
listen to the pronunciation of integrated
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} bütünlemiş
(Dilbilim) bütüncül
{f} birleştir
{f} tümleştir

O okulun entegre edilmiş orta okul ve lise olduğunu unutma. - Bear in mind that that school is an integrated junior high and high school.

Bu buzdolabının entegre buz ve su dağıtıcısı vardır. - This refrigerator has an integrated ice and water dispenser.

{f} tümleştir: adj.tümleşik
{f} birleştir: adj.entegre
{s} birleşik
{s} karma
entegre olmuş
integrated approach
(Politika, Siyaset) bütünsel yaklaşım
integrated approach
(Dilbilim) bütüncül yaklaşım
integrated circuit
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) tümdevre
integrated data processing
(Bilgisayar) tümleşik veri işleme
integrated information system
(Bilgisayar) tümleşik bilişim dizgesi
integrated optical circuit
(Bilgisayar) tümleşik optik devre
integrated planning
bütünleşik planlama
integrated amplifier
entegre amplifikatör
integrated circuit
tümleşik devre
integrated circuit
entegre devre
integrated circuit array
tümleşik devre dizisi
integrated computer package
tümleşik yazılım
integrated data processing
bütünleşik bilgi işlem
integrated database
tümleşik veritabanı
integrated emulator
tümleşik emulatör
integrated information center
tümleşik bilişim merkezi
integrated information system
tümleşik bilişim sistemi
integrated software
tümleşik yazılım
integrated software package
tümleşik yazılım paketi
integrated data storage
tümleşik veri depolama
integrated data user
tümleşik veri kullanıcı
integrated description
entegre açıklaması
integrated environment
entegre bir ortamda
integrated magnitude
toplam kadir
integrated marketıng
Bütünleşik pazarlama
integrated program
entegre program
integrated with
ile birleştirilmiş
entegre devre
integrated air defence
(Askeri) entegre hava savunması
integrated amplifier
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) tümleşik yükselteç
integrated analysis
(Denizbilim) bütünleşik çözümleme
integrated aquaculture
(Denizbilim) bütünleşik akvakültür
integrated border management
(Politika, Siyaset) entegre sınır yönetimi
integrated brand communication
(Reklam,Ticaret) bütünleşik marka iletişimi
integrated browsers
(Bilgisayar) tümleşik inceleyiciler
integrated command control
(Askeri) entegre komuta kontrol
integrated command, control, and communications
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş komuta, kontrol ve muhabere
integrated communications
bütünleşik haberleşme
integrated communications system
(Askeri) BİRLEŞTİRİLMİŞ MUHABERE SİSTEMİ: Tek taraflı veya müşterek bir esasa dayanan bir sistem. Bir mesaj, bu sisteme dahil olan herhangi bir muhabere merkezi tarafından alınıp dosyalanabilir ve, yolda yeniden işleme tabi tutulmaksızın, yani aynı sistem içindeki bu işi yapabilecek diğer bir muhabere merkezi tarafından, gönderilen makama (addressee) teslim edilebilir. Böyle bir sistemi usullerde yeknesaklığı, müteaddit sınıflar tarafından işletilen muhtelif muhabere sistemleri arasında sağlam irtibatı ve lazım gelen aktarmalı çalışmalar için tedbirler alınmış olmasını icap ettirir
integrated communications, navigation, and identification avionics
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş muhabere, seyrüsefer ve tanıma hava elektroniği
integrated computerized deployment system
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş bilgisayarlı konuşlanma sistemi
integrated consumable item support
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş tüketilebilir madde desteği
integrated continental United States (CONUS) medical mobilization plan
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş Kıta Amerikası (CONUS) sıhhi seferberlik planı
integrated cost
(Ticaret) tümleşik maliyet
integrated course
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş kurs
integrated course
integrated course
(Askeri) bütünleştirilmiş kurs
integrated customs tariff of the european communities
(Avrupa Birliği) (TARIC) Avrupa Toplulukları Entegre Gümrük Tarifesi
integrated database
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş veritabanı
integrated defence
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş savunma
integrated defense
(Askeri) BİRLEŞTİRİLMİŞ SAVUNMA: İki veya daha çok hassas bölgenin tek bir genel savunma ile savunulduğu hava savunması
integrated direct ignition
entegre direkt ateşleme
integrated drive generators
(Askeri) entegre güç kaynakları
integrated economi
karma ekonomi
integrated electronic ignition
(Otomotiv) elektronik ateşleme entegresi
integrated emulator
tümleşik emülator
integrated fire control system
(Askeri) ENTEGRE ATIŞ KONTROL SİSTEMİ: Esas olarak elektromanyetik cihazlarla takviyeli elektronik vasıtalardan faydalanarak tespit ve takip, esasların hesaplanması, silahın tevcih ve ateşlenmesi işlerini birleştiren sistem
integrated fish farming
(Denizbilim) bütünleşik çiftlikçilik
integrated flux
(Nükleer Bilimler) toplam akı
integrated flux
(Çevre) akış entegrali
integrated harness
(Havacılık) takılmış kolan
integrated helmet and display sight system (Army)
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş başlık ve görüntü görüş sistemi (Kara Kuvvetleri)
integrated information systems
entegre bilgi sistemleri
integrated information systems
(Politika, Siyaset) bütünleşik bilgi sistemleri
integrated lift system
(Havacılık) entegre kaldırma sistemi
integrated logistic support
(Askeri) ENTEGRE LOJİSTİK DESTEK: Bir sistemin kullanım süresi boyunca, etkin ve ekonomik desteğini temin maksadıyla gerekli tüm destek mütalaalarının bir terkibi. Sistem iktisap ve çalıştırılmasının tüm diğer veçhelerinin dahili bir bütünüdür
integrated material management
(Askeri) BİRLEŞTİRİLMİŞ MALZEME YÖNETİMİ: Tek bir teşkilat tarafından bir Federal ikmal grubu/sınıfı emtia veya kalem için tüm Savunma Bakanlığı sorumluluğunun tatbiki. Normal olarak gereksinimlerin hesaplanması, finansman, bütçe temini, depolama, dağıtma, kataloglama, standartlaştırma ve ikmal fonksiyonlarını kapsar
integrated materiel management
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş malzeme yönetimi
integrated neutron flux
(Çevre) nötron akışı entegrali
integrated optical circuit
optik tumdevre
integrated plan
(Bilgisayar) bütünleşmiş plan
integrated planning team; integrated process team; Integrated Product Team
(Askeri) birleşik planlama takımı; birleşik işlem takımı; Birleşik Ürün Grubu
integrated plant
(Ticaret) entegre tesis
integrated potentiometer
potansiyometre içinde
integrated projects
(Politika, Siyaset) bütünleştirilmiş projeler
integrated propulsion system
(Havacılık) entegre itme sistemi
integrated revision
(Askeri) DÜZELTİLMİŞ BİRLEŞİK BASKI: Bir teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosunun yayınlanmış bütün diğer değişikliklerle beraber yeni ve onaylanmış değişiklikleri de ihtiva eden, elektrikli bir hesap makinesiyle yapılmış, düzeltmeli nüshası. Bu değişiklikler evvelce yayınlanmış temel çizelge ile birleştirilmiş ve cari standartlara uygun olarak yenileştirilmiştir
integrated revision
(Askeri) düzeltilmiş birleşik baskı
integrated satellite communications (SATCOM) database
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş uydu muhabere (SATCOM) veritabanı
integrated services digital network
(ISDN) Tümleşik Sayısal İletişim Ağı
integrated services digital network
(İSDN) tumlesik hizmetler sayisal agi
integrated staff
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş karargah
integrated staff
(Askeri) BİRLEŞTİRİLMİŞ KARARGAH: Karargah müessesesinde bir mevkiye milliyet veya sınıfına bakılmaksızın sadece bir subayın atandığı bir karargah heyeti. Bak "combined staff", "joint staff", "parallel staff", "staff"
integrated system test; interswitch trunk
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş sistem testi; şehirler arası ana telefon hattı
integrated tactical communications system
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş taktik muhabere sistemi
integrated tactical warning and attack assessment
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş taktik ikaz ve taarruz değerlendirmesi
integrated warfare
(Askeri) entegre harp
integrated warfare
(Askeri) ENTEGRE HARP: Herhangi bir muharebe ortamında, düşman kuvvetlerin konvansiyonel silahları, konvansiyonel olmayan silahlarla müştereken kullandıkları askeri harekatın icrası
integrated waste
entegre atık
individual deployment site; integrated deployment system; interface design stand
(Askeri) bireysel konuşlanma sahası; birleştirilmiş konuşlanma sistemi; enterfaz tasarım standartları; müsadesiz girişleri tespit sistemi
instrument landing system; integrated logistic support
(Askeri) alete iniş sistemi; birleştirilmiş lojistik destek
{f} birleştirmek
{f} integralini almak
be integrated
entegre olmak
tümlevini almak
parçalardan oluşmuş
entegre etmek
thick film integrated
kalın film entegreli
computer integrated manufacturing
bilgisayarla tümleşik üretim
hybrid integrated circuit
melez tüm devre
(with/into ile) bütünleşmek
large scale integrated circuit
büyük ölçüde bütünleşik devre
microwave integrated circuit
mikrodalga tümleşik devre
become integrated into
içine entegre olmak
biomass integrated gasification
biyokütle entegre gazlaştırma
compute-integrated manufacturing
bilgisayarın dâhil olduğu üretim
Birleştirmek, bütünleştirmek; ıntegrated: birleşik, bütünleşik

ör: integrated circuit-bütünleşik devre.

to be integrated
entegre olmak
vertically integrated
aynı şirketlerin farklı kademelerinin tedarik zinciri
vertically integrated
(Ekonomi) Bkz. vertical ıntegration
iyi bütünleşmiş
Individual Ready Reserve; integrated readiness report
(Askeri) Tek Er Hazır Kıta; birleştirilmiş hazırlıklılık raporu
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) mobile integrated com
(Askeri) Müşterek Dünya Çapında İstihbarat Muhabere Sistemi (JWICS) seyyar birleştirilmiş muhabere sistemi
annual integrated assessment for security assistance
(Askeri) yıllık birleştirilmiş güvenlik yardımı değerlendirmesi
cim (computer integrated manufact
uring) BTÜ (Bilgisayarla Tümleşik
computer integrated manufacture
(CİM) bilgisayarla tumlesik imalat
computer integrated manufacturing
(CIM) Bilgisayarla Tümleşik Üretim (BTÜ)
computer integrated manufacturing
Bilgisayarla Tümleşik Üretim (BTÜ)
conventional ammunition integrated management system
(Askeri) konvansiyonel mühimmat entegre yönetim sistemi
electronic warfare integrated reprogramming
(Askeri) elektronik harp birleştirilmiş yeniden programlama
image product library; integrated priority list
(Askeri) görüntü ürün kütüphanesi; birleştirilmiş öncelik listesi
improved conventional munitions; integrated collection management
(Askeri) geliştirilmiş konvansiyonel mühimmat; birleştirilmiş toplama yönetimi
{f} with ile birleştirmek
{f} katmak
{f} ilave etmek
{f} into -e katmak: He integrated the letters into his book. Mektupları kitabına kattı
joint integrated air defense system
(Askeri) müşterek birleştirilmiş hava savunma sistemi
joint integrated prioritized target list
(Askeri) müşterek birleştirilmiş öncelikli hedef listesi
linear integrated circuit
dogrusal tumdevre
mobile integrated tactical terminal
(Askeri) seyyar entegre edilmiş taktik terminali
modernized integrated database; modernized intelligence database
(Askeri) modernize edilmiş entegre veri tabanı; modernize edilmiş istihbarat veri tabanı
monolithic integrated circuit
tek yongalı tümleşik devre
monolithic integrated circuit
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) monolitik tümleşik devre
multinational integrated logistic support unit
(Askeri) çok uluslu birleştirilmiş lojistik destek birliği
precise integrated navigation system
(Askeri) hassas entegre seyrüsefer sistemi
receiver w/integrated media
(Otomotiv) almaç w/tümleşik media
red integrated strategic offensive plan
(Askeri) kırmızı entegre stratejik savunma planı
single integrated damage analysis capability
(Askeri) tek entegre hasar analizi kabiliyeti
single integrated medical logistics management; single integrated medical logist
(Askeri) tek entegreli tıbbi lojistik yönetimi; tek entegreli tıbbi lojistik yöneticisi
single integrated theater logistic manager
(Askeri) tek entegreli muharebe sahası lojistik yöneticisi
İngilizce - İngilizce
composed and coordinated to form a whole

We integrated the new command sequence into the new release.

characterized by racial integration
Present participle of integrate
resembling a living organism in organization or development; "society as an integrated whole"
The crossing of subject matter boundaries
United into a larger unit Brought together to form a satisfactory and working whole
formed into a whole or introduced into another entity; "a more closely integrated economic and political system"- Dwight D
Combined into a unified system taking into consideration all relationships In terms of transport this means considering all modes, land use patterns and social, environmental and economic impacts
resembling a living organism in organization or development; "society as an integrated whole
formed into a whole or introduced into another entity; "a more closely integrated economic and political system"- Dwight D Eisenhower; "an integrated Europe"
In the context of integration of management processes, we use integration to mean
Eisenhower; "an integrated Europe" resembling a living organism in organization or development; "society as an integrated whole
All of the wine's components are woven together
caused to combine or unite
To combine functions into one mechanism or unit
Any component that's self contained For example, my amp is an integrated amp - the pre and power amps are in the same box
A collection of distinct elements or components that have been built into one unit
PEST MANAGEMENT - A process for selecting strategies to regulate a forest pest in which scientists study and weigh all aspects of a pest host system including the impact on various resource values and the ecological acceptability of the strategy
When intergrated is used, it means that 2 or more devices have been made into one device Example, many motherboards these days have intergrated videocards which means the actual videocards is built into the board
Eisenhower; "an integrated Europe"
An integrated institution is intended for use by all races or religious groups. We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes. see also integrate segregated. an integrated system, institution etc combines many different groups, ideas, or parts in a way that works well. adj. Integrated Services Digital Network computer integrated manufacturing integrated circuit integrated pest management
Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Telecommunication service that uses digital transmission and switching technology to provide voice and data communications on a bearer channel while sending signals on a data channel Major offerings include Basic Rate, Primary Rate, and Broadband ISDN
When integrated is used, it means that 2 or more devices have been made into one device Example, many motherboards these days have integrated video cards which means the actual video cards is built into the board
formed or united into a whole
{s} mixed, merged, blended; joined, united; united to form a whole; desegregated, brought together as equals regardless of race or religion
not segregated; designated as available to all races or groups; "integrated schools"
Systems or procedures which are, or which appear to the end user to function as single entity
not segregated; designated as available to all races or groups; "integrated schools" formed into a whole or introduced into another entity; "a more closely integrated economic and political system"- Dwight D
integrated circuit
a thin chip consisting of at least two interconnected semiconductor devices, mainly transistors
integrated circuits
plural form of integrated circuit
integrated optical circuit
A photonic device that integrates multiple information signals which are composed of light of various wavelengths
integrated services digital network
The integration of data and voice communications services that are transported over digital facilities of various physical types
integrated circuit
An electronic circuit in which many active or passive elements are fabricated and connected together on a continuous substrate (usually silicon) Compare discrete device
integrated circuit
  An electronic circuit that consists of many individual circuit elements, such as transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and other active and passive semiconductor devices, formed on a single chip of semiconducting material and mounted on a single piece of substrate material   Synonyms chip (def #1), microcircuit   [From Weik '89]
integrated circuit
also called an IC, an integrated circuit consists of a single chip (usually silicon) with many components such as transistors and resistors fabricated on it Integrated circuits contain anywhere from a few tens to many millions of components Most of the ICs on the RoboBoard are MSI (medium scale integration), chips that contain anywhere from 20 to 200 logic gates
integrated circuit
Another name for a chip, an IC is a small electronic device made out of a semiconductor material
integrated circuit
A complete electronic circuit with transistors and wires connecting these transistors (metal interconnect) on a semiconductor chip
integrated circuit
electrical circuit composed of many miniature transistors and other electronic components embedded in a tiny chip, IC (Electronics)
integrated circuit
A collection of transistors and electrical circuits all built onto a single crystal Today's integrated circuits are no more than a centimeter long, and they can carry millions of microscopic transistors All computers have integrated circuits inside
integrated circuit
a solid state unit which contains basic electronic circuits, printed, in which parts or components are produced and contained in single small blocks of the unit; the components designed to perform different functions as resistors, capacitors, etc
integrated circuit
A microcircuit that consists of interconnected elements inseparably associated and formed on or within a single substrate, usually silicon, to perform an electronic circuit function
integrated circuit
A complete electronic circuit on a small chip of silicon Miniaturized electronic circuits etched on silicon wager chips
integrated circuit
Commonly called an IC A circuit component consisting of a piece of semiconductor material containing up to thousands of transistors and diodes
integrated circuit
A semiconductor device where the function of a circuit composed of many components such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc are duplicated by a single chip of silicon Also known as an "IC"
integrated circuit
A tiny complex of electronic components and their connections that is produced in or on a slice of material (such as silicon) A single IC can hold many electronic elements Also called a chip
integrated circuit
A semiconductor device that contains many circuit functions on a single chip
integrated circuit
(n) An electronic component made up of a large number of diodes, transistors, and resisters and integrated onto a single semiconductor substrate such as silicon An example of an integrated circuit is a central processing unit (CPU) in a computer
integrated circuit
A miniature or microelectronic device that integrates such elements as transistors, resistors, dielectrics and capacitors into an electrical circuit possessing a specific function Form the basis of all modern electronic products
integrated circuit
A miniature circuit of many components in a small, sealed housing with prongs to connect it into equipment
integrated circuit
An electronic circuit manufactured from semi-conducting material, entirely contained in single package
integrated circuit
A small electronic component made of semiconductor silicon on which an entire electronic circuit of numerous microscopic transistor amplifiers, diodes and resistors has been constructed
integrated circuit
A microcircuit that consists of interconnected elements inseparably associated and formed in-situ on or within a single substrate, usually silicon, to perform an electronic circuit function
integrated circuit
A complete electric circuit, connections, as well as, components, formed in a single semiconductor crystal Silicon chips contain thousands of integrated circuits
integrated circuit
a microelectronic computer circuit incorporated into a chip or semiconductor; a whole system rather than a single component
integrated circuit
A component containing many functional elements Typically manufactured on a single substrate (e g Silicon) but may also be a Hybrid
integrated circuit
An electronic circuit that consists of many individual circuit elements, such as transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and other passive and active semiconductor devices, formed on a single chip of semiconducting material and mounted on a single piece of substrate material
integrated circuit
A microcircuit (monolithic) consisting of interconnected elements inseparably associated and formed in situ on or within a single substrate (usually silicon) to perform an electronic circuit function
integrated circuit
Unique integrated circuit presents a form of intellectual property that is valuable and can be commercially exploited Integrated circuits can be protected via the Integrated Circuit Topography Act by registering them with the Registrar of Topographies at the Canadian Intellectual Property Office UST will facilitate the process of registration and licensing of integrated circuits
integrated circuit
An integrated circuit is a very small electronic circuit printed on a single silicon chip. a very small set of electronic connections printed on a single piece of semiconductor material instead of being made from separate parts. or microcircuit or chip or microchip Assembly of microscopic electronic components (transistors, diodes, capacitors, and resistors) and their interconnections fabricated as a single unit on a wafer of semiconducting material, especially silicon. Early ICs of the late 1950s consisted of about 10 components on a chip 0.12 in. (3 mm) square. Very large-scale integration (VLSI) vastly increased circuit density, giving rise to the microprocessor. The first commercially successful IC chip (Intel, 1974) had 4,800 transistors; Intel's Pentium (1993) had 3.2 million, and more than a billion are now achievable
integrated circuits
Small pieces of silicon on which are formed the basic electronic components that make up the various parts of a computer 2, p6
integrated circuits
An arrangement of miniature transistors (silicon chips) used for electronic data transmission Also known as ICs
integrated circuits
electrical circuit which contains different electronic components (as in transistors) imprinted on a single chip
integrated circuits
(ICs) take the functions of discrete semiconductor and passive components and combine them together on a single chip These may include "on-board" transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors and other circuit components Unlike discrete semiconductor components, which usually perform one function (such as switching), ICs are capable of performing multiple functions Vishay produces analog switches and power ICs
integrated data processing
automatic data processing in which data acquisition and other stages or processing are integrated into a coherent system
integrated fiscal- monetary policy
policy concerning the degree of government intervention in the level of economic activity by influencing the supply of money and demand for it (Economics)
integrated logistic support
the pooling of specific resources by subscribing nations for the support of some joint operation
integrated pest management
Technique for agricultural disease-and pest-control in which as many pest-control methods as possible are used in an ecologically harmonious manner to keep infestation within manageable limits. Integrated pest management addresses the serious ecological problems created by the extensive use of powerful chemical pesticides. It minimizes their use and combines them with biological methods of pest control, including the breeding of pest-resistant crop varieties, the development of crop culture methods that inhibit pest proliferation, the release of predators or parasites of the pest species, and the placement of traps baited with the pest's own sex attractants (pheromones). Chemical insecticides generally are applied only as a last resort
integrated software
program which can transfer files of data between different applications (Computers)
To form into one whole; to make entire; to complete; to renew; to restore; to perfect
radio frequency integrated circuit
An integrated circuit containing analog circuitry operating at frequencies in and above the ultrahigh frequency band
computer integrated manufacturing
A term used for describing a high level of automation in a manufacturing enterprise
computer integrated manufacturing
A specification that integrates computers into the manufacturing, design, and business functions of an organization Also see MAP
computer integrated manufacturing
The computer integrated enterprise of manufacturing including the management of required resources; people, organization, material, energy, data, computer technology and automation equipment
computer integrated manufacturing
The art and science of total integration for the purpose of reducing waste in the broadest sense
computer-integrated manufacturing
The coordination of CAD and CAM automation systems with each other and with information systems that relate to design and manufacturing
computer-integrated manufacturing
(Ticaret) (CIM) The use of computer systems in manufacturing that fulfill specific functional requirements and are integrated with the base ERP and supporting systems. CIM may involve the use of automatic data collection, CAD/CAM, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), robotics, machine vision, automated test equipment and many other systems
computer-integrated manufacturing
The use of computers and other advanced manufacturing techniques to monitor and perform manufacturing tasks
computer-integrated manufacturing
a complete system that designs products, manages machines and materials, and controls the operations function
computer-integrated manufacturing
The use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing to sequence and optimize a number of production processes
computer-integrated manufacturing
The use of computer systems in manufacturing that fulfill specific functional requirements and are integrated with the base ERP and supporting systems CIM may involve the use of automatic data collection, CAD/CAM, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), robotics, machine vision, automated test equipment and many other systems
computer-integrated manufacturing
Data-driven automation that affects all systems or subsystems within a manufacturing environment: design and development, production (see CAD/CAM), marketing and sales, and field support and service. Basic manufacturing functions as well as materials-handling and inventory control can also be simulated by computers before the system is built in an attempt to eliminate wastage. See also artificial intelligence, expert systems, robotics
to make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify
Share data and facilities
– Technology converges at this step in the continuum Data collected on the web is integrated with the Association Management System Member data is collected, confirmed and updated online Registration forms, event sign-ups and other data converges into the appropriate systems A true picture of the member develops Associations are able to anticipate needs and capitalize on the desires of members
To include people of all races
To subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of
If someone integrates into a social group, or is integrated into it, they behave in such a way that they become part of the group or are accepted into it. He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life Integrating the kids with the community, finding them a role, is essential The way Swedes integrate immigrants is, she feels, 100% more advanced If they want to integrate, that's fine with me. + integrated in·te·grat·ed He thinks we are living in a fully integrated, supportive society. + integration in·te·gra·tion the integration of disabled people into mainstream society
To desegregate, as a school or neighborhood
become one; become integrated; "The students at this school integrate immediately, despite their different backgrounds"
make into a whole; unify; or join together All elements of an integrated plan or integrated effort to resolve an issue are analyzed and factored together to make better decisions
To indicate the whole of; to give the sum or total of; as, an integrating anemometer, one that indicates or registers the entire action of the wind in a given time
v To make into a whole by bringing all parts together, unify
make into a whole or make part of a whole; "She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal" become one; become integrated; "The students at this school integrate immediately, despite their different backgrounds" calculate the integral of; calculate by integration
open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups; "This school is completely desegregated"
calculate the integral of; calculate by integration
put together, add, mix, combine, to unite with something else, assimilate
verb 1 To make whole or complete by adding or bringing together parts; to unify
to join or combine information to create a main idea
To compare two sets of files (e g , two codeline branches) and determine which changes in one set are applicable to the other; determine whether those changes have already been propagated; and propagate outstanding changes
When races integrate or when schools and organizations are integrated, people who are black or belong to ethnic minorities can join white people in their schools and organizations. Schools came to us because they wanted to integrate Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps. + integrated in·te·grat·ed a black honor student in Chicago's integrated Lincoln Park High School. + integration in·te·gra·tion Lots of people in Chicago don't see that racial border. They see progress towards integration
Combining or uniting parts together
To take data from a variety of differ-ent sources, in different formats, and merge it into a single format
{f} mix, merge, blend; join, unite; unite to form a whole; desegregate, bring together as equals regardless of race or religion
If you integrate one thing with another, or one thing integrates with another, the two things become closely linked or form part of a whole idea or system. You can also say that two things integrate. Integrating the pound with other European currencies could cause difficulties Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole Talks will now begin about integrating the activities of both companies. + integrated in·te·grat·ed There is, he said, a lack of an integrated national transport policy. + integration in·te·gra·tion With Germany, France has been the prime mover behind closer European integration
make into a whole or make part of a whole; "She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal"
Türkçe - İngilizce
integrated meat plants
(Denizbilim) entegre et tesisleri