(Askeri) ENTERPOLATÖR: Bir mesafe düzeltme aleti veya, gözetleme ile elde edilen esaslarda, rüzgar, hız, istikamet vs. tesirler için düzeltmeler yapan, diğer aletler tarafından hesaplanmış atış esasları birimlerinin kesirlerini veren basit hesap aleti
İngilizce - İngilizce
interpolate teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
During the course of processing some data, and in response to a directive in that data, to fetch data from a different source and process it in-line along with the original data
In Perl, variable interpolation happens in double-quoted strings and patterns, and list interpolation occurs when constructing the list of values to pass to a list operator or other such construct that takes a LIST.
To estimate the value of a function between two points between which it is tabulated
{f} insert something new, add something between parts; intercalate; alter a text (especially in an unauthorized manner); add an intermediate term (Mathematics)
A method for estimating data points that fall between points of actual measurement For example, if the data for 1992 and 1994 are 5 and 10 respectively, one could interpolate from that data that the value was 7 5 (at the midpoint) in 1993
Applied to logical contouring by determining vertical distances between given spot elevations
To estimate values between measured values, usually using a mathematical function Spatial interpolation involves estimating values on a map
To interpolate is to insert values in between This is frequently used in the context of estimating intermediate values of an unknown function where discrete values are known
(4 syl ) For two or more persons to polish up something between them Metaphorically, to insert spurious matter in a book or document; to gag (Latin, inter polio, to polish )
To alter or corrupt by the insertion of new or foreign matter; especially, to change, as a book or text, by the insertion of matter that is new, or foreign to the purpose of the author
To fill up intermediate terms of, as of a series, according to the law of the series; to introduce, as a number or quantity, in a partial series, according to the law of that part of the series
If you interpolate a comment into a conversation or some words into a piece of writing, you put it in as an addition. Williams interpolated much spurious matter These odd assertions were interpolated into the manuscript some time after 1400. = insert
A method of reallocating attribute data from one spatial representation to another A simple example is to reallocate data from sample points to polygons using Thiessen polygons Kriging is a more complex example that allocates data from sample points to a surface
To estimate on the basis of some rule Hence linear interpolation estimates the position of points from values of the respective function on either side of the point
Determining or estimating a value between known values interstellar - Between the stars interstellar dust grains - Clumps of atoms and molecules in the interstellar medium interstellar gases - Molecules of gas in the interstellar medium interstellar medium - Material occupying the space between stars
(1) matrix for comparison of central pixels to surrounding pixels, used to increase the apparent resolution of a digital image; (2) a mathematical technique used in some scanning and graphic programs to increase resolution also called bi-cubic or sequential interpolation
The idea of estimating some value between two values In LP, an interpolation estimate of the optimal objective value, say z(ab+(1-a)b'), is az(b) + (1-a)z(b')
A technique used to make sound smoother and take out the high pitched ringing sound that occurs when a sample is played below the sampling rate by drawing straight lines through the points instead of "stepping" through the sample Some interpolation draws curves instead, giving clearer sound
A process for generating estimated functional values at arbitrary locations beginning with a set of known functional values At the original points, the estimated values will be identical to the interpolated values
(mathematics) calculation of the value of a function between the values already known a message (spoken or written) that is introduced or inserted; "with the help of his friend's interpolations his story was eventually told"; "with many insertions in the margins
Given a set of bivariate data (x, y), to impute a value of y corresponding to some value of x at which there is no measurement of y is called interpolation, if the value of x is within the range of the measured values of x If the value of x is outside the range of measured values, imputing a corresponding value of y is called extrapolation
a message (spoken or written) that is introduced or inserted; "with the help of his friend's interpolations his story was eventually told"; "with many insertions in the margins"
The method or operation of finding from a few given terms of a series, as of numbers or observations, other intermediate terms in conformity with the law of the series
A digital picture can be enlarged in size by adding new pixels to the existing grid Some camera and scanner software do this as the picture is processed to give higher resolution results The fact is, interpolation increases the picture by guessing what pixels are required and uses information from the surrounding pixels to achieve this Although the overall picture count will rise image quality can actually suffer and definition is often reduced
A method of increasing image resolution artificially A digital camera relies on its internal hardware components to capture images The hardware typically has a maximum image resolution-for instance, 1,280 x 1,024 pixels-that it can achieve That resolution is known as the camera's optical resolution Some cameras, however, use built-in software coding to capture images with resolution than exceeds the camera's hardware limitations That resolution is known as the camera's interpolated resolution Interpolation creates new pixels from those that exist and inserts them in-between the existing pixels to increase the image's overall resolution Though interpolation can improve picture quality, interpolated images tend to look fuzzy when enlarged
Increasing the number of pixels in an image or filling in missing colour information by averaging the values of neighbouring pixels (basically using an educated guess) This 'upsampling' cannot add detail or information but is used by most digital cameras when recording images
Method used to increase the resolution of an image map by adding pixels to an image based on the value of surrounding pixels This method can cause artifacting
An interpolation is an addition to a piece of writing. The interpolation appears to have been inserted very soon after the original text was finished. = addition. In mathematics, estimation of a value between two known data points. A simple example is calculating the mean (see mean, median, and mode) of two population counts made 10 years apart to estimate the population in the fifth year. Estimating outside the data points (e.g., predicting the population five years after the second population count) is called extrapolation. If more than two data points are available, a curve may fit the data better than a line. The simplest curve that fits is a polynomial curve. Exactly one polynomial of any given degree an interpolating polynomial passes through any number of data points
A process that occurs automatically when an image's dimensions or resolution are changed which results in re-coloring the pixels Interpolation may cause an image to look blurry when it's printed You can choose an interpolation method in PhotoShop from slower, but better, to faster but lower quality