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orig. Karol Wojtya born May 18, 1920, Wadowice, Pol. died April 2, 2005, Vatican City Pope (1978-2005), the bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic church, the first non-Italian pope in 455 years and the first ever from a Slavic country. He studied for the priesthood at an underground seminary in Kraków during World War II and was ordained in 1946. He earned a doctorate in philosophy in Rome (1948) and returned home to serve in a parish, earning a second doctorate (also 1948), in sacred theology, from the Jagiellonian University. He became archbishop of Kraków in 1964 and cardinal in 1967. Elected pope after the 33-day pontificate of John Paul I (b. 1912 d. 1978), he became known for his energy, charisma, and intellect as well as for his conservative theological views and fervent anticommunism. In 1981 John Paul was shot in St. Peter's Square by a Turkish gunman, but he recovered, resumed his work, and forgave his would-be assassin. His trips abroad attracted some of the largest crowds ever assembled. His nonviolent activism spurred movements that contributed to the peaceful dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. He championed economic and political justice in developing nations. In naming 44 cardinals from five continents (February 2001), John Paul reached out to cultures around the world. He also canonized more saints, from more parts of the world, than had any other pope. His ecumenical efforts included meetings with Jewish, Muslim, and Eastern Orthodox religious leaders. Although afflicted with Parkinson disease since the early 1990s, John Paul remained active and made a historic trip to Jerusalem in March 2000, during which he sought to improve relations between the Roman Catholic church and Jews
Pope (1978). The first pope to assume a double name, he reigned for only 34 days. an Italian priest who was Pope (=the leader of the Roman Catholic religion) for only 34 days before his death (1912-78)
Pope (since 1978). The first Polish-born pope and the first non-Italian pope in 450 years, he has traveled extensively in support of human rights and conservative dogma
{i} (1920-2005, born as: Karol Jozef Wojtyla) Pope of the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005, first Pope born in Poland (known for his religious conservatism, his patience, and his desire to live in brotherhood with people of all races and faiths)
orig. John Paul born July 6, 1747, Kirkbean, Kirkcudbright, Scot. died July 18, 1792, Paris, France American naval hero. He went to sea at age 12 and became a ship's master at age
{i} (1747-1792) United States Naval commander in the Revolutionary War; stage name of John Baldwin (born 1946), bassist and keyboard player for Led Zeppelin
He joined his brother in Virginia in 1775. When the American Revolution began, he joined the new Continental Navy under Esek Hopkins. In 1776 he sailed the Providence along the Atlantic coast, capturing eight British ships and sinking eight more. Appointed by Congress to the newly built Ranger, he made a spectacular cruise through St. George's Channel and the Irish Sea (1777-78), where he took a number of prizes. In 1779 he commanded the Bonhomme Richard and intercepted a merchant fleet. Though outgunned by an escort ship, the Serapis, he forced its surrender after a fierce battle, answering its challenge to surrender with "I have not yet begun to fight!" His ship sank soon after, and he sailed two British prizes to the Netherlands. In 1790 he retired, in ill health, to France
born April 20, 1920, Chicago, Ill., U.S. U.S. jurist. He studied law at Northwestern University and clerked at the Supreme Court of the United States before joining a Chicago law firm, where he specialized in antitrust law while also teaching and serving on various public commissions. He was appointed to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (1970) by Pres. Richard Nixon and to the Supreme Court by Pres. Gerald Ford (1975). Though initially perceived as a conservative, he proved to be a moderate liberal; indeed, as the court became more conservative in the 1980s and early '90s, after appointments by Pres. Ronald Reagan and Pres. George Bush, Stevens became perhaps the court's most liberal member
a Polish priest, who became the first Polish pope (=the leader of the Roman Catholic religion) in 1978. He has travelled more than any Pope before, visiting countries all over the world. He has often spoken about his opposition to birth control and to the idea of women becoming priests (1920-)
{i} John Paul II (1920-2005, born as: Karol Jozef Wojtyla), Pope of the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005, first Pope born in Poland (known for his religious conservatism, his patience, and his desire to live in brotherhood with people of all races and faiths)
{i} John Paul II (1920-2005, born as: Karol Jozef Wojtyla), Pope of the Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005, first Pope born in Poland (known for his religious conservatism, his patience, and his desire to live in brotherhood with people of all races and faiths)