
listen to the pronunciation of jet
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Otomotiv) karbüratör memesi
püskürtme memesi

Hâlâ uyku düzensizliği çekiyorum. - I'm still suffering from jet lag.

Bir hafta oldu fakat uyku düzensizliğinden hâlâ çekiyorum. - It's been a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag.

siyah kehribar
jet uçağı

Jet uçağı Narita'ya bir saat geç ulaştı. - The jet plane reached Narita an hour late.

Jet uçağı anında havalanır. - The jet plane took off in an instant.

(out ile) fışkırmak
fıskiye ağızlığı
(Askeri) Müşterek Harekat Planlama Ve İdare Sistemi (JOPES) düzeltme aracı (Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) editing tool)
(Askeri) JET: Egzoz akışı veya gazların bir delikten veya gaz sıkıştırma boğazından süratle çıkması
(Tekstil) düze, meme, ağız
{f} fışkırtmak; fışkırmak
jet glass simsiyah
x jetle uç/fışkır/fışkırt
jet,v.fışkırt: n.jet
kara amber
simsiyah renk
{i} fıskıye
{f} jet ile uçmak
koyu renk
püskurtücü meme

Onun simsiyah gözleri vardı. - She had jet black eyes.

Onun simsiyah saçı vardı. - She had jet black hair.

{i} oltu taşı
{i} jet motoru

Bir İngiliz pilotu olan Frank Whittle, 1930 yılında ilk turbo jet motorunu tasarladı ve patentini aldı. - Frank Whittle, a British pilot, designed and patented the first turbo jet engine in 1930.

{i} jet
{f} jetle yolculuk yapmak
{i} karakehribar
jet püskürtme
jet chamber
(Otomotiv) jikle hücresi
jet age
jet çağı
jet ager
püskürtmeli buharlayıcı
jet carburettor
memeli karbüratör
jet chamber
jet odası
jet condenser
püskürtmeli kondansatör
jet cooling
konveksiyonlu soğutma
jet dyeing machine
püskürtmeli boyama makinesi
jet engine
jet motoru
jet engine
tepkili motor
jet finishing machine
püskürtmeli apre makinesi
jet fuel
jet yakıtı
jet piercing
yakmalı delme
jet plane

Jet uçağı Narita'ya bir saat geç ulaştı. - The jet plane reached Narita an hour late.

Jet uçağı anında havalanır. - The jet plane took off in an instant.

jet plane
jet uçağı

Jet uçağı Narita'ya bir saat geç ulaştı. - The jet plane reached Narita an hour late.

Jet uçağı anında havalanır. - The jet plane took off in an instant.

jet propulsion
jet itmesi
jet propulsion
jetle çalıştırma
jet pump
jet pump
püskürtücü pompa
jet set
zengin gençlik
jet set
jet sosyete
jet set
yüksek sosyete
jet steamer
püskürtmeli buharlayıcı
parlak koyu siyah
jet boating
jet botla
jet driver
jet sürücü
jet fighter
jet avcı uçağı
jet lack
Bkz. jet lag
jet lag
Uzun bir uçak yolculuğundan sonra zaman farkından doğan uyku düzensizliği, yorgunluk v.b.; uçak tutması
jet liner
jet yolcu uçağı
jet of water
su jeti
jet off
uçak ile uçmak
jet off
uçakla gitmek
jet propulsion
jet ile çalıştırma
jet set printer
jet yazıcı seti
jet skiing
jet ski
jet turbine
jet türbini
jet wash
tepkili motorun püskürttüğü hava
jet way
jet yol
uzun uçak yolculuğu sonrası saat farkından dolayı sersemlik hisseden kimse
jet advisory service
(Askeri) JET HAVA TRAFİK DANIŞMA HİZMETİ: Radarlı veya radarsız jet hava trafik danışma sahası içinde uçan bazı sivil uçaklara verilen hizmet. Radarlı jet hava trafik danışma sahası içinde bu hizmetten faydalanan uçaklara radar uçuş takibi, radar trafik bilgisi ve izlenen trafik çevresindeki vektörler sağlanır. Radarsız jet hava trafik danışma sahası içinde bu hizmetlerden yararlanan uçaklara ise bu bölge içinde uçtuğu kontrol merkezi tarafından bilinen uçaklardan ayrılabilmeleri için standart aletli uçuş bilgisi sağlanır
jet ager
(Tekstil) püskürtmeli buharyalıcı
jet angle
jet açısı
jet black
abanoz gibi
jet black
abanoz siyahı
jet black
jet block
jet blok
jet bomber
jet bombardıman uçağı
jet bundles
(Matematik) jet demetleri
jet carrier
(Otomotiv) meme gömleği
jet carrier
(Otomotiv) meme taşıyıcı
jet cone
(Otomotiv) konik biçimde püskürtme
jet cooling
jet soğutma
jet cutting
basınçlı suyla kazı/kesme
jet cutting
(Jeoloji) basınçlı suyla kesim
jet cutting
(Jeoloji) basınçlı suyla kazı
jet cutting
(Jeoloji) basınçlı suyla kesme
jet drier
(Tekstil) düzeli kurutucu
jet engine
jet makinesi
jet engine
(Havacılık) tepkili uçak motoru
jet engine
(Askeri) JET MOTORU (HV.): Yakıtı yakmak için, yakıcı madde (oxidizer) olarak dışarıdaki havayı emen ve motor içinde yanmanın tevlit ettiği gazları, itici güç meydana getirmek üzere, sıcak halde getoru arasındaki fark birincisinde yanışın dışarıdan alınan havaya bağlı olmasıdır. Roket motoru yakıcı maddeyi beraberinde taşır; dolayısıyla dış uzayda faaliyete muktedirdir
jet error
(Bilgisayar) jet hatası
jet exit nozzle
jet çıkış memesi
jet exit velocity
jet çıkış hızı
jet fatigue
uçak yolculuğu sonrası sersemlik
jet fatigue
saat farkından dolayı rahatsızlık
jet fuels
jet yakıtları
jet horsepower
(Askeri) JET BEYGİR GÜCÜ: Egzost jetinin itme kuvveti ile müessir jet cihazının çarpımına eşit olan güç
jet kit
jet kiti
jet lag
uçak yolculuğu sonrası sersemlik
jet lag
(uzun bir uçak yolculuğundan sonra) zaman farkından doğan uyku düzensizliği, yorgunluk v.b
jet lag
saat farkından dolayı rahatsızlık
jet lesion
(Tıp) jet lezyonu
jet lever
(Otomotiv) el gazı
jet lever
(Otomotiv) soğuk çalıştırma kolu
jet momentum
püskürtme momenti
jet momentum
jet momenti
jet motor
(Askeri) JET MOTORU: Bak. "jet engine
jet noise
(Havacılık) jet gürültüsü
jet orifice
(Tekstil) püskürtme memesi
jet pile
çakma kazık
jet pilot
(Askeri) muharip jet pilotu
jet pipe
enjeksiyon borusu
jet pipe
jet borusu
jet pipe
basınçlı su borusu
jet plane
tepkili uçak
jet prop
jet propelled
jet propulsion
(Askeri) TEPKİLİ İTME: İtici unsurun (motorun) oksijeni havadan alarak meydana getirdiği tepkimeli itme. Bu, kendi oksijen kaynağını içinde taşıyan itici unsurlardaki roketli itmeden farklıdır. Bir uçağın hareketiyle ilgili olarak kullanıldığında kuyruk borusu ve gaz sıkıştırma boğazından sıcak gaz çıkartarak uçağı iten benzin veya diğer bir yakıtla çalışan türbünlü ve tepkili unsuru (motor) ifade eder. Bak. "rocket propulsion" ve "propulsion"
jet propulsion
tepkili çalıştırma, jetli sürüş
jet range
püskürtme mesafesi
jet recorder
puskurtmeli kayitci
jet recorder
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) püskürtmeli kayıtçı
jet retainer
jet tutucusu
jet ring
(Havacılık) pervane çemberi
jet rope rinser
(Tekstil) düzeli halat yıkama makinesi
jet set
jetle yolculuk eden zenginler
jet setter
jet sosyete üyesi
jet setter
jet sosyeteden bir kimse
jet star
(Askeri) JET STAR (C-140): Gövdenin iki yanına monte edilmiş dört turbojet motorla hareket eden ve hızlı destek tipi nakliye uçağı. Bak. "star lifter"
jet steering
(Askeri) TEPKİ İLE YÖNELTME (HV.): Hem ara motorlarla tahrikli uçuşta hem çekiş sona erdikten sonraki süre içinde arzu edilen mahrekte seyrini temin için bir uzay aracı, balistik füze ve sondaj roketinde, sabit veya müteharrik fışkırtma borularının kullanılması. Jetlere soğuk basınçlı gaz veya bir gaz jeneratöründe sevk haklarının yakılmasıyla elde edilen sıcak gaz verilebilir
jet steering
(Askeri) tepki ile yöneltme
jet stream
(Askeri) JET AKIMI: Yukarı troposfer veya stratasferde, yüksek hızda ince bir rüzgar şeridi
jet stream
tepkili motorun püskürttüğü hava
jet stream
jet rüzgârı
jet syndrome
uçak yolculuğu sonrası sersemlik
jet syndrome
saat farkından dolayı rahatsızlık
jet throw
püskürtme mesafesi
jet thrust
jet tepki kuvveti
jet vane
(Askeri) JET KANATÇIĞI, JET PALETİ: Bir güdümlü merminin seyrini idare için jet akımı içine yerleştirilen ve yüksek ısıya dayanan bir maddeden yapılmış olan kanatçık. Buna "Jetavetor" da denir
jet version
(Bilgisayar) jet sürümü
jet warning
(Bilgisayar) jet uyarısı
acceleration jet
business jet
(Havacılık) şirket jeti
idle air jet
(Otomotiv) rölanti hava jeti
idle jet
rölanti jeti
idle jet
(Otomotiv) rölanti memesi
jet lag
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) jet gecikmesi
jet lag
(Turizm) jet uyumsuzluğu
jet motor
(Askeri) jet motoru
(Bilgisayar) jet uçakları
auxiliary jet
yardımcı jikle
carburettor main discharge jet
karbüratör ana memesi
carburettor pump jet
karbüratör pompası memesi
double jet carburettor
çift jikleli karbüratör
gas jet
gaz alevi
gas jet
gaz memesi
idling jet
rölanti jiklörü
jump jet
dikine kalkabilen uçak
main jet
ana jet
main jet carrier
ana jet taşıyıcısı
needle jet
iğneli jikle
prop jet
jetli pervane sistemi
propulsive jet
tahrikli jet
ram jet
dinamik tazyikli jet motoru
ram jet airplane
tepkili jet uçağı
blue jet
Fırtına bulutlarının üstünde, iyonosfer tabakasında oluşan ve yıldırım esnasında nötr ve iyonlaşmış azot moleküllerinin sebep olduğu, yukarıya doğru ilerleyen mavi renkte ve koni şeklindeki şekiller
brake jet
fren jet
electron jet
elektron jeti
gas jet cooling
gaz jet soğutma
multiple jet carburettor
çok jikleli karbüratör
propeller jet
pervane jet
pulsating jet engine
palsli jet motoru
water jet pump
su enjektörü
jet ile taşınan
Türkçe - Türkçe
Tepkili uçak
jet motoru
Yüksek basınçla ve çok büyük hızla gaz akışını püskürtme sistemiyle en yüksek düzeyde itme gücü yaratan motor, tepkili motor
jet yakıtı
Jet motorlarının çalışma sistemine göre ayrıştırılmış renksiz benzin
İngilizce - İngilizce
A narrow cone of hadrons and other particles produced by the hadronization of a quark or gluon
A part of a carburetor that controls the amount of fuel mixed with the air
To move (running, walking etc.) rapidly around
A spout or nozzle for creating a jet of fluid
To travel on a jet aircraft or otherwise by jet propulsion
A class of airplane using jet engines rather than propellors
The colour of jet coal, deep grey

jet colour:.

A collimated stream, spurt or flow of liquid or gas from a pressurized container, an engine, etc
To spray out of a container
Of a very dark black in colour
Propelled by turbine engines

jet airplane.

An engine that propels a vehicle using a stream of fluid as propulsion
A hard, black form of coal, sometimes used in jewellery
{v} to shoot forward, jolt, strut, intrude
{n} a very black fossil, spout, court, yard
syn Liquid Jet, q v
an airplane powered by one or more jet engines
To spout; to emit in a stream or jet
A forceful stream of fluid (as water or gas) discharged from a narrow opening or a nozzle
{f} travel or convey by jet plane; travel by means of jet propulsion; gush out in a stream, flow out forcefully; move fast, travel quickly
{i} stream of liquid or gas forced out of an opening; spout; jet plane, aircraft powered by jet propulsion; black coal which can be polished (used for jewelry, etc.); deep black color
issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth; "Water jetted forth"; "flames were jetting out of the building"
an artificially produced flow of water
To travel on a jet plane
Same as 2d Get
Jet is a hard black stone that is used in jewellery. jet engine jet lag jet stream
Hard, black fossilised wood, Jet from Yorkshire was widely used in making jewellery, buttons, beads and pulley-rings
(1) describes the blackness or intensity of the masstone of black or near-black inks or colored surfaces; (2) a pressurized stream of air used as a drying mechanism
Depending on their energy, the quarks and gluons emerging from a collision will materialize into 5-30 particles (mostly mesons and baryons) At high momentum, these particles will appear in clusters called ``jets,'' that is, in groups of particles moving in roughly the same direction, centered about the original quark or gluon
The colour of jet (3), deep black
A class of airplane whose engines use turbines rather than propellors
a form of fossilized coal that became popular for mourning jewelry after Queen Victoria's husband, Albert died in 1861 Produced mainly in Whitby, England, it is a very lightweight substance Black glass was often used to imitate jet which became a fashion item, not just for mourning
A jet is an aircraft that is powered by jet engines. Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan He had arrived from Jersey by jet. see also jump jet
a fast-moving wind current surrounded by slower moving air
an intense black
Johannesburg Equities Trading system It is the trading system run by the JSE to match buy and sell orders of JSE member firms automatically
Joint European Torus; european fusion experiment using the Tokamaks principle, that is being operated in Culham (UK)
A shooting forth; a spouting; a spurt; a sudden rush or gush, as of water from a pipe, or of flame from an orifice; also, that which issues in a jet
A variety of lignite, of a very compact texture and velvet black color, susceptible of a good polish, and often wrought into mourning jewelry, toys, buttons, etc
A collimated stream of relativistic particles and photons which flows from a central source
fly a jet plane
An orifice or other feature of a toilet that is designed to direct water into the trap way quickly, to start the siphon action
Drift; scope; range, as of an argument
street names for ketamine
Joint European Torus JET is the world's largest magnetic confinement fusion experiment which aims at confirming the scientific theory of fusion and the scientific feasibility of nuclear fusion for power generation
an airplane powered by one or more jet engines the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid) a hard black form of lignite that takes a brilliant polish and is used in jewellery or ornamentation issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth; "Water jetted forth"; "flames were jetting out of the building"
The name physicists give to a cluster of particles emerging from a collision or decay event all traveling in roughly the same direction and carrying a significant fraction of the energy in the event The particles in the jet are chiefly hadrons More Information: Hadrons, Event Display Picture: Typical Hadronic Event, Event Display Picture: Multi-Jet Hadronic Events
(noun) A stream of fluid (ink) produced by discharge through an orifice into free space
If you jet somewhere, you travel there in a fast plane. He and his wife, Val, will be jetting off on a two-week holiday in America
of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal
A concentrated, high velocity flow of water capable of causing erosion, used in mining some placer deposits to wash the unconsolidated deposits into sluice boxes
A stream, spout, spurt or flow of liquid or gas from a pressurized container, an engine, etc
Formerly called also black amber
To shoot forward or out; to project; to jut out
Liquid emitted from nozzle orifice
A jet of liquid or gas is a strong, fast, thin stream of it. A jet of water poured through the windows
Jobs, Education and Training
A stream of vapor, gas or liquid coming out fast from a narrow orifice (080)
The sprue of a type, which is broken from it when the type is cold
To strut; to walk with a lofty or haughty gait; to be insolent; to obtrude
v To accelerate quickly; to go very fast
a hard black form of lignite that takes a brilliant polish and is used in jewellery or ornamentation
A narrow beam of matter or radiation
n a dense black coal that takes a good polish and is sometimes used for jewelry
1 A strong well-defined stream of fluid either issuing from an orifice or moving in a contracted duct, such as the jet of combustion gases issuing from a reaction engine, or the jet in the test section of a wind tunnel See free jet
To jerk; to jolt; to be shaken
the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)
jet bridges
plural form of jet bridge
jet engine
any engine propelled by expelling a high speed fluid jet (jet propulsion), such as a rocket, turbojet, turbofan, ramjet etc
jet engine
an engine that obtains thrust by taking in air at the front, using it to burn fuel, then ejecting the hot combustion products at the rear through a propulsive nozzle
jet engines
plural form of jet engine
jet fighter
a fighter aircraft with one or more jet engines
jet lag
A physical condition caused by crossing time zones during flight; often the result of disruption to the circadian rhythms of the body
jet lags
plural form of jet lag
jet machine
Any of several devices that use a jet of water or abrasive mixture to clean something
jet pack
A piece of equipment that may be strapped to a person’s back and generate vertical thrust by a downward discharge of jet fluid, thereby rendering the person capable of flight
jet packs
plural form of jet pack
jet propulsion
Propulsion that is caused by the expulsion of a jet of fluid, especially by a jet engine
jet propulsion
The study of devices propelled by jet propulsion
jet set
A set of wealthy people who travel for pleasure
jet set
To follow the life style of the jet set
jet set
Relating to the life style of the jet set
jet sets
plural form of jet set
jet setters
plural form of jet setter
jet ski
A small motorized water craft with a flattish hull and an upright centre, which a rider sits astride

2006: Jet ski is actually Kawasaki's name for their PWC (personal water craft) models, but like hoovers and speedos has become genericised. — Tracks magazine, Gimme Fuel: High Octane Advise for Buying a Ski, October 2006, page 154.

jet skis
plural form of jet ski
jet stream
any of the high-speed, high-altitude air currents that circle the Earth in a westerly direction
jet streams
plural form of jet stream
coal-black; the blackest black
coal-black; of the blackest black
Attributive form of jet engine

jet-engine noise.

suffering from jet lag
Alternative spelling of jet pack
propelled by a jet engine
A member of the jet set, a rich person who travels for pleasure
The actions of the jet set; travelling from one fashionable location to another by jet
jet off
depart hurriedly
jet off
go by airplane to a destination
jet aircraft
A jet aircraft is an aircraft that is powered by one or more jet engines
jet black
deep black color, intense black color
jet black
Something that is jet black is a very intense black. jet-black hair
jet boat
A boat propelled by a powerful jet of water created by a specially designed engine
jet branch
spout of a fire hose, end of a fire hose from which water sprays
jet bridge
an extendible bridge for loading passengers onto large commerical airplanes; provides protected access to the plane from the gate
jet deau
A stream of water spouting, esp
jet deau
upward, from a fountain or pipe for ornament; also, the fountain or pipe from which it issues
jet deau
A stream of water spouting from a fountain or pipe (especially from one arranged to throw water upward), in a public place or in a garden, for ornament
jet engine
A jet engine is an engine in which hot air and gases are forced out at the back. Jet engines are used for most modern aircraft. an engine that pushes out a stream of hot air and gases behind it, used in aircraft. Any of a class of internal-combustion engines that propel aircraft by means of the rearward discharge of a jet of fluid, usually hot exhaust gases generated by burning fuel with air drawn in from the atmosphere. Jets rely on the third of Newton's laws of motion (action and reaction are equal and opposite). The first jet-powered airplane was introduced in 1939 in Germany. The jet engine, consisting of a gas-turbine system, significantly simplified propulsion and enabled substantial increases in aircraft speed, size, and operating altitudes. Modern types of jet engines include turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, turboshafts, and ramjets. See airplane. See also drag; gasoline engine; lift
jet engine
a gas turbine produces a stream of hot gas that propels a jet plane by reaction propulsion
jet engine
engine that is driven by jet propulsion
jet fighter
aircraft operated by jet propulsion used in combat
jet fuel
fuel used for jet-propelled aircraft
jet hole
spout of a sprayer, opening from which liquid spouts
jet lag
fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the body's normal circadian rhythm as a result of jet travel
jet lag
jet lag in BRIT, also use jetlag If you are suffering from jet lag, you feel tired and slightly confused after a long journey by aeroplane, especially after travelling between places that have a time difference of several hours. the tired and confused feeling that you can get after flying a very long distance, especially because of the difference in time between the place you left and the place you arrived at. Period of adjustment of biological rhythm after moving from one time zone to another, experienced as fatigue and lowered efficiency. It reflects a delay in the synchronization of changes in the level of blood cortisol, the major steroid produced by the adrenal cortex (see adrenal gland), with the local day-night cycle. Duration and severity depend on how much distance is covered in how little time. Travel by jet, after which the phenomenon may persist for some days, first made it noticeable, accounting for the name
jet lag
feeling of exhaustion and disorientation caused by travelling between time zones
jet lag
n the feeling of being tired in the day and awake at night after a long airplane flight
jet lag
A physiological condition caused by the disorientation of a person's biological clock due to travel across several time zones Characterized by irritability, lethargy, insomnia, and other symptoms
jet lag
disturbance induced by a major rapid shift in environmental time during travel to a new time zone
jet lag
delayed bodily effects felt after a long flight by a fast jet aircraft
jet lag
A temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of rapid air travel across time zones
jet pipe
pipe through which jet gases are expelled thus propelling the plane forward
jet plane
airplane powered by means of jet propulsion
jet propelled
{s} powered by jet propulsion; propelled by a jet engine
jet propelled aircraft
aircraft which is driven by jet propelled engines
jet propulsion
propulsion of a body by means of a jet or stream of gas, obtaining all or most if its thrust by reaction to the ejection of the combustion products (gas)
jet propulsion
propulsion by means of the discharge of a jet of fluid toward the rear
jet propulsion
Propulsion of an airplane by jet engines by the forwardly directed forces of the reaction resulting from the rearward discharge of a jet of fluid
jet propulsion
propulsion in one direction by a jet of air or gas in the opposite direction
jet propulsion
1 The propulsion of a rocket or other craft by means of a reaction engine
jet propulsion
Propulsion derived from the rearward expulsion of matter in a jet stream, especially propulsion by jet engines. the use of a jet engine for power
jet set
a set of rich and fashionable people who travel widely for pleasure
jet set
You can refer to rich and successful people who live in a luxurious way as the jet set. The winter sports bring the jet set from England. the jet set rich and fashionable people who travel a lot
jet setter
member of the elite society that flies in private airplanes frequently
jet ski
A jet ski is a small machine like a motorcycle that is powered by a jet engine and can travel on the surface of water. A trademark used for a personal watercraft
jet stream
1 Any high-altitude, strong wind current which can aid or hinder jet flight depending on its direction 2 The trail of condensation left by a jet flying at high altitude
jet stream
mixture of gases which are expelled from a jet engine with great force and which propel the aircraft forward
jet stream
A tube-like flow of air moving horizontally at very high speed at about 12 kilometres above the earth's surface
jet stream
A high-speed, meandering wind current, generally moving from a westerly direction at speeds often exceeding 400 kilometers (250 miles) per hour at altitudes of 15 to 25 kilometers (10 to 15 miles) In the Western United States, the jet stream's north-south latitudinal position largely determines the application and intensity of precipitation during the winter months when most rain and snowfall occur
jet stream
A narrow band of westerly high velocity wind, in excess of 95 mph (150 kph), that encircles the earth in the upper troposphere It can reduce the flying time across the Atlantic Ocean from west to east and retard flights in the opposite direction
jet stream
a high-speed high-altitude airstream blowing from west to east near the top of the troposphere; has important effects of the formation of weather fronts
jet stream
a fast moving river of air [traveling at 190 mph (300 kmph)] in the upper part of the lower atmosphere which often marks the boundary between different air masses There are two jet streams: the polar jet stream and the weaker sub-tropical jet stream
jet stream
The jet stream is a very strong wind that blows high in the earth's atmosphere and has an important influence on the weather. a current of very strong winds high above the Earth's surface. Any of several long, narrow, high-speed air currents that flow eastward in a generally horizontal zone in the stratosphere or upper troposphere. Jet streams are characterized by wind motions that generate strong vertical shearing action, considered largely responsible for the clear-air turbulence experienced by aircraft. They also have an effect on weather patterns. Jet streams circle the Earth in meandering paths, shifting position as well as speed with the seasons. In the winter they are nearer the Equator and their speeds are higher than in the summer. There are often two, sometimes three, jet-stream systems in each hemisphere
jet stream
A narrow band of wind in the upper atmosphere with speeds greater than 57 mph
jet stream
a long narrow meandering current of high-speed winds near the tropopause blowing from a generally westerly direction and often exceeding a speed of 250 miles per hour
jet stream
A migrating stream of high-speed winds present at high altitudes
jet stream
a relatively narrow and shallow stream of fast flowing air, usually in the high troposphere (see polar front and subtropical jet streams)
jet stream
A narrow band of upper atmosphere wind that has speeds greater than 57 miles per hour, caused by air temperature differences
jet stream
A high-speed wind near the troposphere, generally moving from a westerly direction at speeds in the northern hemisphere and in an easterly direction in the southern hemisphere, often exceeding 400 km per hour (250 miles per hour)
jet stream
strong, generally westerly winds concentrated in a relatively narrow and shallow stream in the upper troposphere
jet stream
a ribbon of fast moving air near the tropopause (Jet Streams)
jet stream
High speed air currents that flow eastward in the upper troposhere and lower stratosphere Jet streams can generate strong vertical shearing action that is hazardous to aircraft (Sort of opposite to jet streams are the trade winds Trade winds blow westward toward the equator from the subtropical high-pressure belts at latitudes near 30 °N and 30 °S )
jet stream
Strong winds concentrated within a narrow band in the atmosphere The jet stream often "steers" surface features such as fronts and low pressure systems
jet stream
narrow river of very strong horizontal winds usually located in the upper troposphere along fronts
jet stream
high speed air flow in the atmosphere forming air rivers several hundred miles across that generally move west to east and mark the boundary that separates two global air masses with significant differences in temperature
jet stream
A fast high altitude flow of air Jet streams are found in equatorial regions and also in the mid–latitudes
jet stream
Relatively strong winds concentrated in a narrow stream in the atmosphere, normally referring to horizontal, high-altitude winds The position and orientation of jet streams vary from day to day General weather patterns (hot/cold, wet/dry) are related closely to the position, strength and orientation of the jet stream (or jet streams) A jet stream at low levels is known as a low-level jet
jet stream
the stream of exhaust from any reaction engine
jet stream
A long, narrow, meandering current of high-speed winds in the upper troposphere blowing from a generally western direction and often exceeding 250 mph; sometimes contains a jet core
jet stream
A strong band of wind or winds in the upper troposphere or in the stratosphere, moving in a general direction from west to east and often reaching velocities of hundreds of miles an hour See jetstream, note
jet stream
Relatively strong winds that are concentrated in a narrow band in the atmosphere Jet Streams are usually thousands of kilometers long, hundreds of kilometers wide but only a few kilometers thick They are usually found between 6 and 10 miles above the surface
jet stream
High-speed winds that race around the globe at between about four and six miles above the Earth, mostly from west to east
jet stream
Strong winds concentrated within a narrow band in the atmosphere The jet stream often "steers" surface features such as front and low pressure systems
very dark black
coal black, deep black, intense black
Someone who is jet-lagged is suffering from jet lag. I'm still a little jet-lagged
using a jet engine for power
propelled by (or as if propelled by) a jet engine
You use jet-setting to describe people who are rich and successful and who have a luxurious lifestyle. the international jet-setting elite
The name of an NFL franchise located in New York City
jumbo jet
Informally, the Boeing 747
A marine system that creates a jet of water for propulsion; a water jet
radio jet
Either of a pair of intense beams of radio waves emitted by a microquasar or similar object
regional jet
a small narrow-bodied jetliner designed to carry 30-150 passengers in one class for flight segments of 2000 kms or less
Plural form of Jet
plural of jet
atmospheric discharges (lasting 10 msec) bursting from the tops of giant storm clouds in blue cones that widen as they flash upward
third-person singular of jet
past of jet
propelled violently in a usually narrow stream
present participle of jet
Türkçe - İngilizce
jet aircraft
jet plane

The jet plane took off in an instant. - Jet uçağı anında havalanır.

The jet plane reached Narita an hour late. - Jet uçağı Narita'ya bir saat geç ulaştı.

jet, jet aircraft
jet airplane, jet
{i} jet
jet akimi
(Havacılık) jet stream
jet akımı
jet stream
jet akış
(Coğrafya) jet flow
jet gecikmesi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) jet lag
jet gibi gitmek
jet gibi hızlı
jet motorlu uçak
(Havacılık) jet aircraft
jet motoru
(Askeri) jet motor
jet paleti
(Askeri,Havacılık) jet vane
jet pas
(Spor) jet pass
jet pompa
(Çevre) jet pump
jet püskürtme
jet sosyete
(deyim) jet-set
jet tepkisiyle hareket
(Havacılık) jet propulsion
jet uyumsuzluğu
(Turizm) jet lag
jet uçakları
(Bilgisayar) jets
jet uçağı
(Askeri) jet-aircraft
jet yardımıyla kalkış
(Havacılık) jato
jet yolcu uçağı
(Askeri) airbus
jet akıntısı sirrüsü
(Meteoroloji) jet stream cirrus
jet akışlı kontrol
(Havacılık) jet interaction control
jet avcı uçağı
jet fighter
jet açısı
jet angle
jet beygir gücü
(Askeri) jet horsepower
jet bileşenleri
(Bilgisayar) jet components
jet blok
jet block
jet bombardıman uçağı
jet bomber
jet borusu
jet pipe
jet deflektörü
jet deflector
jet demetleri
(Matematik) jet bundles
jet difüzyon havuzu
jet diffusion basin
jet difüzyonu
jet diffusion
jet duman izi
jet egzoz gürültüsü
(Havacılık) jet mixing noise
jet egzoz gürültüsü
(Havacılık) jet exhaust engine
jet eğitimi hava grubu
(Askeri) jet training air group
jet flabı
(Havacılık) jet flap
jet gibi
jet gibi gitmek
to fly
jet gibi konuşmak
(deyim) talk a blue streak
jet gürültüsü
(Havacılık) jet noise
jet hatası
(Bilgisayar) jet error
jet ile taşınan
jet ile uçmak
jet ile çalıştırma
jet propulsion
jet iğnesi
throttle needle
jet kaldırma kuvveti
(Havacılık) jet lift
jet kiti
jet kit
jet lezyonu
(Tıp) jet lesion
jet makinesi
jet engine
jet meme
(Otomotiv) bypass bore
jet meme borusu
(Otomotiv) fuel jet bush
jet momenti
jet momentum
jet motorlu helikopter
(Havacılık) jet helicopter
jet motorlu kalkış
(Havacılık) jet assisted take off
jet motoru

Frank Whittle, a British pilot, designed and patented the first turbo jet engine in 1930. - Bir İngiliz pilotu olan Frank Whittle, 1930 yılında ilk turbo jet motorunu tasarladı ve patentini aldı.

jet motoruyla fırlatılmış
(Havacılık) jetpropelled
jet pasa smaç
(Spor) spike to jet pass
jet reaksiyon katsayısı
(Havacılık) jet reaction coefficient
jet rotor
(Havacılık) jet rotor
jet rüzgarı hız profili
(Meteoroloji) jet wind speed profile
jet rüzgârı
jet stream
jet saptırıcısı
jet deflector
jet sosyete
jet set
jet sosyete üyesi
jet setter
jet sosyeteden bir kimse
jet setter
jet soğutma
jet cooling
jet susturucusu
(Havacılık) jet silencer
jet sürümü
(Bilgisayar) jet version
jet tepki kuvveti
jet thrust
jet tepkisi
(Havacılık) jet thrust
jet tutucusu
jet retainer
jet türbini
jet turbine
jet uyarısı
(Bilgisayar) jet warning
jet uzatması
jet extension
jet uçağı

The jet plane reached Narita an hour late. - Jet uçağı Narita'ya bir saat geç ulaştı.

The jet plane took off in an instant. - Jet uçağı anında havalanır.

jet uçağı
jet plane

The jet plane took off in an instant. - Jet uçağı anında havalanır.

The jet plane reached Narita an hour late. - Jet uçağı Narita'ya bir saat geç ulaştı.

jet uçur
(Havacılık) fly a jetplane
jet yakıtları
jet fuels
jet yakıtı
(Havacılık) aviation turbine fuel
jet yolcu uçağı
jet liner
jet yörüngesi
jet trajectory
jet çağı
jet age
jet çıkış hızı
jet exit velocity
jet çıkış memesi
jet exit nozzle
hidro jet
(Askeri) water jet
jet motoru
jet engine
jet ski
jet skiing