
listen to the pronunciation of inclined(p)
İngilizce - Türkçe

inclined(p) teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


O tembel olmaya eğimlidir. - He is inclined to be lazy.


Onunla aynı fikirde olmaya meyilli hissediyorum. - I feel inclined to agree with her.

Durgun olan çocuk bir hayal dünyasında yaşamaya daha meyillidir. - The inactive child is far more inclined to live in a world of fantasy.

{s} eğik
{s} eğilimli

O, kızmaya eğilimlidir. - He is inclined to get mad.

Kabul etmeye eğilimliyim. - I'm inclined to agree.

{s} istekli
inclined to
-e karşı istekli
inclined surface
eğimli yüzey
inclined tube manometer
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) eğik borulu basıölçer

Tom tembel olmaya yatkın. - Tom is inclined to be lazy.


Tom ayrıntılara girmek için eğilimli görünmüyordu ve ben zaten bütün detayları gerçekten bilmiyordum. - Tom didn't seem inclined to elaborate and I didn't really want to know all the details anyway.

Onu harfi harfine almayın. O abartma eğilimindedir. - Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate.

inclined line
eğik doğru
inclined plane
eğik düzlem
inclined roof
eğimli çatı
inclined shaft
eğik kuyu
inclined to
e karşı istekli
inclined tube boiler
eğik borulu kazan
inclined press
(Mühendislik) eğik pres
inclined terrain
eğimli arazi
inclined towards the arts; arty
sanat doğru eğik; arty
eğimli, meğilli
{s} eli yatkın
{f} eğ: adj.eğri
{s} yetenekli
{f} eğ: adj.eğimli
inclined angle of arch
kemer merkez açısı
inclined angle of crest
kret merkez açısı
inclined baffle fish ladder
eğik engelli balık geçidi
inclined barrel arch
eğik beşik kemer
inclined crested weir
eğik eşikli savak
inclined cut
(İnşaat) açılı kesim
inclined drilling
eğimli sondaj
inclined drop
eğik düzlem
inclined drop
eğik şüt
inclined drop structure
eğik düzlem şüt yapısı
inclined drop structure
eğik şüt yapısı
inclined extinction
eğik sönme
inclined fall
eğik şüt
inclined fall
eğik düzlem şüt
inclined fall structure
eğik şüt yapısı
inclined fall structure
eğik düzlem şüt yapısı
inclined floor
eğik döşeme
inclined fold
eğik kıvrım
inclined gauge
meyilli eşel
inclined grate
eğik ızgara
inclined lift
eğimli asansör
inclined plane
eğik düzlem,eğri yüzey
inclined plane test
eğik düzlem deneyi
inclined road
eğimli yol
inclined rock surface
eğik kaya sathı
inclined roller
eğik çevriler
inclined screen
eğik elek
inclined screen
eğimli elek
inclined seam
eğimli (kömür) damarı
inclined shaft
eğimli kuyu
inclined shaft
eğimli şaft
inclined shear plane
eğik makaslama düzlemi
inclined sight
meyilli rasat
inclined slat
eğik panjur çıtası
inclined stem
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) eğik sap
inclined strata
eğik katman
inclined strata
eğik tabaka
inclined throat
eğik boğaz
inclined tube manometer
egik borulu basiolcer
inclined tunnel spillway
eğik tünel dolusavak
inclined urn
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) eğik kesesi
be inclined to
-e meyli olmak
be inclined
meyilli olmak
given to rude play; inclined to romp
kaba oynamak için verilen eğilimli haşarılık
to be inclined to
meyilli olmak
be inclined
eccentric and inclined load
(Çevre) eğimli değişken yük
get inclined to
İngilizce - İngilizce
(often followed by `to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency; "wasn't inclined to believe the excuse"; "inclined to be moody
Having a tendency, preference, likelihood, or disposition

I am inclined to believe you.

At an angle to the horizontal; slanted or sloped

The take-off ramp was inclined at 20 degrees.

inclined plane
One of the simple machines; a sloping surface such as a ramp such that an object can be raised with less effort than being lifted vertically
Making an angle with some line or plane; said of a line or plane
If you are inclined to behave in a particular way, you often behave in that way, or you want to do so. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith If you are so inclined, you can watch TV
{s} disposed, having a tendency; sloping, descending
vagueness If you say that you are inclined to have a particular opinion, you mean that you hold this opinion but you are not expressing it strongly. I am inclined to agree with Alan
at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position; "an inclined plane
used especially of the head or upper back; "a bent head and sloping shoulders"
(often followed by `to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency; "wasn't inclined to believe the excuse"; "inclined to be moody"
Bent out of a perpendicular position, or into a curve with the convex side uppermost
at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position; "an inclined plane"
having made preparations; "prepared to take risks"
Someone who is mathematically inclined or artistically inclined, for example, has a natural talent for mathematics or art. the needs of academically inclined pupils. see also incline
Having a leaning or tendency towards, or away from, a thing; disposed or moved by wish, desire, or judgment; as, a man inclined to virtue
inclined fault
a geological fault in which one side is above the other
inclined plane
a simple machine for elevating objects; consists of plane surface that makes an acute angle with the horizontal
inclined plane
A plane set at an angle to the horizontal, especially a simple machine used to raise or lower a load by rolling or sliding
inclined to accept his offer
willing to say "yes" to his offer
be inclined to
Favor an opinion or a course of action
feel inclined
be disposed to, tend toward, be given to, prefer
was inclined to believe
tended to believe, was of the opinion, understood
was inclined to think
tended to think, was of the opinion, understood