innerlich verbunden

listen to the pronunciation of innerlich verbunden
Almanca - İngilizce
Sticking together
Aesthetically ordered
Logically consistent; applied to persons; as, a coherent thinker
signifies that something can be clearly and easily understood
-Means that two-thirds or more of the soil material, whether composed of peds or not, will remain united at the given moisture stage unless force is applied
A light wave whose parts are all in phase with each other
As applied to light waves, having identical frequency and identical phase, and traveling in the same direction Lasers produce coherent light
Composed of mutually dependent parts; making a logical whole; consistent; as, a coherent plan, argument, or discourse
The optical radiation resulting from wave trains vibrating in phase with each other Because these wave trains are composed of the same wavelength of light, they are termed "coherent "
Sticking together; cleaving; as the parts of bodies; solid or fluid
Electromagnetic waves generated by one (or more) source(s) are coherent when they have the same frequency and phase, both in time as well as in space
(adj ) Characteristic of two periodic signals that are phase-locked to a common submultiple The subcarrier of a studio-quality NTSC signal is coherent with its sync
Something that is logically connected
If someone is coherent, they express their thoughts in a clear and calm way, so that other people can understand what they are saying. He's so calm when he answers questions in interviews. I wish I could be that coherent. incoherent + coherence co·her·ence She lost consciousness and when she came round she still lacked coherence and focus
If something is coherent, it is well planned, so that it is clear and sensible and all its parts go well with each other. He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service The President's policy is perfectly coherent. muddled + coherence co·her·ence The campaign was widely criticised for making tactical mistakes and for a lack of coherence
Suitable or suited; adapted; accordant
Orderly, logical and consistent
Pertaining to a multi-way loudspeaker's sound: seamless from top to bottom; showing no audible evidence of a crossover or of different driver colorations in different frequency ranges Pertaining to the soundstage: phantom imaging that reproduces within the stereo stage the original lateral positions of the performers
{s} sticking together; consistent