
listen to the pronunciation of island
İngilizce - Türkçe

Japonya bir ada ülkesidir. - Japan is an island country.

Ada Japonya'nın batısında yer alır. - The island lies to the west of Japan.

(Tıp) Ada, tecrit edilmiş doku kitlesi
adada oturan kimse
ada gibiislander adalı kimse
(isim) ada
island arc
(Jeoloji) ada yayı
island bases
(Askeri) ada üsleri
island ferry
ada vapuru
island arc
adalar yayı
island case
ada durumda
island effect
adacık olayı
island waterway consignment
ada su sevk
island, a piece of land in water.
(Coğrafya) ada
ada atlamalı
island arc distribution
(Çevre) ada yayı dağılımı
island arc trench system
(Çevre) ada yayı açılma sistemi
island bases
(Askeri) ADA ÜSLERİ: Okyanus bölgelerindeki deniz ve hava üsleri için deniz ve hava üssü vazifesi gören münferit milletlere ait adalar veya ada grupları
island command
(Askeri) ada komutanlığı
island command faeroes
(Askeri) faeroes ada komutanlığı
island command iceland
(Askeri) izlanda ada komutanlığı
island commander
(Askeri) ADA KOMUTANLIĞI: Teşkilat ve çalışma bakımından bir üs komutanlığına benzeyen komutanlık. Sorum bölgesi, normal olarak bir adaya inhisar etmekle birlikte komşu adaları da içine alabilir
island of resistance
(Askeri) mukavemet adacığı
island of resistance
(Askeri) MUKAVEMET ADACIĞI: Bir savunma şebekesi içinde, kendi ana kuvvetleri ile irtibatı kesildiği halde dahi, düşmana dayanmaya devam edecek şekilde teşkil ve koordine edilen direnme noktası
easter island
paskalya adası
traffic island
orta kaldırım
coral island
coral island
floating island
yüzer ada
longitudinal island
boyuna ada
rhode island
rodos adası
safety island
emniyet adası
safety island
traffic island
emniyet adası
traffic island
ascension island
Ascension Adası
caribbean island
caribbean ada
chain island
zincir ada
christmas island
Christmas Adası
cook island
aşçı ada
easter island
(Coğrafya) Büyük Okyanusun güneydoğusunda, Şili'ye ait bir ada, Paskalya Adası, Rapanui
ellis island
Ellis ısland
faroe island
Faroe ada

8.8 büyüklüğündeki büyük deprem bugün Japon adalarını vurdu. - A massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the Japanese islands today.

Bu adaları Kaptan Cook keşfetti. - Captain Cook discovered those islands.

liberty island
özgürlük adası
long island
uzun ada
norfolk island pine
Norfolk Adası cami
north island
kuzeyinde ada
pitcairn island
Pitcairn Adası
resident of an island, islander
bir ada, adanın yerleşik
resort island in thailand bay
thailand koyda tatil adası
staten island
Staten ısland
turks and caicos island
Turks ve Caicos adası
urban heat island
kentsel işi adası
artificial island
(Askeri) yapay ada
barrier island
(Askeri) adali engel
heat island
isı adası
offshore man–made island
(Askeri) açık deniz yapay adası
pedestrian island
yaya adası
rock island
kaya adası
safety island
sand island
kum adası
sea island terminal
(Askeri) TERMİNAL ADACIĞI: Kıyıya köprü veya set yollarla bağlanmamış, gemilerin yük boşaltmalarına elverişli, açıkta bir iskele. Eşya, buradan kıyıya, havai hatlarla nakledilir. Terminal adacığı, kazıklarla çakılmış, normal olarak bir veya daha çok şarttan ibarettir
traffic island
İngilizce - İngilizce
To set, dot (as if) with islands
To isolate

Islanded in Severn stream''.

To surround with water; make into an island

We paused at little river cities along the way and walked upon their bushy dikes, and heard tales of overflows in flood seasons, when four feet or more of water islanded the houses.

A contiguous area of land, smaller than a continent, totally surrounded by water

Sumatra is the second largest island in the East Indies and the fourth largest in the world covering 182,859 square miles.

A superstructure on an aircraft carrier's deck
An entity surrounded by other entities that are very different from itself

King Leopold, speaking in fluent English during his six minute broadcast, said Belgium stood side by side with Holland an Island of peace in the interests of all.

a zone or area resembling an island a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water
Land that has water on all sides
{f} make into an island; furnish with islands; seclude, isolate
A portion of a power system or several power systems that is electrically separated from the interconnection due to the disconnection of transmission system elements
A tract of land surrounded by water, and smaller than a continent
An island is a piece of land that is surrounded by water
Inner domain of a pocket that is to be avoided during machining It has a closed hard boundary
An island is a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water. the Canary Islands. a piece of land completely surrounded by water. Any area of land smaller than a continent and entirely surrounded by water. Islands may occur in oceans, seas, lakes, or rivers. A group of islands is called an archipelago. Continental islands are simply unsubmerged parts of a continental mass that are entirely surrounded by water; Greenland, the world's largest island, is of the continental type. Oceanic islands are produced by volcanic activity, when lava accumulates to enormous thickness until it finally protrudes above the ocean surface. The piles of lava that form Hawaii rise as high as 32,000 ft (9,700 m) above the ocean floor. Holy Island Sandalwood Island Alcatraz Island Alexander Island Anticosti Island Baffin Island Banks Island Bathurst Island Block Island Cape Breton Island Coney Island Devils Island Easter Island Ellesmere Island Ellis Island Fire Island Gorée Island Isabela Island island arc Kangaroo Island Kavaratti Island Kodiak Island Long Island Long Island Sound Mackinac Island Melville Island Muna Island Norfolk Island Norfolk Island pine North Island Padre Island Pitcairn Island Prince Edward Island Rhode Island Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Rhode Island School of Design Roanoke Island Roosevelt Island Welfare Island Blackwell's Island Sakhalin Island San Cristóbal Island San Juan Island National Historical Park South Island Southampton Island Staten Island Three Mile Island Vancouver Island Victoria Island Wake Island Wrangel Island Sandwich Islands Brooks Islands Admiralty Islands Aegean Islands Åland Islands Aleutian Islands Andaman and Nicobar Islands Andreanof Islands Aran Islands Aru Islands Austral Islands Babuyan Islands Balearic Islands Bonin Islands Canary Islands Caroline Islands Cayman Islands Channel Islands Santa Barbara Islands Cocos Islands Keeling Islands Cook Islands Corn Islands D'Entrecasteaux Islands Diomede Islands Elizabeth Islands Eolie Islands Lipari Islands Falkland Islands Falkland Islands War Faroe Islands Faeroe Islands Frisian Islands Futuna Islands Hoorn Islands Galápagos Islands Gambier Islands Gilbert and Ellice Islands Gilbert Islands Goto Islands Ionian Islands Islands Bay of Juan Fernández Islands Kerguelen Islands Kermadec Islands Khuriyya Muriyya Islands Kuria Muria Islands Kuril Islands islands of Langerhans Leeward Islands Line Islands Madeira Islands Magdalen Islands Mariana Islands Ladrone Islands Marquesas Islands Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands New Siberian Islands Northern Mariana Islands Orkney Islands Pacific Islands Trust Territory of the Phoenix Islands Pribilof Islands Queen Charlotte Islands Queen Elizabeth Islands Ryukyu Islands Schouten Islands Shetland Islands Zetland Islands Society Islands Solomon Islands South Orkney Islands Spratly Islands Sunda Islands Tanimbar Islands Thousand Islands Torres Strait Islands Trobriand Islands Kiriwina Islands Turks and Caicos Islands Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands National Park Virgin Islands of the U.S. Visayan Islands Volcano Islands Wallis and Futuna Islands Wallis Islands Windward Islands Paracel Islands
Unincorporated territory substantially surrounded by a city, or territory surrounded by a city on one or more sides and the Pacific Ocean on the remaining side
(Available in Advanced Search) A free- standing cabinet in the center of the kitchen that often includes an eating bar and room for bar stools It can also include a smaller salad sink, or the cook-top
Polygon which is "completely" enclosed on all sides by another larger polygon The larger polygon is sometimes referred to as a lake
An isolated group of agents that does not know about the existence of the larger whole Possible behind firewalls, or accidentally
1 A traffic island by any other name: a raised area not for use of traffic, rather to deflect or divide it, found in the centre of an area of carriageway The central part of a roundabout is an excellent example of an island 2 In slang used in parts of the West Midlands and up to Manchester, a roundabout
Island is a Electronic Communication Network (ECN)
n a landmass surrounded by water on all sides
{i} piece of land completely surrounded by water; something which resembles such a piece of land; raised area or a platform set aside for some specific purpose; (Medicine) cluster of cells, piece of tissue separated from others
(Available in Advanced Search) House plans with a free-standing cabinet in the center of the kitchen that often includes an eating bar and room for bar stools It can also include a smaller salad sink, or the cook-top
To furnish with an island or with islands; as, to island the deep
An area of land, smaller than a continent, completely surrounded by water
A landform smaller than a continent and completely surrounded by water
An area of land, smaller than a continent, completely surrounded by water Cuba, Japan, and Great Britain are islands
An island is a piece of land that is surrounded by water isthmus An isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger landmasses An isthmus has water on two sides lake A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land on all sides Really huge lakes are often called seas mesa A mesa is a land formation with a flat area on top and steep walls - usually occurring in dry areas
A piece of land completely surrounded by water
An area of land, smaller than a continent, completley surrounded by water
See Isle, n
Land completely surrounded by water
n pulau
a landmass, smaller than a continent, that is entirely surrounded by water
An area of land totally surrounded by water
a zone or area resembling an island
a body of land completely surrounded by water
To cause to become or to resemble an island; to make an island or islands of; to isle
la isla
A free- standing cabinet in the center of the kitchen that often includes an eating bar and room for bar stools It can also include a smaller salad sink, or the cook-top
Anything regarded as resembling an island; as, an island of ice
a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water
Long Island (in New York State)
{i} city in Kentucky (USA)
island chain
An archipelago consisting of neighboring islands which are roughly aligned, as if chained one to the next

Several island chains are named 'Keys' in English.

island chains
plural form of island chain
island of stability
A grouping of isotopes of some transuranic elements that are predicted to be more stable that others due to having filled shells of protons and neutrons
island state
State consisting of one or more islands
island universe
A galaxy
Present participle of island-hop
Attributive form of island state, noun

Canada has an island-state mentality.

island arc
Long, curved chain of oceanic islands associated with intense volcanic and seismic activity and mountain-building processes. Examples include the Aleutian-Alaska Arc and the Kuril-Kamchatka Arc. Most island arcs consist of two parallel rows of islands. The inner row is a string of volcanoes, and the outer row is made up of nonvolcanic islands. In the case of single arcs, many of the islands are volcanically active. An island arc typically has a landmass or a partially enclosed, unusually shallow sea on its concave side. Along the convex side there usually exists a long, narrow deep-sea trench
island hop
travel from one island to the next; "on the cruise, we did some island-hopping
island of Langerhans
clusters of glucagon- and insulin-secreting endocrine cells in the pancreas (Anatomy)
coney island
A hot dog

I'll buy you a coney island.....

desert island
An uninhabited island, especially one in the tropics
first island chain
The first chain of major archipelagos out from the East Asian continental mainland coast. Principally composed of the Kuril Islands, Japanese Archipelago, Ryu Kyu Islands, Taiwan, the northern Philippines, and Borneo; from the Kamchatka Peninsula to the Malay Peninsula
floating island
A French cold dessert consisting of an "island" of meringue, made of egg whites and sugar, floating in a "sea" of custard
ghost island
An area of road surface, marked with cross hatching, as a means of separating traffic, reducing speed, or to provide a safe area to turn right across approaching traffic
hog island
Any poor town or out-of-way place
plural form of island
The Caribbean islands
no man is an island
All people are connected to other people and dependent on other people

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind,.

refuge island
a raised platform or other protective barrier in the middle of a street crossing, allowing pedestrians to pause safely in the middle of the road
safety island
An area of roadway from which traffic is excluded so as to provide safety for pedestrians; a traffic island
second island chain
The next chain of archipelagos out from the East Asian continental mainland coast, beyond the first island chain. Principally composed of the Bonin Islands, Marianas Islands, Caroline Islands; from Honshu to New Guinea
third island chain
The Aleutian Islands, Emperor Seamounts, Hawaiian Islands, Line Islands, New Zealand; from Alaska to New Zealand or Tasmania and Australia
third island chain
The Andaman Islands, Nicobar Islands, Sumatra; from Burma in the north to either the Indonesian Archipelago, or Australia in the south
tidal island
A piece of land that is connected to the mainland at low tide but separated at high tide
traffic island
A stretch of raised concrete in the middle of a roads used to prevent drivers from driving into oncoming traffic or private roads
an island
{n} one of the U. States, an island
{n} a land surrounded by water, a large mass of floating ice
Pitcairn island
(Coğrafya) Island S. Pacific SE of Tuamotu Archipelago; a Brit. colony, with several smaller islands pop 62
easter island
Easter Island Known locally as Ra·pa Nu·i (räpə nç).An island of Chile in the southern Pacific Ocean about 3,701 km (2,300 mi) west of the mainland. Inhabited by Polynesians since the fifth century A.D. and discovered by Dutch explorers on Easter Day, 1722, the island is famous for its hieroglyphic tablets and colossal heads carved from volcanic rock. The ancient remains have inspired many legends and theories, though it is now generally accepted that they were produced by the Polynesian inhabitants during a period from roughtly 1000 to 1600
monkey island
(Denizcilik) A small raised platform above a bridge, deck-house, etc., on a ship; monkey island
An island
An island
An island
admiralty island
an Alaskan island in the Alexander Archipelago near Juneau
aegean island
an island in the Aegean Sea
baffin island
the 5th largest island and the largest island of Arctic Canada; lies between Greenland and Hudson Bay
barrier island
A long, relatively narrow island running parallel to the mainland, built up by the action of waves and currents and serving to protect the coast from erosion by surf and tidal surges
barrier island
A detached portion of a BARRIER BEACH between two INLETS See Figure 6
barrier island
Narrow islands of sand that run parallel to the shoreline They are separated from the mainland by a river, marsh, or lagoon, and inlets separate adjacent barrier islands Barrier islands buffer the mainland from storms and heavy surf In geologic terms, barrier islands are constantly on the move, with the contours of the islands always changing as wind and wave action cause erosion and accretion
barrier island
Long, narrow islands of sand and/or gravel that are usually aligned parallel to the shore of some coasts
barrier island
A detached portion of a barrier beach between two inlets
barrier island
a long narrow sandy island (wider than a reef) running parallel to the shore
barrier island
A ridge of sand that runs parallel to the main coast but is separated from it by a bay or lagoon Barrier islands range from 10 to 100 kilometers in length and from 2 to 5 kilometers in width A barrier island may be as high as 6 meters above sea level barrier reef A long, narrow reef that runs parallel to the main coast but is separated from it by a wide lagoon
barrier island
A narrow, sandy coastal island built through wave action and separated from the mainland Such islands form a barrier that protects the shore from the open sea They are easily flooded during storms or high water, and are constantly in the process of being created, shifted, or destroyed by wind and waves
barrier island
A long narrow island parallel to and relatively close to a coastline, seperated from the mainland by a lagoon
barrier island
n a long, narrow island parallel to the mainland, built up by the action of waves and currents and serving to protect the coast from erosion by surf and tidal surges; see erosional landform
blood island
{i} (Medicine) mass of splanchnic mesodermal cells on the embryonic yolk sac having the inherent capacity of forming vascular endothelium and primitive blood cells
canary island hare's foot fern
fern of the Canary Islands and Madeira
cape breton island
an island that forms the northeastern part of Nova Scotia
caribbean island
an island in the Caribbean Sea
coney island
a section of Brooklyn on the Atlantic; known as an amusement center
desert island
A desert island is a small tropical island, where nobody lives. a small tropical island that is far away from other places and has no people living on it
desert island
isolated island
ellis island
an island in New York Bay that was formerly the principal immigration station for the United States; "some twelve millions immigrants passed through Ellis Island
floating island
dessert made of custard with floating quantities of beaten egg whites; floating piece of land similar to an island
floating island
A dessert of soft custard with mounds of beaten egg whites or whipped cream floating on its surface
galveston island
an island at the entrance of Galveston Bay
grand island
a town in south central Nebraska
guadalupe island
a Mexican island in the Pacific west of Baja California
hatteras island
a barrier island running parallel to the North Carolina shore
heat island
A dome of elevated temperatures over an urban area caused by the heat absorbed by structures and pavement
heat island
{i} urban heat island, area (such as a a city or industrial compound) with higher temperatures than in the surrounding region resulting from the generation and retention of heat by its structures or pavements and heat created by human activity
heat island
Centralized areas of high temperature, often due to city urbanization
heat island
An area, such as a city or industrial site, having consistently higher temperatures than surrounding areas because of a greater retention of heat, as by buildings, concrete, and asphalt
heat island
The dome of relatively warm air which develops over the center of urbanized areas
plural of islander
plural of island
liberty island
an island in New York Bay southwest of Manhattan where the Statue of Liberty stands; "Congress officially changed the name from Bedloe's Island to Liberty Island in 1956
long island
an island in southeastern New York; Brooklyn and Queens are on its western end
long island sound
a sound between Long Island and Connecticut
manhattan island
an island at the north end of New York Bay where the borough of Manhattan is located
norfolk island
an island territory of Australia in the Pacific Ocean off the eastern coast of Australia; formerly a British penal colony
norfolk island pine
evergreen of Australia and Norfolk Island in the South Pacific
north island
the smaller but more populous of two main islands of New Zealand; separated from South Island by Cook Strait
north island edelweiss
perennial herb closely resembling European edelweiss; New Zealand
prince edward island
an island in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence; the smallest province of Canada
rhode island
a state in New England; one of the original 13 colonies; the smallest state
rhode island
one of the British colonies that formed the United States
rhode island
a state in New England; one of the original 13 colonies; the smallest state one of the British colonies that formed the United States
rhode island red
American breed of heavy-bodied brownish-red general-purpose chicken
rock island
a town in northwest Illinois on the Mississippi River; site of a Union prison during the Civil War
safety island
An area marked off within a roadway from which traffic is banned, especially to provide pedestrian safety
safety island
safe area on road that provides pedestrian safety
sao tiago island
largest of the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean
sea island cotton
small bushy tree grown on islands of the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of the southern United States; yields cotton with unusually long silky fibers
south island
the larger but less populous of two main islands of New Zealand; separated from North Island by Cook Strait
staten island
a borough of New York City
thousand island dressing
mayonnaise with chili sauce or catsup and minced olives and peppers and hard-cooked egg
traffic island
A raised area over which cars may not pass, placed at a junction of thoroughfares or between opposing traffic lanes. a raised area in the middle of a road where people can wait until it is safe to cross
traffic island
small surface in the middle of a road, intermediary stop for pedestrians crossing the street; division between opposite lanes of traffic
traffic island
an island area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians
urban heat island
{i} heat island, area (such as a a city or industrial compound) with higher temperatures than in the surrounding region resulting from the generation and retention of heat by its structures or pavements and heat created by human activity
vancouver island
an island off southwestern Canada (off the southwestern coast of British Columbia); the largest island off the west coast of North America
wake island
an island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii
Türkçe - İngilizce

island teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

thousand island sosu
Thousand Island dressing



    Türkçe nasıl söylenir



    /ˈīlənd/ /ˈaɪlənd/


    () Old English īġland. The S was added by confusion with Old French isle, which is not related but is instead from Latin insula. Cognate with German Aue (“water-meadow”) and Latin aqua. Compare Dutch eiland, German Eiland, Old Norse eyland and English ey as in Anglesey, Bardsey, Ely.


    ... makes new mom is very person on this island is very much about my feelings ...
    ... Ikaria, a small island in Greece. ...