ilah mağfiret

listen to the pronunciation of ilah mağfiret
Türkçe - İngilizce
The process of being restored or made new for the purpose of becoming saved; the process of being rid of the old poor quality conditions and becoming improved
{n} a preservation from eternal death
saving someone or something from harm of from an unpleasant situation; "the salvation of his party was the president's major concern"
the state of being saved or preserved from harm
Saving power; that which saves
The liberation of persons from sin and its effects, reconciliation with God in and through Christ, the attainment of union with God forever in the glory of heaven as the supreme purpose of life and as the God‑given reward for fulfillment of his will on earth Salvation‑in‑process begins and continues in this life through union with Christ in faith professed and in action; its final term is union with God and the whole community of the saved in the ultimate perfection of God's kingdom The Church teaches that: God wills the salvation of all men; men are saved in and through Christ; membership in the Church established by Christ, known and understood as the community of salvation, is necessary for salvation; men with this knowledge and understanding who deliberately reject this Church, cannot be saved The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ (See below, Salvation outside the Church )
The act whereby God redeems us from our sin, paying the debt of our sin, setting us free to live as His children, in relationship with him It is a free gift, receive it by praying to God, asking him to take your sins away because of Jesus death on the cross Ask Him to come into your life, to lead you love you Guide you forever The act of God forgiving our sin so that we can have relationship with Him forever!
Being saved from sin and eternal damnation; redemption
the process of being saved, the state of having been saved (from hell)
{i} deliverance, redemption; act of saving, act of rescuing; savior, means of deliverance
The act of saving; preservation or deliverance from destruction, danger, or great calamity
God's deliverance for those who have faith in Christ's death and resurrection - from the just judgment of the law upon our sin God's salvation delivers us from the kingdom of darkness and places us in His kingdom Our new status before God is secure because we belong to Christ However it has to gradually and progressively work its way through all aspects of how we live Salvation and wholeness are closely linked We can expect God to bring a greater degree of wholeness to every aspect of our lives, as we serve him Salvation works redemptively in every area of our lives - including sin, rebelliousness, infirmities, anxiety, calamity, disease, grief, sickness, weakness and distress (Isaiah 53: 4-7) Having said this, it is also true that we will never be totally free from suffering in this life Whilst the work of the Cross is total and complete, our experience of it will only be completed when we go to be with Christ (after death), or when He returns to complete His kingdom
The salvation of someone or something is the act of saving them from harm, destruction, or an unpleasant situation. those whose marriages are beyond salvation
The act of being saved, which in Biblical terms means the promise that God will bring a person into His presence for eternity, as opposed to those that will be banned from His presence due to sin and unbelief The Bible is not political God is very clear about how to be saved (John 3: 16, Rom 10: 9, John 5: 24, Eph 2: 8-9, Rom 3: 21-23, 1 john 5: 11-13, Rom 8: 1, 2 Cor 5: 17, Acts 4: 12, Phil 2: 9-10)
saving someone or something from harm of from an unpleasant situation; "the salvation of his party was the president's major concern" a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness; "tourism was their economic salvation"; "they turned to individualism as their salvation" the state of being saved or preserved from harm
Deliverance from the power and effects of sin
Mormon: (1) For most Mormons this is equivalent to physical resurrection, the reuniting of body and soul on Judgment Day This is the only free gift in Mormonism This is why many can say they believe they are saved by Jesus alone They mean that they believe they don't have to do anything to be resurrected However, this salvation does not grant eternal life (exaltation) That is based on their successful completion of their plan of salvation Mormonism states that if one makes no effort and is an unbeliever he / she will still be resurrected and assigned a place in the lowest kingdom Therefore, a Mormon can say that a person is granted heaven solely on Jesus' atoning work And that person need not even believe in Jesus to attain it (2) Sometimes 'salvation' is used as a synonym for exaltation, as in "Plan of Salvation" (actually the plan of exaltation) Christian: The free gift of eternal life in heaven with God given us through faith in Jesus' saving work
a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness; "tourism was their economic salvation"; "they turned to individualism as their salvation"
(Christianity) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil