in complete agreement

listen to the pronunciation of in complete agreement
İngilizce - İngilizce

in complete agreement teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

in agreement
Of one mind; thinking alike

The two of them always seem to be in agreement about every single detail.

in agreement
Confirmatory; matching

The results are in agreement with the calculated figures.

in agreement
Believing or feeling the same things. "When we discuss Canadian unity, we're in agreement."
in agreement
in accord, in harmony
in agreement
united by being of the same opinion; "agreed in their distrust of authority"
in agreement
with a common plan; "act in concert"
in agreement
in complete agreement


    in com·plete A·gree·ment

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    în kımplit ıgrimınt


    /ən kəmˈplēt əˈgrēmənt/ /ɪn kəmˈpliːt əˈɡriːmənt/