
listen to the pronunciation of intelligence
İngilizce - Türkçe

Ünlü biri hayal akıldan daha önemlidir dedi. - Someone famous said that imagination is more important than intelligence.


Fransız İstihbaratı için çalışır. - She works for French intelligence.

Ben istihbarat birliklerinde görev yaptım. - I served in the intelligence corps.


İnsan, zekasını geliştirdi. - Human beings evolved their intelligence.

Bazen zekandan şüphe ediyorum. - Sometimes I doubt your intelligence.

istihbari (bilgi)
(Tıp) an
(Felsefe) intelligentia
haber alma
{i} beyin
(Askeri) (NATO) İSTİHBARAT: Yabancı ülkeler, düşman veya muhtemel düşman kuvvetler veya unsurlar, veya gerçek veya muhtemel harekat bölgeleri hakkındaki bilginin işlenmesi sonucu çıkan ürün. Terim, bu sonucu veren faaliyet, bu tip faaliyetle ilgili kuruluşlar içinde geçerlidir. Bak. "basic intelligence", "combat intelligence", "security intelligence"; "strategic intelligence", "target intelligence", "technical intelligence"
{i} bilgi

Facebook'a üye olursanız, bilgileriniz istihbarat örgütlerine gönderilecektir. - If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies.

Zeka ve bilgi iki çok farklı şeydir. - Intelligence and knowledge are two very different things.

{i} anlama

Onu anlamak için çok zekaya ihtiyacın yok. - You don't need much intelligence to understand that.

öIçülmüş zeka derecesini gösteren rakam
intelligence quotient zekâ bölümü
intelligence bureau istihbarat bürosu
{i} haber; bilgi
{i} zekâ sahibi
{i} kafa
intelliqence service istihbarat teşkilâtı
{i} zekilik
(Tıp) Doğuştanmevcut olan akıl yeteneği
{i} anlayış
{i} akıllılık
(Askeri) (SAVUNMA BAKANLIÐI) İSTİHBARAT: Yabancı ülkeler veya bölgelerle ilgili mevcut bilgilerin toplanması, işleme tabi tutulması, birleştirilmesi, analizi, değerlendirilmesi ve yayınlanması sonucu çıkan netice. Bak. "basic intelligence", "biographical intelligence", "combat intelligence", "communications intelligence", "counter-intelligence", "departmentalintelligence", "economic intelligence", "electronic intelligence", "evasion and escape intelligence", "interception", "military geography", "national intelligence", "operational intelligence", "political intelligence", " scientific intelligence", "signal intelligence", "sociological intelligence", "staff intelligence", "strategic air intelligence", "strategic intelligence", "strategic psychological warfare intelligence", "target intelligence", "terrain intelligence" ve "weather intelligence"
{i} akıllı kimse
{i} haberalma
{i} idrak
zeka sahibi
intelligence collection
(Askeri) haber toplama
intelligence department
(Ticaret) ranseyman servisi
intelligence officer
intelligence quotient
entelektüel zeka
intelligence service
(Politika, Siyaset) haber alma servisi
intelligence department
istihbarat servisi
intelligence department office
haberalma dairesi
intelligence quotient
zekâ bölümü
intelligence test
zekâ testi
intelligence test
zeka testi
intelligence co-operation
istihbarat işbirliği
intelligence failure
akıl başarısızlığı
intelligence manager
istihbarat müdürü
intelligence material
istihbarat malzeme
intelligence profile
Zekâ profili
intelligence quotient, iq
zeka, iq
intelligence section
zeka bölümü
intelligence, sense
zeka, duyu
intelligence; smartness
zeka; şıklığı
intelligence agency
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT BÜROSU: Bir teşkil veya teşkilin ast kısımlarından biri. Bu kısım veya teşkil; esas itibarıyla, bilgi toplamak, toplanan bilgileri istihbarat haline getirmek ve elde edilen istihbaratı ilgililere dağıtmaktan sorumludur
intelligence and electronic warfare
(Askeri) istihbarat ve elektronik harp
intelligence and threat analysis center (Army)
(Askeri) istihbarat ve tehdit analiz merkezi (Kara Kuvvetleri)
intelligence annex
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT EKİ: Düşmanın durumu istihbarat görevinin tayini ve istihbarat idari usulleri hakkında detaylı bilgi sağlayan bir harekat emri veya planının destekleyici dökümanı
intelligence annex
(Askeri) istihbarat eki
intelligence area of influence
(Askeri) istihbarat etki sahası
intelligence area of interest
(Askeri) istihbarat ilgi sahası
intelligence assessment
(Askeri) istihbarat analizi
intelligence budget estimate submission
(Askeri) istihbarat bütçe tahmin arzı
intelligence bulletin
intelligence bureau
istihbarat bürosu
intelligence collection
(Askeri) HABER TOPLAMA: İstihbaratta; haber kaynaklarının toplama unsurları tarafından, sistematik olarak çalıştırılması ve bu suretle elde edilen bilgi ve haberlerin ilgili istihbarat kısmına verilmesi
intelligence collection and production agencies
intelligence collection plan
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT TOPLAMA PLANI: Bir istihbarat ihtiyacını karşılamak maksadıyla mevcut bütün kaynaklardan bilgi toplanması ile ilgili bir plan. Bu plan, özellikle, esas bilgi unsurlarını gerekli süre içinde bilgi toplama kaynaklarına verilecek emir veya bunlardan yapılacak istek haline intikal ettiren mantıki bir hazırlıktır. Bak. "intelligence cycle", "intelligence process"
intelligence community
(Askeri) MERKEZ İSTİHBARAT GRUBU (HV.): Hükümet merkezinde; istihbarat toplanması kıymetlendirilmesi, istihbarat olarak meydana çıkarılması ve dağıtımı ile ilgili Amerikan İstihbarat makamlarının heyeti umumiyesi
intelligence community
(Askeri) merkez istihbarat grubu
intelligence contingency funds
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT İHTİMAL FONLARI: Diğer fonların kullanımı mümkün olmadığı zaman veya istihbarat birliğinin görevini tehlikeye atacağı veya engelleyeceği zaman istihbarat faaliyetleri için kullanılmak üzere tahsis edilmiş fonlar
intelligence contingency funds
(Askeri) istihbarat kontenjan fonları
intelligence customer
(Askeri) istihbarat alıcısı
intelligence cutoff data
(Askeri) istihbarat kestirim verisi
intelligence cycle
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT ÇARKI: Bilginin istihbarata çevrildiği ve kullananların istifadesine sunulduğu safhalardır. Çarktaki 5 aşama şunlardır: a. PLANLAMA VE YÖNELTME: İstihbarat ihtiyaçlarının belirlenmesi, bir toplama planının hazırlanması, bilgi toplama vasıtalarına emirlerin ve isteklerin yayımlanması ve toplama vasıtalarının üretkenliğinin sürekli kontrolü. b. TOPLAMA: Bilginin iktisabı ve bu bilginin işlem yapan ve/veya istihbarat üreten unsurlara tedariki. c. İŞLEM: Toplanan bilginin istihbarat üretmeye uygun bir şekle çevrilmesi. d. ÜRETİM: Tüm kaynaklardan gelen bilginin birleştirilmesi, analizi, değerlendirilmesi ve yorumlanması vasıtasıyla bilginin istihbarata çevrilmesi ve bilinen ve beklenen kullanıcı ihtiyaçlarını destekleyecek istihbarat sonuçlarının hazırlanması. e. YAYIMLAMA: İstihbaratın kullanıcılara uygun bir şekilde aktarılması
intelligence cycle
(Askeri) İstihbarat çarkı
intelligence data base
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT VERİ BAZI (ESASI): İstihbarat verilerinden elde bulundurulanların toplamı ve verilen bir teşkilattaki bitirilmiş istihbarat sonuçları
intelligence data handling system
(Askeri) istihbarat verilerini işleme sistemi
intelligence data handling systems
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT BİLGİLERİ İŞLEME SİSTEMİ: Ham bilgi ve istihbarat bilgilerini ihtiyaç duyulduğu şekilde işleme tabi tutan ve idare eden bilgi sistemleri. Genel amaçlı kompüterler, kompüter bilgi verme-alma teçhizatı ve döküman ve fotoğraflar için otomatik biriktirme ve çağırma teçhizatı ile tavsif edilirler, otomasyon, istihbarat bilgi işlem sistemlerinin belirgin bir özelliğidir. Tek sistem elemanları otomatikleştirilebilir veya el ile işletilebilir
intelligence database
(Askeri) istihbarat veri tabanı
intelligence department
istihbarat departmanı
intelligence directing
(Askeri) İstihbarat faaliyetlerini yönlendirme INTELLIGENCE OFFICER AS STAFF
intelligence directorate of a joint staff
(Askeri) müşterek karargah istihbarat başkanlığı
intelligence education
(Askeri) istihbarat eğitimi
intelligence estimate
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: İlerideki muhtemel, olayların ihtimal derecesini, gelişmeleri ve/veya harekat tarzları ve bunların doğurduğu sonuçları ve neticelerini tahmin eden durum muhakemesi. Bak. "intelligence estimate of the situation"
intelligence estimate of the situation
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT DURUM MUHAKEMESİ: Bir düşman veya muhtemel düşman için imkan dahilinde bulunan hareket tarzlarının ve bu hareket tarzlarına vereceği muhtemel öncelik sırasının tayin ve tespiti bakımından, özel bir durum veya şartla ilgili istihbarat unsurları üzerinde yapılan bir değerlendirme. Bak. "estimate of the situation"
intelligence for psychological warfare
(Askeri) PSİKOLOJİK HARP İSTİHBARATI: Psikolojik harbin idaresini desteklemek için lüzumlu olan istihbarat
intelligence fusion center
(Askeri) istihbarat birleştirme merkezi
intelligence gain/loss
(Askeri) istihbarat kazancı/kaybı
intelligence information management
(Askeri) istihbarat bilgi yönetimi
intelligence interpretation
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Yeni elde edilen bilgilerin muhtemel değerini ortaya çıkarmak için yapılan analiz
intelligence journal
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT CERİDESİ: Belirli bir dönemi, genellikle 24 saati, kapsayan istihbarat faaliyetlerinin kronolojik kaydı. Gelen ve giden mesajların ve raporların, meydana gelen önemli olayların ve yapılan işlemlerin bir endeksidir. Kalıcı ve resmi bir kayıttır
intelligence journal
(Askeri) istihbarat ceridesi
intelligence level
zeka seviyesi
intelligence map
(Askeri) istihbarat haritası
intelligence map
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT HARİTASI, İSTİHBARAT DURUM HARİTASI: Bir komutanlığın istihbarat kısmında toplanan bilgilerin işaretlendiği harita. İstihbarat haritası, düşman hakkında elde edilen bilgilerden bir haritaya çizilecek olanların hepsini gösterir. Buna "intelligence situation map" de denir
intelligence net
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT ÇEVRİMİ: Düşman hakkındaki kıymetli askeri bilgileri yaymak için kullanılan telsiz istasyonları çevrimi
intelligence office
istihbarat servisi
intelligence office
haberalma dairesi
intelligence officer
istihbarat subayı
intelligence officer
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT SUBAYI, S2: Tugay hariç daha küçük birliklerde istihbarat kısmını idare eden subay. Buna kısaca "S2" de denir
intelligence photography
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Yerdeki faaliyetler ve tesisler hakkında bilgi elde etmek için, hava araçlarından fotoğraf alınması ve bunların tahlil ve tefsiri. Bak. "photography" ve "reconnaissance photography"
intelligence plan
(Askeri) istihbarat planı
intelligence plan
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT PLANI: Bir harekat planının istihbaratla ilgili teferruatı ihtiva eden eklerinden biri. Bu plan, normal olarak, düşman durumunun özetini, esas bilgi unsurlarını, keşif ve gözetleme vazifelerini, harp esirlerini, ele geçirilmiş döküman ve malzemeyi, harita ve fotoğrafları, düşman istihbaratına karşı koymayı, yardımcı unsurları, müteferrik konuları, raporları ve bunların dağıtımını ihtiva eder
intelligence planing phases
(Askeri) İstihbarat Planlama safhaları
intelligence preparation of the battlespace
(Askeri) muharebe sahası istihbarat hazırlığı
intelligence priorities for strategic planning
(Askeri) stratejik planlama için istihbarat öncelikleri
intelligence process
(Askeri) istihbarat işlemi
intelligence process
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT İŞLEMİ: Haberlerin toplanıp istihbarata çevrilmesi ve elde edilen sonuçlardan, ihtiyacı olanların yararlandırılması tedbirleri. Bu tedbirler, genel olarak üç safhada toplanır: a. TOPLAMA: Belirli bir istihbarat konusu ile ilgili haberlerin tedarik ve seçilmesi. b. SONUÇ ÇIKARMA, YORUM: Toplanmış bilgilerde güven derecesinin mantık yolu ile araştırılması, üzerlerinde yapılacak analizle uygun sonuçların çıkarılması ve gerekirse, bu sonuçların planlama muvacehesinde yorumlanması. c. YAYIM: İstihbaratın, münasip form (ağızdan, grafik, veya yazılı) halinde, ihtiyacı olan makamlara gönderilmesi. Bak. "intelligence collection plan"
intelligence production agency
(Askeri) istihbarat üretim dairesi
intelligence production requirement
(Askeri) istihbarat ürün ihtiyacı
intelligence program budget decision
(Askeri) istihbarat programı bütçe kararı
intelligence program decision memorandum
(Askeri) istihbarat programı karar memorandumu
intelligence program objective memorandum
(Askeri) istihbarat programı hedef memorandumu
intelligence program review group
(Askeri) istihbarat programı inceleme grubu
intelligence program support group
(Askeri) istihbarat programı destek grubu
intelligence quotient
zekâ derecesi
intelligence related activities
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT İLE İLGİLİ AKTİVİTELER: 1. Birleştirilmiş savunma istihbarat programı dışında olan ve (a) yabancı unsurlar hakkındaki hassas bilgi için harekat komutanlarının görevlendirmesine cevap veren; (b) ilk görevi harekat halindeki kuvvetleri desteklemek olan ulusal istihbarat topluluğu görevlendirme sistemlerine cevap veren; (c) istihbarat görevleri için personeli eğiten; (d) bir istihbarat ihtiyatı temin eden veya; (e) istihbarat veya ilgili imkan ve kabiliyetlerin araştırma ve geliştirmesine ithaf edilmiş faaliyetlerdir. 2. Önde gelen görevi acilen kullanılacak hedef bilgisi sağlama haline gelen bir hedef sistemi ile yakınen bütünlenen programlar özellikle hariç tutulmuştur
intelligence report
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT RAPORU: Genellikle tek bir konu hakkında, taktik harekatlarda komutanlığın her seviyesinde yapılmış ve bilginin zaman hassasiyeti gözönünde bulundurularak mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk yayımlanmış özel bilgi raporu. Buna INTREP'de denir. İstihbarat raporuna, genel olarak, bir de harita eklenir
intelligence report
(Askeri) istihbarat raporu
intelligence reporting
(Askeri) istihbaratı rapor etme
intelligence reporting
(Askeri) istihbarat rapor verme sistemi
intelligence reporting
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT RAPOR VERME SİSTEMİ, İSTİHBARATI RAPOR ETME: Bilgilerin hazırlanması ve herhangi bir vasıta ile gönderilmesi. Terim, daha çok haber toplayıcılar tarafından hazırlanıp mensup olduğu karargaha, bir karargahtaki istihbarat unsurundan da, istihbarat yapan bir veya daha çok unsura gönderilen raporlara inhisar eder. Böylece bu dar anlam içinde dahi istihbarat bildirme hem toplama hem yayma anlamlarını içine alır. Terimi hem normal hem ihtisas istihbarat raporlarına uygulanır. 8ak. "normal intelligence reports", "specialist intelligence reports". INTELLIGENCE REPORT OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE (INTREP-CI): İSTİHBARATA KARŞI KOYMA RAPORU
intelligence requirements
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT İSTEKLERİ: İstihbarat hizmeti tarafından fiili çalışmaya ihtiyaç gösteren resmi bir talep veya hareket tarzı ifadesi. Bak. "essential elements of information" ve "order for information"
intelligence requirements for attack
(Askeri) Taaruzda istihbarat istekleri INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING
intelligence review
(Askeri) istihbarat dergisi
intelligence review
intelligence section
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT KISMI II. KISIM, S-2: Tugay hariç daha küçük birliklerde (yani genel karargahı bulunmayan birliklerde), istihbarat ve düşman istihbaratına karşı koyma faaliyetlerini planlayan ve bunlara nezaret eden kısım. Buna kısaca "S-2" de denir. Bak. "military intelligence section"
intelligence service
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT HİZMETİ: Bir komutanlığın, düşman hakkında kıymetli askeri bilgi toplayan şube veya kısmı
intelligence service
istihbarat teşkilatı
intelligence service
istihbarat servisi
intelligence situation map
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT DURUM HARİTASI: Bak. "Intelligence map"
intelligence situation summary
(Askeri) istihbarat durum özeti
intelligence staffs
(Askeri) istihbarat karargahları
intelligence subject code
(Askeri) istihbarat konu kodu
intelligence subject code
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT KONU KODU: Genel istihbarat döküman referans hizmeti tarafından istendiği şekilde istihbarat raporlarında bulunan bilginin endekslenmesi için bir konu ve saha referansları sistemi
intelligence summary
(Askeri) istihbarat özeti
intelligence summary
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT ÖZETİ: Sık aralıklarla istihbarat konularının bir özetini veren özel rapor. Bak. "intelligence". INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE (INTSUM-CI): İSTİHBARAT KARŞI KOYMA ÖZEL RAPORU
intelligence support element
(Askeri) istihbarat destek unsuru
intelligence task force (DIA)
(Askeri) istihbarat görev kuvveti (Savunma İstihbarat Teşkilatı (DIA))
intelligence workbook
(Askeri) İstihbarat iş muhturası
intelligence working group; interagency working group
(Askeri) istihbarat çalışma grubu; birimler arası çalışma grubu
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
(Askeri) istihbarat, gözetleme ve keşif
interpersonal intelligence
Başka insanları anlayıp, onlarla iletişime geçebilme zekâ yeterliliği
information, intelligence, data
bilgi, istihbarat, veri
insult to the intelligence
istihbarat hakaret
interpersonal intelligence
Sosyal zekâ
intrapersonal intelligence
İçsel zeka
incident commander; intelligence community; intercept
(Askeri) vaka komutanı; istihbarat topluluğu; önleme
information coordination center; intelligence coordination center (USCG); Inters
(Askeri) bilgi koordinasyon merkezi; istihbarat koordinasyon merkezi (USCG); Eyaletler Arası Ticaret Komisyonu
information objectives; information operations; intelligence oversight; internat
(Askeri) bilgi hedefleri; bilgi harekatları; istihbarat gözetimi; uluslar arası teşkilat
infrared intelligence
(Askeri) kızılötesi istihbarat
innate intelligence
kalıtsal zeka
interdepartmental intelligence
(Askeri) BAKANLIKLAR ARASI İSTİHBARAT: ABD hükümetinin bakanlık ve teşkilatlarınca görevlerinin icrası için ihtiyaç duyulan ancak üretecek olan tek bir bakanlık veya teşkilatın kendi yeteneklerini aşan birleşik (entegre) bakanlık istihbaratı
artificial intelligence
yapay anlayış
concerning intelligence
creative intelligence
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yaratıcı zeka
human intelligence
(Askeri) beşeri istihbarat
human intelligence
(Askeri) insan istihbaratı
intelligence test
ıq testi
level of intelligence
spatial intelligence
(Eğitim) uzamsal zeka
combat intelligence
savaş haberalması
communications intelligence
iletişim zekası
counter-intelligence service
karşı casusluk servisi
electronic intelligence
elektronik istihbarat
electronics intelligence
elektronik haberalma
machine intelligence
makine zekası
security intelligence
strategic intelligence
stratejik zeka
tactical intelligence
taktikli bilgi
telemetry intelligence
telemetre bilgisi
terrain intelligence
arazi bilgisi
artificial intelligence
Yapay zekâ
collective intelligence
kolektif akıl
combat intelligence
savaş haberalmasi
department of energy intelligence
enerji bakanlığı istihbarat
emotional intelligence
Duygusal zekâ
gendarmery intelligence
Jandarma istihbarat
give intelligence of
zeka vermek
kinaesthetic intelligence
Devinduyumsal zeka
logical intelligence
Mantıksal zeka
marketing intelligence
pazarlama istihbarat
mathematical intelligence
Matematiksel zekâ
musical intelligence
Müzikal Zeka,Müzikle Öğrenme
simulated intelligence
simüle istihbarat
swarm intelligence
Çevreleriyle yerel etkileşimler içinde bulunan ve çok da gelişmiş olmayan etmenlerin tutarlı işlevsel bir ortak aklı meydana getirebilmeleri, sürü aklı, topluluk zekası
system intelligence
sistem istihbarat
the intelligence community
istihbarat topluluğu
visual intelligence
Görsel zekâ
human intelligence; human resources intelligence
(Askeri) beşeri istihbarat; insan kaynakları istihbaratı
joint force intelligence directorate counterintelligence and human intelligence
(Askeri) müşterek kuvvet istihbarat başkanlığı karşı istihbarat ve beşeri istihbarat personel unsuru
operational intelligence requirements; other intelligence Requirements
(Askeri) harekat istihbarat ihtiyaçları; diğer İstihbarat istekleri / ihtiyaçları
specialist intelligence report; spot intelligence report
(Askeri) uzmanın istihbarat raporu; nokta tespit istihbarat raporu
İngilizce - İngilizce
An entity that has such capacities
A political or military department, agency or unit designed to gather such information
Capacity of mind, especially to understand principles, truths, facts or meanings, acquire knowledge, and apply it to practice; the ability to learn and comprehend

Not so, however, with Tarzan, the man-child. His life amidst the dangers of the jungle had taught him to meet emergencies with self-confidence, and his higher intelligence resulted in a quickness of mental action far beyond the powers of the apes.

Information, usually secret, about the enemy or about hostile activities
capacity to know or understand
JP 1-02
Intelligence is the quality of being intelligent or clever. She's a woman of exceptional intelligence
Ability to acquire, retrieve, and use knowledge in a meaningful way; to understand concrete and abstract ideas; and to comprehend relationships among objects and ideas (Solso)
the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
Genus: A mental faculty Differentia: The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge
– Your organization is taking all of the data collected on members, visitors, and constituents and building a knowledge base to give you true insight into who the member is, how they engage you, how they are accessing your organization Reports are also at your fingertips A Digital Dashboard gives Executives the ability to access reports from multiple systems quickly and efficiently Better decisions can be made because information can be sliced and diced effectively
the part of you that thinks and that uses what it learns to better your life
the operation of gathering information about an enemy the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy); "we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage"
The product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign countries or areas Also, information and knowledge about an adversary obtained through observation, investigation, analysis, or understanding Captain Darryl J Fengya acts as the director of intelligence for U S Joint Forces Command
the ability to perceive, pose and resolve problems
The ability of a system to use general information to respond appropriately to specific events
The ability to understand and apply knowledge Intelligence is measured using a standardized intelligence test, and the results are expressed numerically
according to Wecshler, the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his or her environment
Ability to deal with abstract concepts and form complex pictures of the outside world Creativity, ability with spoken and written language etc
(a) That which a properly standardized intelligence test measures (b) The ability to learn from experience, think in abstract terms, and deal effectively with one?s environment See also intelligence quotient, mental age
The capacity to know or understand; readiness of comprehension; the intellect, as a gift or an endowment
The relative ability of the brain to acquire, store, retrieve, and process information
The ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations
Information and data collected by a government to learn about other states' capabilities and intentions
Does the horse seem in control, aware of its surroundings, alert?
A feature of a machine that would be described as intelligence if it was exhibited by a human; an intelligent device has some local processing power (such as a microcomputer on a network)
Intelligence is information that is gathered by the government or the army about their country's enemies and their activities. Why was military intelligence so lacking?. In education, the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or challenging situations. In psychology, the term may more specifically denote the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as the IQ test). Intelligence is usually thought of as deriving from a combination of inherited characteristics and environmental (developmental and social) factors. The subject remains hotly debated, and many have tried to show that either biology (especially genes) or environment (especially conditions reflecting socioeconomic class) are more or less exclusively responsible for producing differences in intelligence. Particularly contested have been studies purporting to show links between ethnic heritage and intelligence, most of which have not been accepted in the scientific community. General intelligence is often said to comprise various specific abilities (verbal ability, ability to apply logic in solving problems, etc.), but critics contend that such compartments fail to reflect the nature of cognition and that other models, perhaps based on information processing, are needed. High intelligence (as measured by tests) is sometimes shown to correlate with social achievement, but most experts believe other factors are important and that intelligence is no guarantor of success (and its lack is no guarantor of failure). See also artificial intelligence; creativity. In government and military operations, evaluated information concerning the strength, activities, and probable courses of action of international actors that are usually, though not always, enemies or opponents. The term also refers to the collection, analysis, and distribution of such information and to the secret intervention in the political or economic affairs of other countries, an activity commonly known as "covert action." Intelligence is an important component of national power and a fundamental element in decision making regarding national security, defense, and foreign policies. It is conducted on three levels: strategic, tactical, and counterintelligence. Despite the public image of intelligence operatives as cloak-and-dagger secret agents, much intelligence work involves an undramatic search of "open" sources, such as radio broadcasts and various publications. Among covert sources of intelligence are imagery intelligence, which includes aerial and space reconnaissance, signals intelligence, which includes electronic eavesdropping and code breaking, and human intelligence, which involves the secret agent working at the classic spy trade. Leading national intelligence organizations are the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the U.S.; the Federal Security Service in Russia; MI5 and MI6 in Britain; and the Mossad in Israel. intelligence quotient Military Intelligence Unit 5 search for extraterrestrial intelligence artificial intelligence Central Intelligence Agency
Acquaintance; intercourse; familiarity
Information communicated; news; notice; advice
an ability to learn and understand new knowledge or reason in new situations; see also artificial intelligence, competitive intelligence Intelligence
The accumulation of experiences together with the knowing as to how these experiences are connected; wisdom Back to Top
An intelligent being or spirit; generally applied to pure spirits; as, a created intelligence
Intelligence is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of all available information, that concerns one or more aspects of foreign nations or of areas of foreign operations, and that is immediately or potentially significant to military planning and operations
secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy); "we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage"
a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy
{i} ability to reason and understand; cleverness, brilliance; knowledge, information; collecting of information; government or military agency which collects information about other governments and potentially subversive individuals
Intelligence is the ability to think, reason, and understand instead of doing things automatically or by instinct. Nerve cells, after all, do not have intelligence of their own
We need a being to perform an action in order to judge his/her/its intelligence Intelligent actions are the ones people judge to be intelligent (See Section 1 1 1 )
Knowledge imparted or acquired, whether by study, research, or experience; general information
Physical bits and pieces gathered in a sceptical way; evidence Ability to follow a program and carry out a routine in an expedient and effective manner Compare Knowledge
the operation of gathering information about an enemy
The capacity to acquire knowledge and the skilled use of reason; the ability to comprehend
The act or state of knowing; the exercise of the understanding
new information about specific and timely events; "they awaited news of the outcome"
intelligence agencies
plural form of intelligence agency
intelligence agency
A governmental agency that is devoted to the information gathering (known in the context as "intelligence") for purposes of national security and defense
intelligence asset
a resource by means of which intelligence is gathered
intelligence quotient
A score derived from one of several different standardized tests attempting to measure intelligence
intelligence quotients
plural form of intelligence quotient
intelligence agent
secret agent: a person secretly employed in espionage for a government
intelligence analyst
a government analyst of information about an enemy or potential enemy
intelligence cell
a terrorist cell whose members are trained to perform reconnaissance and surveillance
intelligence community
a group of government agencies and organizations that carry out intelligence activities for the United States Government; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence
intelligence community
community made up of people involved in collecting and studying information (generally referring to secret service agents)
intelligence corps
soldiers involved in collecting secret information
intelligence evaluation
quantitative and qualitative test of gathered information in order to evaluate a situation
intelligence material
information gathered by secret service operators
intelligence net
communications network that is used by intelligence factors
intelligence officer
officer in the intelligence department
intelligence operation
gathering of information by workers in an intelligence department
intelligence quotient
A scale unit used in reporting intelligence test scores, based on the ratio between mental age and chronological age The decimal point is omitted so that the average IQ for children of any one chronological age is set at 100 See also chronological age, deviation IQ, mental age
intelligence quotient
measure of an individual's intelligence obtained through standardized intelligence tests, IQ
intelligence quotient
The intelligence level determined form he ration of mental age chronological age (the actual age of a student according to birthdate) Chronological age is a determined by the tasks a student can perform at a certain age and an age scale
intelligence quotient
a person's mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100 (See 397)
intelligence quotient
a measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age (multiplied by 100)
intelligence quotient
Score achieved on an intelligence test that identifies learning potential
intelligence quotient
The ratio between a person's chronological age and mental age (as measured by an intelligence test), multiplied by 100
intelligence quotient
The ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100 (100 x (MA/CA)); one whose mental age is average for his or her chronological age group has an IQ of 100
intelligence quotient
A numerical value of intelligence derived from the results of an intelligence test (p 298)
intelligence quotient
The ratio of tested mental age to chronological age, usually expressed as a quotient multiplied by 100. IQ
intelligence report
account containing information that is secret or concerns an enemy
intelligence section
branch of the government or military which is responsible for collecting and studying information relevant to national security
intelligence service
organization which is responsible for collecting and studying information relevant to national security
intelligence test
psychological test designed to measure the mental ability of an individual
intelligence test
A standardized test used to establish an intelligence level rating by measuring a subject's ability to form concepts, solve problems, acquire information, reason, and perform other intellectual operations
intelligence test
a psychometric test of intelligence; "they used to think that intelligence is what an intelligence test tests
intelligence tests
psychological tests designed to measure the mental ability of an individual
interpersonal intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others
interpersonal intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence can be developed through humor as students work in pairs as a funny person and a straight person. Analyzing videos of some of the old comedy teams such as Laurel and Hardy or the Marx Brothers will help students to recognize, through caricature, different kinds of interpersonal skills and the importance of timing in clever repartee. Students can then try doing their own version of some of the skits. Such exercises are excellent ways to develop self-confidence in front of an audience, as well as the ability to collaborate spontaneously. The planning and performance of humorous skits, pantomimes, and theatre games (such as Viola Spolin's) offer interesting and amusing ways to develop interpersonal intelligence that will serve students in many other contexts
intrapersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence, (self smart) refers to having an understanding of yourself, of knowing who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, how you react to things, which things to avoid, and which things to gravitate toward. We are drawn to people who have a good understanding of themselves because those people tend not to screw up. They tend to know what they can do. They tend to know what they can’t do. And they tend to know where to go if they need help
insult to the intelligence
showing scorn for one's level of intelligence
international intelligence agency
an intelligence agency outside the United States
adaptive intelligence
The human mind model, in that human intelligence as represented by the brain/mind model will tend to change (adapt) toward positive modes of survival
adaptive intelligence
A branch of artificial intelligence dealing with training using not only the statistical estimation of data, but combining it with specific domain knowledge
artificial intelligence
Intelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity
artificial intelligence
The essential quality of a machine which thinks in a manner similar to or on the same general level as a human being
artificial intelligence
The branch of computer science dealing with the reproduction or mimicking of human-level thought in computers
Attributive form of artificial intelligence

artificial-intelligence programmer.

business intelligence
Any information that pertains to the history, current status or future projections of a business organization
computational intelligence
A field of study that covers traditional artificial intelligence together with neural networks and fuzzy systems etc
emotional intelligence
The ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups
fluid intelligence
The capacity to think logically and solve problems in novel situations, independent of acquired knowledge
tactical intelligence
Surveillence of the immediate surroundings using one's senses
artificial intelligence
the branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively; "workers in AI hope to imitate or duplicate intelligence in computers and robots
{n} understanding, advice, notice
ambient intelligence
(Bilgisayar) In computing, ambient intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence is a vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing that was originally developed in the late 1990s for the time frame 2010–2020. In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices (see Internet of Things). As these devices grow smaller, more connected and more integrated into our environment, the technology disappears into our surroundings until only the user interface remains perceivable by users
business intelligence
Business intelligence (BI) is a business management term that dates to 1958[1]. It refers to applications and technologies that are used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information about company operations. Business intelligence systems can help companies have a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business, such as metrics on sales, production, and internal operations, and they can help companies to make better business decisions. Business Intelligence should not be confused with competitive intelligence, which is a separate management concept
kinaesthetic intelligence
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Bodily/kinaesthetic intelligence is one of the many types of intelligence described in multiple intelligence theory. People with significant bodily/kinaesthetic intelligence may enjoy doing things rather than reading or hearing about them, and are good at making things and at physical activities in general
multiple intelligence
Multiple intelligences is educational theory put forth by psychologist Howard Gardner, which suggests that an array of different kinds of "intelligence" exists in human beings. Gardner suggests that each individual manifests varying levels of these different intelligences, and thus each person has a unique "cognitive profile." The theory was first laid out in Gardner's 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and has been further refined in subsequent years
swarm intelligence
Swarm intelligence (SI) is the collective behaviour of decentralized, self-organized systems, natural or artificial. The concept is employed in work on artificial intelligence. The expression was introduced by Gerardo Beni and Jing Wang in 1989, in the context of cellular robotic systems
verbal intelligence
Intelligence in the use and comprehension of language
intelligence test
mental test
Plural of intelligence