
listen to the pronunciation of io
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Askeri) bilgi hedefleri; bilgi harekatları; istihbarat gözetimi; uluslar arası teşkilat (information objectives; information operations; intelligence oversight; international organization)
jüpiter i kod isimli uydu
(Mitoloji) İnakhos'un kızı. Hera mağbedinin rahibesiyken Zeus ona görür görmez tutulmuştu
Türkçe - Türkçe
İngilizce - İngilizce
Indirect Object
input and output
A moon of Jupiter, known for its volcanic activity, peppered with about 400 active volcanoes
In Greek mythology, the daughter of the river god Argos. Io drew Hera's jealousy when Zeus fell in love with her. Zeus changed her into a white heifer to protect her. Hera sent the many-eyed creature Argus to watch over the heifer, but Zeus sent Hermes to lull Argus to sleep and kill him. Hera then sent a gadfly to pursue Io, who fled across Europe and crossed the bodies of water later named the Ionian Sea and the Bosporus ("Ford of the Cow") in her honour. When she arrived in Egypt she resumed her original form. She was later identified with the Egyptian goddess Isis
Io, daughter of Inachus
{i} closest moon of the planet Jupiter that has active volcanoes; (Greek mythology) maiden whom Zeus loved and turned into a heifer by Zeus so that she escapes the anger and jealousy of his wife Hera
symbol of ionium, radioactive isotope of thorium (Chemistry)
Information Operations; Information Objectives
the closest of Jupiter's moons; has active volcanoes (Greek mythology) a maiden seduced by Zeus; when Hera was about to discover them together Zeus turned her into a white heifer
Default option Open existing template for reading and writing If the data dictionary is a sequential file and the template does not exist, a template will be created
Information operations
The holder of this derivative instrument receives interest payments from a specific regular interest class or from a piece of the collateral The holder receives no interest payments
Intra Osseous Infusion route via bone marrow, used in some EMS systems on pediatric (child) patients
Insertion Order It is a binding contract on one piece of paper that outlines the ad sale you are making It must be signed by your ad client
Abbreviated term for ILLINET Online, the Library's catalog (See ILLINET Online)
Formal printed order to run an ad campaign Typically, an ad space seller will send the advertiser an insertion order for them to sign and send back
Interoperability Objective
(Greek mythology) a maiden seduced by Zeus; when Hera was about to discover them together Zeus turned her into a white heifer
A type of moth, the io moth
An exclamation of joy or triumph; often interjectional
the closest of Jupiter's moons; has active volcanoes
See: Interest-only strip
International Organization
Independent Observer Additional research crew at Passing Mode (PM) of line-transect sighting survey This was introduced to estimate g(0) IO does the sighting survey at IOP (IO Platform)
Information On-Line The IU Libraries on-line system



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    /ˈīō/ /ˈaɪoʊ/


    () After Ancient Greek Ἰώ (Iō), daughter of Inachus. See Io (mythology).