Bunu sigortalamak istiyorum, lütfen.
- I'd like to insure this, please.
Yeni evini yangına karşı sigorta ettirdi.
- He insured his new house against fire.
Bu koliyi sigorta ettirmek istiyorum.
- I would like to insure this package.
Bu koliyi sigorta ettirmek istiyorum.
- I would like to insure this package.
Bunu sigortalamak istiyorum, lütfen.
- I'd like to insure this, please.
Evinizi yangına karşı sigortalayın.
- Insure your house against fire.
Tom'un hayatı üç yüz bin dolara sigortalı.
- Tom's life is insured for three hundred thousand dollars.
Ev yangına karşı sigortalıdır.
- The house is insured against fire.
Bunu sigortalamak istiyorum, lütfen.
- I'd like to insure this, please.
Kırılabilir bu parçalar bütün risklere karşı sigortalanmalıdır.
- These fragile items must be insured against all risks.
O kötü bir gün için kendini sigortalattı.
- He insured himself for a rainy day.
I'm not insured against burglary.
He insured me that there would be no further delays.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
... have to insure people. ...