(her-ed-it-ary) - genes passed along to you from your mom, dad, or other relatives
inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition"
A title or position in society that is hereditary is one that is passed on as a right from parent to child. the position of the head of state is hereditary
Something that is passed on through generations genetically The inheritance of a hereditary disease is dependent upon the genes received from one's parents
Transmissable from parent to offspring by information encoded in the parental germ cell
Transmitted, or capable of being transmitted, as a constitutional quality or condition from a parent to a child; as, hereditary pride, bravery, disease
{s} passed down genetically, transferred naturally from parent to child; pertaining to an inheritance