RFI Many electronic devices, including computers and peripherals, can interfere with other signals in the radio-frequency range by producing electromagnetic radiation; this is normally regualated by government agencies in each country
Any induced, radiated, or conducted electrical disturbance or transient that causes undesirable responses or malfunctioning in any electrical or electronic equipment, device, or system Same as EMI
Radio signals from external sources that invade and can be heard through, sound systems Reflection: A term that describes the amount of sound "bouncing" off of hard surfaces Rejection: A microphone's ability to selectively exclude sounds coming from outside it's pickup pattern Resistance: Opposition, measured in ohms, to the flow of electrical current Reverberation: Sound waves that continue to bounce around a space after the sound source has ended Room: Any enclosed space in which a performance is staged
An audible buzz or noise in some sensitive audio and radio equipment caused by the dimmer's rapid current switching in conjunction with sharp current rise