(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK KULLANILABİLME: İki veya daha fazla kalemin a) performans ve dayanıklılık olarak fiziki ve işlevsel özelliklere sahip olması ve b) kalemlerin kendilerinde, veya bitişik kalemlerde, ayarlama hariç bir değişiklik yapmadan ve uyması ve performansı açısından, seçim yapılmaksızın bir diğerinin yerine konabilmesi halinde ortaya çıkan durum. Bak. "compatibility"
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK PARÇA LİSTELERİ: Çeşitli tipten genel maksat ve muharebe araçlarında müşterek kullanılan ve bu araçların birinden diğerine takılabilen parçaları gösterir listeler. INTERCHART RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (INDEX TO ADJOINING SHEETS): HARİTA İLİŞKİ DİYAGRAMI: Bir deniz veya kara haritasında, aynı seriden (veya ilgili seriden) bitişik paftaların isim ve/veya numaralarını gösteren diyagram. INTERCHART RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (INDEX TO ADJOINING SHEETS): HARİTA KOMŞU PAFTA TAKSİMAT ENDEKSİ: İki kalın münhani arasında eğriler arasındaki yükseklik farkına bağlı olmak üzere, çizilen 3 veya 4 adet münhani
(Askeri) BİRBİRİ YERİNE KULLANABİLME KABİLİYETİ: Bir maddenin verim etkinliğinde, sıhhatinde ve emniyetinde bir azalma olmadan başka bir terkip veya kaynaktan olan diğer bir madde yerine kullanılabilmesi
İngilizce - İngilizce
interchangeability teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
A condition which exists when two or more items possess such functional and physical characteristics as to be equivalent in performance and durability, and are capable of being exchanged one for the other without alteration of the items themselves, or of adjoining items, except for adjustment, and without selection for fit and performance [JP1]
The condition that exists between devices or systems that exhibit equivalent functionality, interface features and performance to allow one to be exchanged for another, without alteration, and achieve the same operational service An alternative term for compatibility Compare Interoperability
Means exchangeable Interchangeable items are objects which, in terms of size, quantity or weight, are quantifiable and, therefore, interchangeable Interchangeable goods or securities can only be traded on the stock exchanges, i e they are not mutually exchangeable or interchangeable Banknotes, for example: a 50 Deutschmark note is interchangeable with any other Goods can be rendered interchangeable by standardisation
A condition which exists when two or more items possess such functional and physical characteristics as to be equivalent in performance and durability, are capable of being exchanged one for the other without alteration of the items themselves or of adjoining items, except for adjustment, and without selection for fit and performance
(mathematics, logic) such that the arguments or roles can be interchanged; "the arguments of the symmetric relation, `is a sister of,' are interchangeable"
Things that are interchangeable can be exchanged with each other without it making any difference. Every part on the new models is interchangeable with those on the original. + interchangeably inter·change·ably These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings. things that are interchangeable can be used instead of each other