incremental cost teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
- The additional costs incurred from the production or delivery of an additional unit of utility service, usually the minimum capacity or production that can be added The additional cost divided by the additional capacity or output is defined as the incremental cost
The cost of one more item after the cost of an initial quantity has been established For example, assume that 10,000 catalogs will cost you $20,000 dollars to produce and print ($2 00 each) If you increase the quantity to 12,000 and the price increases to $22,000, the additional 2,000 are costing you only $1 00 each (the incremental cost)
the increase or decrease in costs as a result of one more or one less unit of output
The immaterial marginal or added cost that increases total costs when additional services are provided or existing resources are shared with new funding sources
The absolute difference between the costs of alternative management strategies of the same disease or disorder
The amount by which the cost of one action exceeds that of another See also differential cost
The difference between the cost of an intervention of interest and the cost of the comparator
The additional cost that the GEF funds between the cost of an alternative project that a country would have implemented in the absence of global environmental concerns and a project undertaken with global objectives in mind It is a measure of the future economic burden on the country that would result from its choosing the GEF-supported activity in preference to one that would have been sufficient in the national interest
The cost added to an existing product or project status by processing the next operation or performing an additional activity