proper standard; exact; normal; reasonable; regular; due; as, a just statement; a just inference
just a bit outside
A pitch that is thrown several feet from the strike zone, away from the batter, typically one that the catcher has no chance of receiving. Popularized by broadcaster Bob Uecker

The pitch is ... juuuuust a bit outside. The catcher didn't even reach for that one.

just a bit outside
A pitch that is away from the batter as it crosses home plate

The first pitch is ... just a bit outside.

just a minute
A short period of time, typically anywhere from several seconds to several minutes or more
just a minute
Stop; wait. Used to indicate that the speaker wishes the previous speaker or the proceedings to stop so that he or she can comment on what has been said or has happened so far
just a minute
Only one minute; a passage of time 60 seconds in duration
just a sec
just a second
just a second
Stop; wait. Used to indicate that the speaker wishes the previous speaker or the proceedings to stop so that he or she can comment on what has been said or has happened so far
just a second
A short period of time, typically anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes or more
just a second
Only one second; a passage of time one-sixtieth of a minute in duration
just about
just another pretty face
Someone who is attractive, but not too distinguished

After screening her application, the office manager decided that the young woman was just another pretty face and decided to hire someone who was better.

just as well
Used to say that an occurrence, or situation, is not only fortunate, but that for the contrary, it could have been a lot worse

Marshall stepped away from the conversation, and it was just as well. It could only have gotten hotter from that point.

just compensation
The compensation provided for property taken via eminent domain. It is usually the fair market value of the property, but may be determined by other means

; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

just compensations
plural form of just compensation
just deserts
A punishment or reward that is considered to be what the recipient deserved

It may appear that they're getting ahead by cheating, but they'll get their just deserts in the end.

just desserts
Common misspelling of just deserts
just ducky
Great or going well, although usually sarcastic

Well that's just ducky!.

just in case
In the event; should there be a need

Throughout 1782 and most of 1783 there was a mixture of defacto peace but preparedness for war just in case it should be resumed, a sort of cold war.

just in case
if and only if
just in time
at the last possible moment; just before or within the assigned time
just kidding
I wasn't serious; it was only a joke
just like that
In that manner
just like that
unexpectedly, without warning

We were jogging slowly in the park when, just like that, she collapsed.

just now
In a little while. Shortly, which could mean within ten minutes or two hours or at some indeterminate time within the near future

I'll be coming just now.

just now
Very close to the present moment

I was talking to my friend on the phone just now.

just the same
Anyway; despite

He didn't like it one bit, but he smiled just the same.

just wondering
Used to qualify a question or action, explaining it as modivated by curiosity
Of a manufacturing system in which components are delivered at the precise time required, thus minimizing inventory carrying costs
just-so story
A story that cannot be proven or disproven, used as an explanation of a current state of affairs
just a minute
hold on, just a moment
just as
just like, similar to; right at the moment when
just as
at the same time as; "even as he lay dying they argued over his estate"; "the building collapsed just as he arrived"
just a moment
Used to ask sb to wait for a short time
just a second
Used to ask sb to wait for a short time
just around the corner
(deyim) Soon to come or happen; close by; near at hand

The fortuneteller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner.

just as
At the same time as; "even as he lay dying they argued over his estate"; "the building collapsed just as he arrived"; (synonym) even as
just as well
With equal reason or an equally good result
just as well
(as well or just as well) with equal reason or an equally good result

I may as well have a look.

just like that
Instantly or effortlessly
just right
In every detail, to a T, to the letter, to perfection
just war
Just war theory (or Bellum iustum) is a doctrine of military ethics of Roman philosophical and Catholic origin, studied by moral theologians, ethicists and international policy makers, which holds that a violent conflict ought to meet philosophical, religious or political criteria
just-noticeable difference
(psychophysics) the difference between two stimuli that (under properly controlled experimental conditions) is detected as often as it is undetected(synonym) jnd
In a just or fair manner; of great justice
{a} uprightly, honestly, properly, exactly
{n} reasonableness, propriety, exactness
just a minute
Used to ask sb to wait for a short time
just like that
(DISAPPROVING) Suddenly and unexpectedly: "Their son went off and got married last week, just like that."
Just A Minute
just a moment
just a second, hang on a minute, momentarily
just about
(of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he's about 30 years old"; "I've had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"
just about
(of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; `near' is sometimes used informally for `nearly' and `most' is sometimes used informally for `almost'; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we're almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees"
just about
almost, just now; with difficulty, barely, hardly
just as well
for the best, it makes no difference
just in case
if there happens to be need; "in case of trouble call 911"; "I have money, just in case"
just in case
just to be safe, for the sake of it, in the event that -
just in time
at the last possible moment; "she was saved in the nick of time"
just in time
The concept of reducing inventories by working closely with suppliers to co-ordinate delivery of materials just before their use in the manufacturing or supply process
just in time
Popular term to described the benefit of e-learning's accessibility As in, "Our sales force can access our online, just-in-time training whenever they have a question about a product; no longer do they have to enroll in, and wait for, a classroom training program "
just in time
freight scheduled for immediate use at its destination
just in time
The principle of production and inventory control in which goods arrive when needed for production or use Warehousing tends to be minimal or non-existent; the container is the movable warehouse and must arrive around the time it is required
just in time
An approach to minimizing inventory costs through identifying minimal inventory levels and arranging with suppliers to replenish stocks just in time to be used in production
just in time
A strategy that concentrates on making quality products, in the quantity needed, when it is needed This strategy exposes waste and makes continuous improvement possible
just in time
A concept where an item is delivered where and when it is needed
just in time
The principle of production and inventory control that calls for immediate movement of raw materials, component parts, and work-in-progress Goods arrive when needed (just in time) for production or use rather than becoming expensive inventory that occupies costly warehouse space
just in time
(JIT)—The concept of only compiling units of code just as they are needed at runtime The JIT compiler in the CLR compiles MSIL instructions to native machine code as a NET application is executed The compilation occurs as each method is called; the JIT-compiled code is cached in memory and is never recompiled more than once during the program's execution
just in time
In education, just-in-time instruction is available at the time a learner needs it in order to perform a task, rather than only at the time a provider wants to make it available
just kidding
I am only joking, I am just fooling
just like
exactly like, exactly similar to -
just like that
merely like that, just so, thus, with a flip of the wrist, with a wave of the hand
just now
only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out"
just now
just this moment, justa a moment ago
just so
exactly thus
just so
in a careful manner; "you must treat this plant just so
just so
in a careful manner; "you must treat this plant just so"
just the opposite
exactly the reverse, on the contrary, the opposite is the correct one
just then
at a particular time in the past; "just then the bugle sounded
just then
at a particular time in the past
just think
stop and think for a moment, ponder on it, go out and learn
more just
superlative of just
with honesty; "he was rightly considered the greatest singer of his time"
in accordance with moral or social standards; "that serves him right"; "do right by him"
equitably, fairly, honestly; properly, correctly; exactly, precisely (Dialect)
in accordance with moral or social standards; "that serves him right"; "do right by him
approval You use justly to show that you approve of someone's attitude towards something, because it seems to be based on truth or reality. Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife. see also just = justifiably
In a just manner; in conformity to law, justice, or propriety; by right; honestly; fairly; accurately
the quality of being just or fair
conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety; "it was performed with justness and beauty
{i} quality of being just, equitableness, fairness; quality of being correct
The quality of being just; conformity to truth, propriety, accuracy, exactness, and the like; justice; reasonableness; fairness; equity; as, justness of proportions; the justness of a description or representation; the justness of a cause
conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety; "it was performed with justness and beauty"
the state of being just
Türkçe - İngilizce

just teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

güçü gücüne/ halle just, barely, just barely, hardly
with the greatest difficulty