Bazı dindar insanlar çok yargılayıcı olabilir.
- Some religious people can be very judgemental.
Meseleyi senin yargına bırakıyorum.
- I leave the matter to your judgement.
Yargılama yarın verilecek.
- Judgement will be given tomorrow.
Öyle bir yargılama yapmak yanlış fikirlere yönlendirebilir.
- Making such a judgement may lead to wrong ideas.
Otistik insanların yalnızca yaklaşık yüzde 15'i işgücündedir, başlıca nedeni insanların onlar hakkındaki büyük peşin hükümleridir.
- Only about 15 per cent of people with autism are in the workforce, mainly because people are so judgemental about them.
Yaşına göre iyi bir sağduyusu var.
- He has good judgement for his age.
Mahkeme kararı hatasızdı.
- The judgement was impeccable.
Hızlı kararlar tehlikelidir.
- Quick judgements are dangerous.
Onu senin takdirine bırakacağım.
- I will leave it to your judgement.
Kanaate dayalı bir karardı.
- It was a judgment call.
Bu konuda bir karar veremiyorum.
- I cannot render a judgment on that.
Çok yargılayıcı olmayı bırak.
- Stop being so judgmental.
Benim yargıma güveniyor musunuz?
- Do you trust my judgment?
Yargılama günü geldi.
- The day of judgment has arrived.
Yargılama tamamen adil değil.
- The judgment isn't entirely fair.
Çok hızlı hüküm vermeyin.
- Don't pass judgment too quickly.
Düşünmek zordur ve bu yüzden birçok insan sadece hüküm verir.
- Thinking is difficult, and therefore many people only pass judgment.
Children learn self-judgement when they start growing up.
Hermia. I would my father look'd but with my eyes. Theseus. Rather your eyes must with his judgement look. –Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, I-i.
Most heartily I do beseech the court To give the judgement. –Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, IV-i.
She in my judgement was as fair as you. - Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, IV-iv.
I’m using mathesis — a universal science of measurement and order …And there is also taxinomia a principle of classification and ordered tabulation.Knowledge replaced universal resemblance with finite differences. History was arrested and turned into tables …Western reason had entered the 'age of judgement'.
She in my judgment was as fair as you.
Hermia. I would my father look'd but with my eyes. Theseus. Rather your eyes must with his judgment look.
Most heartily I do beseech the court To give the judgment.
... they trust our judgement about what's important and what's ...