
listen to the pronunciation of jüngstes
İngilizce - Türkçe

jüngstes teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Son 100 yılın bilim ve teknoloji ve topluluğun diğer alanlarındaki gelişmeler hayat kalitesine hem avantajlar hem de dezavantajlar getirdi. - Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have brought to the quality of life both advantages and disadvantages.

Bu sayfanın son güncellenme tarihi: 2010.11.03 - Date of last revision of this page: 2010-11-03

{f} sürmek

Tom son dört yılda iki kez alkollü araba sürmekten mahkûm edildi. - Tom has been convicted of drunken driving twice in the last four years.

{s} geçen

Geçen sene kurulan lunapark sağolsun şehir popüler oldu. - Thanks to the amusement park built last year, the city has become popular.

Geçen yıl Londra'ya gittik. - We went to London last year.

{f} dayanmak
son olarak

Tom son olarak vardı. - Tom was the last to arrive.

Son olarak o Amerika'ya gitti. - Lastly, she went to America.

herkesten sonra
en son

Tom'u en son ne zaman gördün? - When did you last see Tom?

En sonunda hatasını anladı. - At last, he realized his error.

herşeyden sonra
{f} sür

Yağmur beş gün sürdü. - The rain lasted five days.

Sürücü ehliyetimi geçen ay yenilettim. - I had my driver's license renewed last month.

{i} ölüm

Ölüm hiçbir şey. Bu yüzden yaşamla başla, daha az komik ve daha uzun sürer. - Dying is nothing. So start with living, it's less funny and it lasts longer.

Tom geçen yaz yakın bir ölüm deneyimi yaşadı. - Tom had a near death experience last summer.

en sonra
{i} kundura kalıbı
sonuncu olarak
(zarf) son, sonunda, sonuç olarak, son kez, son olarak
en nihayet
son kez

Onu son kez gördüğümden beri Shelly gerçekten büyümüş. - Shelly's really filled out since the last time I saw her.

Son kez bir ağaca ne zaman tırmandığımı hatırlamıyorum. - I don't remember the last time I climbed a tree.

son mudafaa
Almanca - İngilizce
An old English (and Dutch) measure of the carrying capacity of a ship, equal to two tons

The tonnage of the Duyfken of Harmensz's fleet is given as 25 and 30 lasten.

Least preferable

More rain is the last thing we need right now.

most recently

When we last met, he was based in Toronto.

To endure, continue over time

Summer seems to last longer each year.

If you are the last to do or know something, everyone else does or knows it before you. She was the last to go to bed Riccardo and I are always the last to know what's going on
a person's dying act; the last thing a person can do; "he breathed his last" holding device shaped like a human foot that is used to fashion or repair shoes a unit of capacity for grain equal to 80 bushels a unit of weight equal to 4,000 pounds the last or lowest in an ordering or series; "he was the last to leave"; "he finished an inglorious last" persist or be long; in time; "The bad weather lasted for three days" occurring at the time of death; "his last words"; "the last rites" lowest in rank or importance; "last prize"; "in last place" coming after all others in time or space or degree or being the only one remaining; "the last time I saw Paris"; "the last day of the month"; "had the last word"; "waited until the last minute"; "he raised his voice in a last supreme call"; "the last game of the season"; "down to his last nickel" highest in extent or degree; "to the last measure of human endurance"; "whether they were accomplices in the last degree or a lesser one was
the price of the most recent trade in a market
nIII: flowering, in flower
The last you see of someone or the last you hear of them is the final time that you see them or talk to them. She disappeared shouting, `To the river, to the river!' And that was the last we saw of her I had a feeling it would be the last I heard of him. first
In England, a last of codfish, white herrings, meal, or ashes, is twelve barrels; a last of corn, ten quarters, or eighty bushels, in some parts of England, twenty-one quarters; of gunpowder, twenty-four barrels, each containing 100 lbs; of red herrings, twenty cades, or 20,000; of hides, twelve dozen; of leather, twenty dickers; of pitch and tar, fourteen barrels; of wool, twelve sacks; of flax or feathers, 1,700 lbs
The current trading price of one unit of a particular security (Prices are delayed by at least 20 minutes )
the item at the end; "last, I'll discuss family values
but varying for different articles and in different countries
to keep doing it -- " and lasted for thirteen hours and forty-five minutes " (230)
final in a series or the one before the current one, as in: I went to the theater last week
holding device shaped like a human foot that is used to fashion or repair shoes a unit of capacity for grain equal to 80 bushels a unit of weight equal to 4,000 pounds the last or lowest in an ordering or series; "he was the last to leave"; "he finished an inglorious last"
The last event, person, thing, or period of time is the most recent one. Much has changed since my last visit At the last count inflation was 10.9 per cent I split up with my last boyfriend three years ago The last few weeks have been hectic. Last is also a pronoun. The next tide, it was announced, would be even higher than the last
more recently than any other time; "I saw him last in London"
continue to live; endure or last; "We went without water and food for 3 days"; "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents"
If an event, situation, or problem lasts for a particular length of time, it continues to exist or happen for that length of time. The marriage had lasted for less than two years The games lasted only half the normal time Enjoy it because it won't last
jüngstes (Zeitangabe)
(the) latter