(Askeri) USULSÜZLÜK, AYKIRILIK, YOLSUZLUK, DÜZENSİZLİK: Yönetmeliklerin, kanunların ve emirlerin lafz ve ruhuna riayetsizlik veya verilmiş bulunan yetkiye kanun dışı tecavüz. IRREGULAR OUTER EDGE (LAND MINE WARFARE): DÜZENSİZ DIŞKENAR (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Düşmanı mayın tarlasının şekli ve sahası hakkında yanıltmak maksadıyla mayın tarlasının önüne düşmanın karşısına gelecek şekilde döşenmiş kısa mayın kuşakları. Genellikle gayrimuntazam dış kenar sadece gömülü mayınların bulunduğu mayın tarlalarında kullanılacaktır
a variation form established rules, standards, principles, or procedures in a manner that can lead to unjustifiable actions or indefensible decisions See Procedures, Standardized Conditions
irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels; can be a symptom of intestinal obstruction or diverticulitis
If events or actions occur at irregular intervals, the periods of time between them are of different lengths. Cars passed at irregular intervals He worked irregular hours. regular + irregularly ir·regu·lar·ly He was eating irregularly, steadily losing weight. + irregularity irregularities ir·regu·lar·ity a dangerous irregularity in her heartbeat
A growth habit that is not of a particular shape, often assumed as trees grow old and lose their characteristic form due to natural spreading of the canopy, and sometimes with the additional impact of storm damage
Flowers which are not radially symmetrical The petals may be unlike each other in shape, size and / or color Often they have upper and lower parts called lips Do not confuse this term with the term "Indistinguishable"
An irregular verb, noun, or adjective has different forms from most other verbs, nouns, or adjectives in the language. For example, `break' is an irregular verb because its past form is `broke', not `breaked'. regular. a soldier who is not an official member of a country's army
Classes that do not fit into the "regular" class definition; can include independent study, thesis, dissertation, practicum, field experience, individualized instruction
Irregular behaviour is dishonest or not in accordance with the normal rules. the minister accused of irregular business practices + irregularity ir·regu·lar·ity charges arising from alleged financial irregularities
Something that is irregular is not smooth or straight, or does not form a regular pattern. He had bad teeth, irregular and discolored. = uneven regular + irregularly ir·regu·lar·ly Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain. + irregularity ir·regu·lar·ity treatment of abnormalities or irregularities of the teeth
Not regular; not conforming to a law, method, or usage recognized as the general rule; not according to common form; not conformable to nature, to the rules of moral rectitude, or to established principles; not normal; unnatural; immethodical; unsymmetrical; erratic; no straight; not uniform; as, an irregular line; an irregular figure; an irregular verse; an irregular physician; an irregular proceeding; irregular motion; irregular conduct, etc
deviating from what is usual or common or to be expected; often somewhat odd or strange; "these days large families are atypical"; "highly irregular behavior"
merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name not occurring at expected times independent in behavior or thought; "she led a somewhat irregular private life"; "maverick politicians"
(of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement used of the military; not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces; "irregular troops"; "irregular warfare